View Full Version : Your Worst Car Accidents

Prof Blastoise
10-10-2012, 06:45 AM
So at Midnight tonight I wrecked my car. I was driving down a mountain and it was pitch black, when suddenly a deer just ran out of nowhere and decided her head needed to go into my hood. So my whole front end is wrecked and I can't dive for a while now. Unfortunately I didn't kill the poor doe on impact so I had to take my 12 gauge out of my trunk and blow its head off to put it out of its suffering. So now I can't sleep because I keep thinking about how my car is completely messed up. So far this has been my worst car experience. So to make me feel better you guys tell me about your worst car experiences. You know, to make me feel better :)

Rokkman X
10-10-2012, 08:05 AM
Christmas eve in 2009 my mom, my wife and I were on our way home from the family Christmas party. About halfway home some god damned piece of shit scum, bastard ran a stop sign and T-Boned us. It impacted on the drivers side, Mom was driving and my wife and I were in the back seat. Myself on the side of impact. Worst part is, he didn't admit it was his fault, nor that he was sorry.
The event also proved, what I have been saying for years, that my skull is made of solid steel and concrete.

10-10-2012, 09:58 AM
i was just pulling out of a walmart parking lot and some bitch side swiped me cuz she decided that she wanted to go 20 miles over the speed limit. there was no damage to my car cuz i was driving a honda element and she hit one of the parts that were plastic, but it was my worst experience cuz i had my son in the car, so i was scared shit-less till i knew he was ok

DarkS1de Reborn
10-10-2012, 12:17 PM
I flipped my old silverado down a hill in a Kohl's parking lot. Best wreck ever!

10-10-2012, 02:07 PM
I was sitting shotgun with my friend Katherine in some arid hills on a vacation when all of a sudden she takes us over a broken bridge (acting like it was a ramp) and completely destroys the car as we rolled over.

Yeah, Kat was terrible at driving in Halo: Reach.

10-10-2012, 02:48 PM
Moved to appropriate forum.

My worst was in 2009 heading home from the big rodeo that happens every May long weekend in my town. Was DD for the night and has just finished dropping my last friend off at about 4am when I was heading uphill home. About a block from my house heading up the hill, drunk driver crossed center line and smoked me head on. Amazingly, walked away with a few cuts and burns, the other guy was jelly from the ribs down. Was rough trying to give him first aid while EMS was on the way. He died just before they arrived.

My car is on the left in blue (VW Jetta), the drunk was in the yellow on the right (Geo Tracker). You can see me hugging my dad on the far left. (I'm in the red jacket)


10-10-2012, 02:50 PM
shit dude thats some major damage

10-10-2012, 03:39 PM
Yea Ghost I think you've shown me that pic before.

I used to have a friend who back in high school was stupid anal about California provisional driver laws so he would never drive me or my friends until he had been driving for at least a year (in California if you're under 18 and have had a license for a year only then are you allowed to drive other minors). Well the day that marked his 1 year we convinced him to drive us around for a joy ride. Towards the end of the joy rode we were making a protected left turn (I was sitting shotgun, my friends was driving, and my other friends was in the back seat with my twin brother). 2 dipshits in a service van on the other side of the street made a right turn (sending them the same direction as us) and they proceeded to cut across 3 lanes to make it to a gas station. Of course they didn't check their surroundings and rammed into the right side of our car.

Oh the cherry ontop was that when the police arrived they said that my friend who was driving hadn't completed his year yet, that he still had 1 more day. So he wrote my friend a ticket for driving 3 other minors.

Nicholas Sapien
10-10-2012, 06:00 PM
Yea Ghost I think you've shown me that pic before.

I used to have a friend who back in high school was stupid anal about California provisional driver laws so he would never drive me or my friends until he had been driving for at least a year (in California if you're under 18 and have had a license for a year only then are you allowed to drive other minors). Well the day that marked his 1 year we convinced him to drive us around for a joy ride. Towards the end of the joy rode we were making a protected left turn (I was sitting shotgun, my friends was driving, and my other friends was in the back seat with my twin brother). 2 dipshits in a service van on the other side of the street made a right turn (sending them the same direction as us) and they proceeded to cut across 3 lanes to make it to a gas station. Of course they didn't check their surroundings and rammed into the right side of our car.

Oh the cherry ontop was that when the police arrived they said that my friend who was driving hadn't completed his year yet, that he still had 1 more day. So he wrote my friend a ticket for driving 3 other minors.

that's one shitty cherry