View Full Version : Remembering 9/11

09-11-2012, 03:00 PM
Happened only a few years back, but it feels like a life time to me. Personally, I did my part and donated $100 bucks to a charity to 9/11 supporters and victims.

Nothing less, we can all put away whatever our feelings are with the war that led up after this or if this was a conspricy or not, and just remember the countless families this affected and how this changed the entire world as we know it.

But there was one positive thing that can from this tragedy. Everyone from every race, every culture finally came together and we weren't white or black or hispanic, we were all Americans. And that's something people like to forget pretty easily.


09-11-2012, 03:12 PM
very well put garg

09-11-2012, 03:18 PM
God Bless America


09-11-2012, 03:26 PM
Well put. My great grandparents were in New York just a few days before 9/11.They visited the towers just 4 days before that day. They're very lucky to have gotten out safely. In fact, theyre only a few feet from me right now.

We all need to put stuff aside. Whether the theories are true or not, many innocents died. That is what needs to be remembered. I may be Canadian, but I know I will never forget something like that.

SuRroundeD By 1
09-11-2012, 03:33 PM
I actually visited the towers . . . on 7/11/01, two months before they fell.

I was in first grade when the towers were brought to the ground, I remember the PA system warning all students to hide in their classrooms and teachers had to lock the doors. My dad actually came to my school and pulled me out of class about fifteen minutes after the first tower was hit. He was frantic and at first the office wasn't willing to release me . . . but though some sort of threat (suing or something idk) he was able to come get me (at least that's how he put it).

I got home by the time the first tower fell, and when the second one toppled to the ground my step-mom took us all into the basement, no one knew what was going on. I'll never forget that day.

@Unlucky, I love that song.

09-11-2012, 04:04 PM
What happened on that day, September 11, 2001, truly changed America. We have become even more united since then. We have shown the world that we are strong and can overcome anything the world tries to through at us. God Bless the everyone who has lost friends and family on that day.

09-11-2012, 05:12 PM
@Unlucky, I love that song.

I know right? It's awesome, I'd love to see France come up with a song that's even half as good.

And yea both of the towers had fallen before I even went to school.....that's right I still had to go to school.