View Full Version : What college?

Al Capone111
10-09-2012, 01:56 PM
Many of the members in FC I'm sure are in college or are getting ready for college. I know Juggernaut and I went to high school together and knew eachother before we joined FC. So I'm curious to see what colleges our community represents. Post here in this thread where you go. You may go to the same college as someone else. Maybe meet up and hangout or something.

I go to University of South Florida in Tampa.

10-09-2012, 02:02 PM
Currently "Greenriver Community College" to finnish High School, but i plan to get my major in communications at the same time.

10-09-2012, 02:17 PM
Miami University (Ohio)

Tired of people thinking I'm from Florida >_>

10-09-2012, 02:23 PM
Miami University (Ohio)

Tired of people thinking I'm from Florida >_>

trololol =P

10-09-2012, 02:25 PM
Moorpark community college. Going to get my AA in political science then transfer to a 4 year in the spring of 2013. Thinking Cal State Channel Islands.

10-09-2012, 02:42 PM
Moorpark community college. Going to get my AA in political science then transfer to a 4 year in the spring of 2013. Thinking Cal State Channel Islands.

I almost got a minor in PolyScience.

A degree in that mixed with economics is a force to be reckoned with...

10-09-2012, 02:47 PM
You should get it! You have proven you know how to form an well informed and example rich argument. That's all Poly Sci is, knowing how to argue.

10-09-2012, 02:49 PM
You should get it! You have proven you know how to form an well informed and example rich argument. That's all Poly Sci is, knowing how to argue.

I would have, but the main PolyScience teacher here is a hardass, and only hands out an average of 1 A and 2 B's per 20 person class. I inched out an A- the first time, I can't ruin my GPA for a minor.

Getting one in computer science instead xD.

10-09-2012, 03:09 PM
Currently at my final semester at Umass Lowell, majoring in History.

10-09-2012, 03:18 PM
The University of Michigan.


King Kyuubi
10-09-2012, 03:21 PM
Fairmont State University (WV)
1 and half left for Civil Engineering

Ex Zen Mute
10-09-2012, 04:02 PM
I graduated. Am I that old? ._.

10-09-2012, 04:04 PM
I graduated. Am I that old? ._.

Yes. Because you're a mute.

10-09-2012, 04:09 PM
King's College, Wilkes-Barre PA, Physician's Assistant Major.

10-09-2012, 05:46 PM
The University of Michigan.


Really? What area you looking at in business.

10-09-2012, 05:52 PM
gunna go to dawson.

10-09-2012, 06:36 PM
went to Sheridan Technical Center down here and working on getting my CCENT, a Cisco networking degree. after that i will try to get a CCNA, CCNP in the security division, and then try to earn a CCIE. Networking is a bitch though, hard as hell

10-09-2012, 06:44 PM
Currently at Mohawk Valley Community College in Computer Science AS.

Transferring into Rochester Institute of Technology for Software Engineering BS/MS.

If anyone is surprised by what I study, you obviously don't pay enough attention.

10-09-2012, 06:50 PM
Royal Military College of Canada, majoring in Military Tactics & Strategy with a minor in Military Psychology into a career within the infantry.

10-09-2012, 06:52 PM
Harvard Law School awwwwwwwwww yeeaaa!

Not actually but I do plan on going to either Carleton University or the University of Ottawa for Law, next year.

10-09-2012, 07:29 PM
The Art Institute of California-Inland Empire, Going for my Bachelors in Game Art

10-09-2012, 07:32 PM
I am about to graduate highschool, I got accepted to Ohio University (http://www.ohio.edu/ (http://www.facebook.com/pages/University-of-Trolling/202990153083538))

10-09-2012, 07:56 PM
Really? What area you looking at in business.

Probably finance like my pops.

Prof Blastoise
10-09-2012, 08:26 PM
Morrisville State, about to transfer to Ithica for my Doctorate in Physical Therapy.

10-09-2012, 08:52 PM
Probably finance like my pops.

*Double majoring in Accounting and Finance*

10-09-2012, 09:27 PM
Westfield State University it's in Mass

10-09-2012, 10:02 PM
I'm anticipating for the University of British Columbia next year, but if I don't get accept it'll be some other university in Ontario, since I live here already. I'll be going for my Bachelor of Commerce which will take four years to complete, then I'll be working/studying as a Chartered Accountant.

10-09-2012, 10:13 PM
Wentworth Institute of Technology, Bachelor of Science in Architecture.

10-09-2012, 10:26 PM
*Double majoring in Accounting and Finance*

Yeah, but I go to the University of Michigan. That'd be absolutely crazy under the workload (and job on campus) that I have here. Lol.

10-09-2012, 10:29 PM
I currently attend Fresno City College, I plan on transferring to California State University next year to get my Bachelors and then transfer God knows where after that to get my PhD.

My Major is clinical Psychology....yea I'm studying to become a shrink.

10-09-2012, 10:46 PM
Taking my basics at MCC(Mclennan Community College). Planning to transfer to Texas A&M(Agriculture & Mechanics) and get my bachelor's in Petroleum Engineering. Possibly Master's degree in some sort of Engineering field related to Petroleum Engineering.

