View Full Version : Imma Punch a Baby

Prof Blastoise
10-15-2012, 11:15 AM
Alright, before I make a little rant about ALL OF THIS USELESS FC DRAMA, I just wanted every one to know I am not singling out any one. So please, don't get this thread locked like the last one I made... It is like every time I make a thread people argue over it and it gets locked. So this thread is not singling out anyone. Ok? Got it? Good.

So I have seen some people talk about how the FC drama is overwhelming. But in all honesty it does not have to be. Come on people, it is a video game community. And the people that say “I hate all of this drama” seem like they are the people causing the drama most of the time. I am getting really sick of looking at the forums to find another person talking trash about someone then getting banned.

And just so everyone knows Blastoised is here to help! I am here to give you tips on how not to get involved in FC drama.
1. If you have a problem with someone, don't talk to them.
2. Do not talk about someone behind their back. This, no matter what, will come back to bite you in the ass.
3. Don't go all Liam Neeson on someone and try to get back at them if they talk trash about you.
4. If you join a party and someone mentions someone else and talks about how they don't like that person, LEAVE AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. They are trying to get you to side with them.
5. Don't get paranoid about what people say, if you think someone is talking about you discretely in a thread/blog most likely they are not. It's just you being paranoid most of the time.

So with these tips from Blastoised, you are sure to stay FC DRAMA FREE!!! I know this thread is a little sarcastic but guys, just stop the hate and share the love. Also, if people don't know who I am feel free to message me I would love to play some halo with other people sometime. :gun2:

10-15-2012, 11:23 AM
See, people who like turtles know what is up!

10-15-2012, 11:31 AM
Valiant effort, but truth is, there will always be drama; sad to say.

10-15-2012, 12:25 PM
There will always be drama no matter what. All you can do is brace yourself for the oncoming shitstorm

10-15-2012, 12:36 PM
There will always be drama no matter what. All you can do is brace yourself for the oncoming shitstorm

That's why I bought this


10-15-2012, 12:40 PM
I just brought my mouth O.o

10-15-2012, 12:52 PM
That's why I bought this


I just brought my mouth O.o

Well looks like your going to have a rather shitty lunch then

10-15-2012, 01:35 PM
I already told you Blastoise that you can not expect people not to talk behind peoples backs. You are entitled to dislike anyone you want and talk about them in private conversations. Acting on the dislike is another story. I will talk about people I don't like because I am expressing my dislike for them. As long as I am keeping those feelings away from the individual then it really shouldn't be a problem. There are plenty of people I don't like here and instead of letting my anger towards these people build more and more until it becomes a problem I just vent to people who I trust not to go running to the person like a rat and causing a comotion. Just Saying

Al Capone111
10-15-2012, 01:40 PM
FC is nothing but drama. You think its bad now? Last year at this time it was way worse. Just wait until the first H4 war starts. Then shit will hit the fan.

10-15-2012, 01:45 PM
See, people who like turtles know what is up!

Im sure you do ;)

10-15-2012, 02:13 PM
I've been gone for a while, and to me it seems that FC is turning into the xbox police. Everyone here is at least 15 so all of you are relativley mature. Handle you're personal issues like big boys and girls. If you have a personal issue with someone, ignore or resolve it. There is absolutley no need for ANY FC punishments for ANYTHING that does not break the accords. This is a Halo community where we have fun in Halo and make friends. Take all the drama back to facebook.

10-15-2012, 02:45 PM
I've been gone for a while, and to me it seems that FC is turning into the xbox police. Everyone here is at least 15 so all of you are relativley mature. Handle you're personal issues like big boys and girls. If you have a personal issue with someone, ignore or resolve it. There is absolutley no need for ANY FC punishments for ANYTHING that does not break the accords. This is a Halo community where we have fun in Halo and make friends. Take all the drama back to facebook.

This. Lets get back to hating each other over FC bullshit and not personal bullshit

Lol its James
10-15-2012, 03:37 PM
I've been gone for a while, and to me it seems that FC is turning into the xbox police. Everyone here is at least 15 so all of you are relativley mature. Handle you're personal issues like big boys and girls. If you have a personal issue with someone, ignore or resolve it. There is absolutley no need for ANY FC punishments for ANYTHING that does not break the accords. This is a Halo community where we have fun in Halo and make friends. Take all the drama back to facebook.

Thank you, this exactly.

10-15-2012, 04:08 PM
I've been gone for a while, and to me it seems that FC is turning into the xbox police. Everyone here is at least 15 so all of you are relativley mature. Handle you're personal issues like big boys and girls. If you have a personal issue with someone, ignore or resolve it. There is absolutley no need for ANY FC punishments for ANYTHING that does not break the accords. This is a Halo community where we have fun in Halo and make friends. Take all the drama back to facebook.

Hit the nail on the head good sir!

