View Full Version : Hello everyone. apendix eh?

09-14-2012, 12:18 AM
Hello everone i shall be making my retern very soon to FC. For thoughs of you that didnt know i had my apendix removed because it exploded while i was in the the waiting room of a hospital. I started getting muscle pain when i was at camp being a volontier and to stick witht the theme i was assisting the Reach war Orphan's. And at irst i didnt think much of it then the pain started to get stronger and it was moving lower down into were my lower entestine's were. (apendix is a sack locted on the entestines) The pain got so bad that as above i went to the hospital and i sat in a waiting room for 8 hours fun right? then the doctor asked me how the pain was? and i relized that it has gone down so i told her that and then she has a serios look on her face all of a sudded then i was in the sugical waiting room. ( the fact that i had a decress in pain was the it had then exploded) then they put my in the white room as i call it the knocked me out...and trust me its really trippy XD after i had to spend 2 days in the hospital and after 4 weeks doing nothin recovering and i now have 3 scars for it too.

Question: has anyone else here on FC had the apendix taken out?

FACT: 1 in 10 people ill have there apendix taken out 1 in 4 will explode 1 in 30 will have a explotion as bad as mine

FACT: when the apendix explodes it is filled with things in your stomace including acid so really if not treated quickly there is a possibility of death or extrem sickness.

09-14-2012, 01:00 AM
holy fuck, glad you are ok bro... my brother had his taken out as well, but his didnt explode. Really glad you are ok, and im sure us here at FC wish you for a fast recovery :)

09-14-2012, 01:12 AM
Get well. Having your appendix burst can easily kill you. I don't want to list you as KIA. Stick around :) it's kinda scary when that happens. Can't imagine what you went through.

09-14-2012, 03:02 AM
Oh damn Ichy, I hope you get well soon. It really is nice seeing your return on the forums, I also hope you had a fun summer camp.

09-14-2012, 03:18 AM
Thank you everyone. i am somwhat fine now though if i run i seem to get winded XD And yea i had a blast at camp i was a JC (jounier coucilor) and i had a girls cabin..wtf right? And all they talked about was one direction XD

Nicholas Sapien
09-14-2012, 07:28 AM
Thank you everyone. i am somwhat fine now though if i run i seem to get winded XD And yea i had a blast at camp i was a JC (jounier coucilor) and i had a girls cabin..wtf right? And all they talked about was one direction XD

that's gay

09-14-2012, 04:22 PM
Thank you everyone. i am somwhat fine now though if i run i seem to get winded XD And yea i had a blast at camp i was a JC (jounier coucilor) and i had a girls cabin..wtf right? And all they talked about was one direction XD

lol I know how that is, I work with all girls at my job and they talk about shitty music as well.

09-14-2012, 04:29 PM
Thank you everyone. i am somwhat fine now though if i run i seem to get winded XD And yea i had a blast at camp i was a JC (jounier coucilor) and i had a girls cabin..wtf right? And all they talked about was one direction XD

how old were they?

09-14-2012, 04:39 PM
Yes i had mine taken out 3 years ago. My mom kept wanting to take me to the doctor I said no. Mine ended up exploding :( So I had a emergency surgery. Not fun..

09-14-2012, 06:33 PM
how old were they?

they were 10-12 years old