10-09-2012, 11:55 PM
Taking my basics at MCC(Mclennan Community College). Planning to transfer to Texas A&M(Agriculture & Mechanics) and get my bachelor's in Petroleum Engineering. Possibly Master's degree in some sort of Engineering field related to Petroleum Engineering.
Dang have fun with Petroleum, its one of the hardest, hence why they pay the most, but Good luck

Im at the University of Pittsburgh, currently getting my BS in Mechanical Engineering
Definitely going back for a master's possibly in Nuclear or Automotive

10-10-2012, 02:18 AM
Centre College. What up VP Debate! Seriously though, if you watch MSNBC or something be on the lookout for a large purple and yellow flag in the background.

BS in Financial Economics
BA in English
Masters in Marketing/Financial

10-10-2012, 04:08 PM
Yeah, but I go to the University of Michigan. That'd be absolutely crazy under the workload (and job on campus) that I have here. Lol.

Miami and Michigan are comparable dewd. They both have the same employers recruiting at both places. Big 4, area banks, etc. It's good, don't get me wrong, and it might get a few more looks from IBs, but it's no Wharton...

Also working here with 19 credit hours.

Taking my basics at MCC(Mclennan Community College). Planning to transfer to Texas A&M(Agriculture & Mechanics) and get my bachelor's in Petroleum Engineering. Possibly Master's degree in some sort of Engineering field related to Petroleum Engineering.

...>_> Good luck with that I guess.

10-10-2012, 05:08 PM
Miami and Michigan are comparable dewd. They both have the same employers recruiting at both places. Big 4, area banks, etc. It's good, don't get me wrong, and it might get a few more looks from IBs, but it's no Wharton...

Also working here with 19 credit hours.

My bad. I just looked up that the Farmer School of Business is top 20, while my Ross fluctuates from top 5 to top 10. Didn't think Miami of Ohio University had decent programs. Lol. Sorry!

10-10-2012, 05:29 PM
What's so wrong with Petroleum Engineering, they make good money and I'm like a fucking genius in math/science.

10-10-2012, 09:29 PM
My bad. I just looked up that the Farmer School of Business is top 20, while my Ross fluctuates from top 5 to top 10. Didn't think Miami of Ohio University had decent programs. Lol. Sorry!

Meh, you guys have Goldman Sachs. That's enviable.

What's so wrong with Petroleum Engineering, they make good money and I'm like a fucking genius in math/science.

So was I until College Calculus.

EriRi 1138
10-10-2012, 10:54 PM
The Art Institute of California-Inland Empire, Going for my Bachelors in Game Art

Awesome Mede :D

I'm going to the University of North Texas and majoring in Graphic Art & Design. Looks like we're the only two GFX artists who did something with their skills.

10-10-2012, 11:24 PM
I'm going to University of Kansas next fall, to get a BA in Strategic Communications, a Minor in Business, and then eventually get an MBA in Marketing/Advertising.

10-10-2012, 11:26 PM
Awesome Mede :D

I'm going to the University of North Texas and majoring in Graphic Art & Design. Looks like we're the only two GFX artists who did something with their skills.

Yeah I can pretty much power through my first year, ill be done by 3 cause its so easy.

10-11-2012, 07:38 AM
I'm going to University of Kansas next fall, to get a BA in Strategic Communications, a Minor in Business, and then eventually get an MBA in Marketing/Advertising.


10-11-2012, 01:47 PM
What's so wrong with Petroleum Engineering, they make good money and I'm like a fucking genius in math/science.
I have a few chemE friends, which is basically petroleum engineering here, its a ton of work, especially Ochem they had to be at class from like 7-11am just for that class everyday, math is not the hard part of engineering, but if its what you like to do definitely go for it
you want to get a job you want to do, dont just go for money

10-11-2012, 02:20 PM
I have an 88 in O-Chem :D I feel smart.

EriRi 1138
10-11-2012, 07:15 PM
Yeah I can pretty much power through my first year, ill be done by 3 cause its so easy.

Haha, that sounds like the exact opposite of UNT. Going for a BFA In Communication Design (graphic art) is so incredibly rigorous here. There are portfolio reviews every year, and many, many cuts are made. It's a five year degree (if you don't take courses over the summer) at best, and each year is more stressful than the next. Which is why I have no time to actively participate here anymore.

That being said, this university and this program is highly regarded in the design field, and my resume will land me a well-paying job, whether that be graphic design or art direction, shortly after graduation.

10-12-2012, 09:32 AM
Haha, that sounds like the exact opposite of UNT. Going for a BFA In Communication Design (graphic art) is so incredibly rigorous here. There are portfolio reviews every year, and many, many cuts are made. It's a five year degree (if you don't take courses over the summer) at best, and each year is more stressful than the next. Which is why I have no time to actively participate here anymore.

That being said, this university and this program is highly regarded in the design field, and my resume will land me a well-paying job, whether that be graphic design or art direction, shortly after graduation. I'd die! I tend to lose interest very quick and when that happens i pay less attention, luckily this school is 90% hands on with projects, contests, and parties.

10-12-2012, 12:58 PM
currently going to a JC college. gonna transfer to Fresno State next fall =D

10-12-2012, 02:05 PM
Midlands Technical College (Beltline Campus)