View Full Version : Total Recall Review

08-11-2012, 02:03 AM
I saw Total Recall with some friends this afternoon. So, I thought i'd give a review of it to the community. Also, Total Recall is a remake. There was another one made a while ago that I haven't seen. So I can't give any comparisons. But, if anyone's seen both and would like to give their opinion on it, go ahead and post it.
I'll try not to include any spoilers.

It's a good movie, but a little confusing. Two women in the movie look very similar. And they're practically opposites. That was the most confusing thing for me. Another thing is sort of a spoiler, so don't continue reading if you want everything to be a complete surprise. All it is is an example on why it's so confusing
At first, everything is real. Then, nothing is real and you don't know what's going on. Then it turns out it is real. Then it's actually all fake. Then it's real again. Then it's fake, and then it's real. So, it can be quite confusing With the movie being all about messing with memory, (the movie is recall. As in recalling memories, so that shouldn't be a spoiler. The name gives it away) it makes it quite confusing. The way it introduced characters was also poor. It didn't even name some of them (at least I don't think so?).

Despite being confusing, it's still quite a good movie. Got a bit of everything, I guess. Not an absolutely great movie, but it wasn't bad. Don't be like "OMG I NEED TO SEE THIS." but go ahead and see it.

WARNING: It's rated PG (in Canada, at least. I don't know about the US, or anywhere else), but near the beginning of the movie, a girl takes off her shirt. However, she has three breasts. Don't know why. But she did. No censoring, no warnings, and it's rated PG. So, I definitely wasn't expecting that. So, don't let little kids go to that movie. They don't really need to be flashed.