View Full Version : ACT II Broadcast

10-07-2012, 01:34 PM
Background_Music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZe-diVtGKA)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zx4lZsq9HwY&list= PLF4A26CD52E683750&index= 39&feature=plpp_video

The Story of Purple Team will be returning in a few days, with new characters, more drama, more romance, more death, and more suprise than you can even imagine. See how the Purple Army (People.Under.Real.Prospe rity.Love.and.Equality) do agaisnt the forces of Algol's (Reaper's) army. This is one act you don't want to miss, and if you haven't read the last one, then fuck you then, go read it. the video above is a motivational speech that Algol will tell his troops (don't question the fact Raz uses it to)