View Full Version : Tom Hank's Electric City

08-08-2012, 02:19 AM
Just wondering if anyone has watched the series?
I just saw an ad for it on youtube, spent an hour to watch the 20 eps.
I really enjoyed them, only negative thing I see is that they were only like 3 minute episodes.

You can find them here (http://electriccity.yahoo.com/ep1-en-truth-or-consequences.html) for free

Daaaah Whoosh
08-08-2012, 02:30 PM
I saw that a few weeks ago. I liked the idea, but I felt like it never went anywhere. No one really ever changed, they just did the same thing until it was over. It left me feeling like there was more somewhere, and that I'd only seen the beginning. Which is a possibility that has haunted me to this day.