Prof Blastoise
10-15-2012, 05:19 PM
I already told you Blastoise that you can not expect people not to talk behind peoples backs. You are entitled to dislike anyone you want and talk about them in private conversations. Acting on the dislike is another story. I will talk about people I don't like because I am expressing my dislike for them. As long as I am keeping those feelings away from the individual then it really shouldn't be a problem. There are plenty of people I don't like here and instead of letting my anger towards these people build more and more until it becomes a problem I just vent to people who I trust not to go running to the person like a rat and causing a comotion. Just Saying

And that is exactly why FC drama will never go away. No offense Rei, but if you think that way we will never be able to end the FC drama.

Fateless Wolf
10-15-2012, 05:57 PM
i came here because it said baby punching..... im disappointed to find out there isnt any...... but exactly if i wanted to here in mature fighting id go back to elementary school.

Prof Blastoise
10-15-2012, 06:03 PM
Say yes to child abuse.

10-15-2012, 06:12 PM
I am disapointed with you all. You can't have a baby-punching thread without Raz.

On that note, what is the drama? Honestly, it can't be too bad if I'm not seeing anything (aside from this) on the forums.
When multiple 6-page topics get made bitching/openly starting flamewars, it's FC drama.

A couple people not liking eachother shouldn't be that big a deal.. it happens. You aren't going to like everyone. If it was up to me I would tell them to either get along, or ignore eachother, or enjoy some punishment.

10-15-2012, 06:13 PM
This. Lets get back to hating each other over FC bullshit and not personal bullshit

Dirty REDD

10-15-2012, 06:16 PM
I already told you Blastoise that you can not expect people not to talk behind peoples backs. You are entitled to dislike anyone you want and talk about them in private conversations. Acting on the dislike is another story. I will talk about people I don't like because I am expressing my dislike for them. As long as I am keeping those feelings away from the individual then it really shouldn't be a problem. There are plenty of people I don't like here and instead of letting my anger towards these people build more and more until it becomes a problem I just vent to people who I trust not to go running to the person like a rat and causing a comotion. Just Saying

Being direct, is to me what should be done. If you don't like someone be direct about it, frankly if someone thinks me an ass, I can see it and respect it, and I will respect their wishes to stay away from me. However if they pretend to be my friend when they aren't, and they make potshots, that's when things get more uncomfortable. People that have issues with each other should be direct about it, and everyone needs a thicker skin before we start acting like this is a power struggle, or jumping the gun on things and reacting like 5 year olds.

If you have a problem with someone, be direct about it. if someone is going to stab me, then I would expect they have the decency to do it to my face.

10-15-2012, 06:18 PM
This. Lets get back to hating each other over FC bullshit and not personal bullshit

Dirty BLUE

- - - Updated - - -

I am disapointed with you all. You can't have a baby-punching thread without Raz.

On that note, what is the drama? Honestly, it can't be too bad if I'm not seeing anything (aside from this) on the forums.
When multiple 6-page topics get made bitching/openly starting flamewars, it's FC drama.

A couple people not liking eachother shouldn't be that big a deal.. it happens. You aren't going to like everyone. If it was up to me I would tell them to either get along, or ignore eachother, or enjoy some punishment.

You probably just missed it Dalton, a lot of BS surrounding garg & a few other members. And some questionable blogs. If you don't see anything then you're one of the lucky few.

10-15-2012, 06:21 PM
Dirty BLUE

- - - Updated - - -

You probably just missed it Dalton, a lot of BS surrounding garg & a few other members. And some questionable blogs. If you don't see anything then you're one of the lucky few.

Would you (or someone) give me a quick (unbiased) rundown of this stuff via PM?

I'm curious.

10-15-2012, 06:23 PM
We need Eri here. With his "Respect is back, and it's a Bitch" attitude. Seriously, this happens once every year when punishments get lenient for awhile then people start stretching the boundaries. Then, another "Respect is back" moment happens, we start throwing around heavy punishments, then either the immature ones get banned or leave, or every turns back to being fun because nobody is being disrespectful.

10-15-2012, 06:26 PM
Can I PLEASE lead that movement? I promise not to murd- I mean elimina- I mean...... scold too hard..... >.>

I promise not to leave them with too much mental scaring, and I promise they will at least be still twitching before I'm done... >.>

10-15-2012, 06:31 PM
Can I PLEASE lead that movement? I promise not to murd- I mean elimina- I mean...... scold too hard..... >.>

I promise not to leave them with too much mental scaring, and I promise they will at least be still twitching before I'm done... >.>


10-15-2012, 06:33 PM

^Something just flew over my head^

10-15-2012, 06:37 PM
^Something just flew over my head^

Haha what you said before sounds exactly like something that Kratos Andimion (Rob) would say.

10-15-2012, 06:40 PM
Someone please tell me if this is a good or bad thing

10-15-2012, 07:03 PM
I just have to say kudos to Salv! Salv wanted to call me out on something I said and instead of making it a public thing and trying to cause a all out debate he respectfully PMed me. THAT is the stuff I like rather than a back and forth until the thread gets locked! This is why I have respect for Salv! :-D

10-15-2012, 07:30 PM
Someone please tell me if this is a good or bad thing

It means your crazy. But crazy in a good way. =P

10-15-2012, 07:42 PM
Fuck Salv


10-15-2012, 08:41 PM
What? I can't help it if I am sadistic, I can only use the gifts provided to me lol XD