View Full Version : Is the end in sight?

10-13-2012, 08:16 AM
What is happening? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hk-3MU-rc0M)

If the earth's poles really are going to shift soon...we're screwed.

Lol its James
10-13-2012, 09:34 AM
Well if the sun actually does explode, we would all be dead in a matter of minutes. We would freeze to death.

10-13-2012, 09:43 AM
You only live once, obviously of course. I don't think you can live twice unless you have awesome powers. And I doubt this will take place.

10-13-2012, 10:33 AM
What is happening? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hk-3MU-rc0M)

If the earth's poles really are going to shift soon...we're screwed.


SuRroundeD By 1
10-13-2012, 10:37 AM
Yeah . . . I'm not worried about anything haha

10-13-2012, 10:56 AM
Oh my god... All I see are NWO shit in the comments, which immediately drove me away from that crap.

No, there is no such record of a "Planet X".
No, our poles will not shift, if they ever did it would take a shit ton of force (Earth was hit by another planet in it's infancy when it was still very much a molten planet, and this other planet if I recall was either the size of earth or not much smaller, but it titled the earth's axis every so much to what it is now. So if were going to hit by something for a poles to switch it would have to so much force it would probably destroy our planet, er maybe just do a shit ton of damage.)
No, the NWO conspiracy shit has been going on for a long time now and the people who are in it keep saying something is going to happen yet nothing ever does.
No, the Illuminati are dead. Plus there goal was never world domination. They were modeled after the Freemasons who as well do not plan on taking over the world.

P.S Yes there is a theory that our poles shift over the years, but it states that they possibly shift 1 degree every million years. We're fine dammit.

10-13-2012, 10:57 AM
The poles have shifted hundreds of times...nothing new

10-13-2012, 11:02 AM
Oh my god... All I see are NWO shit in the comments, which immediately drove me away from that crap.

No, there is no such record of a "Planet X".
No, our poles will not shift, if they ever did it would take a shit ton of force (Earth was hit by another planet in it's infancy when it was still very much a molten planet, and this other planet if I recall was either the size of earth or not much smaller, but it titled the earth's axis every so much to what it is now. So if were going to hit by something for a poles to switch it would have to so much force it would probably destroy our planet, er maybe just do a shit ton of damage.)
No, the NWO conspiracy shit has been going on for a long time now and the people who are in it keep saying something is going to happen yet nothing ever does.
No, the Illuminati are dead. Plus there goal was never world domination. They were modeled after the Freemasons who as well do not plan on taking over the world.

P.S Yes there is a theory that our poles shift over the years, but it states that they possibly shift 1 degree every million years. We're fine dammit.


10-13-2012, 03:10 PM

Why are you "lol"ing?

The reason I had a small little rant was because I've had to deal with these people a lot before because at one point and time I was one until I found out how stupid it sounded.

10-13-2012, 03:41 PM


10-13-2012, 03:59 PM
I have to work and I have to go to school, and pay bills, that's all I'm worried about. If we die we die.

Lol its James
10-13-2012, 06:12 PM

One that doesn't give a fuck

10-13-2012, 06:26 PM
Like Juggs said, the poles has changed many times... nothing new to it. Only thing that will truelly change is that the climates will flip again and maybe cause another Ice Age. But its not like the poles will flip over night, its a long ass process and its been making that motion for a long time now. It probably wont flip fully in our lifetime.

EriRi 1138
10-14-2012, 04:08 AM
We'll be fine. Desmond will stop Abstergo. Cool your tits.

10-14-2012, 11:08 AM
We'll be fine. Desmond will stop Abstergo. Cool your tits.


10-14-2012, 12:03 PM


10-17-2012, 05:41 PM
Well if the sun actually does explode, we would all be dead in a matter of minutes. We would freeze to death.

Incorrect we would be engulfed by the sun.

Basically vaporized.

No, our poles will not shift, if they ever did it would take a shit ton of force (Earth was hit by another planet in it's infancy when it was still very much a molten planet, and this other planet if I recall was either the size of earth or not much smaller, but it titled the earth's axis every so much to what it is now. So if were going to hit by something for a poles to switch it would have to so much force it would probably destroy our planet, er maybe just do a shit ton of damage.)
Also the poles are going to shift eventually. It's happened before. Could really fuck up our civilization but the human race will prevail.

I'm taking astronomy right now. Had this discussion in class like 2 weeks ago.

H2O Yordle
10-17-2012, 06:35 PM
Its okay. I just started a new world in Minecraft.

Rokkman X
10-17-2012, 06:57 PM
We'll be fine. Desmond will stop Abstergo. Cool your tits.
By the time he does, we'll have caught up with our time and it'll be Assassin's Creed 37: Modern Kart Racer Sportsassinations EXTREME.

I personally don't think anything will happen on that grand of a scale. Our sun is fairly young as far as suns go. Nuclear war? No, the Russians don't hate America anymore, the Chinese own it and the North Koreans are idiots (As a military not a nationality, them NK'ers from the laundromat here in town are real nice.).
But, If I'm wrong, and the proverbially world blows up for some reason or another in one way or another and we all on earth die, there's really nothing we can do about it. Why be afraid?
On the other hand, If there is something I can do to make sure my family, friends and myself can survive some freak disaster, I will take certain steps to ensure our survival. The most likely thing that will happen though is people will be going crazy and trying to steal and loot shit. I'll have to introduce them to the business end of my shotgun.

SuRroundeD By 1
10-17-2012, 07:57 PM
By the time he does, we'll have caught up with our time and it'll be Assassin's Creed 37: Modern Kart Racer Sportsassinations EXTREME.

I personally don't think anything will happen on that grand of a scale. Our sun is fairly young as far as suns go. Nuclear war? No, the Russians don't hate America anymore, the Chinese own it and the North Koreans are idiots (As a military not a nationality, them NK'ers from the laundromat here in town are real nice.).
But, If I'm wrong, and the proverbially world blows up for some reason or another in one way or another and we all on earth die, there's really nothing we can do about it. Why be afraid?
On the other hand, If there is something I can do to make sure my family, friends and myself can survive some freak disaster, I will take certain steps to ensure our survival. The most likely thing that will happen though is people will be going crazy and trying to steal and loot shit. I'll have to introduce them to the business end of my shotgun.

Exactly, and I mean, what's wrong with getting ready for the end of the world? Having some parties, meeting some new girls before the life is snuffed out of all of us?

10-17-2012, 08:56 PM
I personally don't think anything will happen on that grand of a scale. Our sun is fairly young as far as suns go.

Our sun is more than half way through it's life cycle. Life will cease to exist on Earth long before it expands and engulfs us in 3.5 million years. Complete destruction of Sun in 4 bil.