View Full Version : What is wrong with the economy?

Nicholas Sapien
10-18-2012, 07:29 AM
seriously what is wrong?

10-18-2012, 11:51 AM
Nothing, we just haven't learned how to invest and balance our budgets. As soon as we start investing well, the dollar starts circulating more fluently and we pay off our debt in a couple of years, but we're too smart for that so we have to think in polotics and talk about plans and taxes.

10-18-2012, 11:54 AM
Nothing, we just haven't learned how to invest and balance our budgets. As soon as we start investing well, the dollar starts circulating more fluently and we pay off our debt in a couple of years, but we're too smart for that so we have to think in polotics and talk about plans and taxes.

pretty much hit the nail on the head there

Rokkman X
10-18-2012, 01:17 PM
In Alberta, the economy is great.

10-18-2012, 01:20 PM
seriously what is wrong?


10-18-2012, 01:21 PM
We have no exports. All of our companies are over seas. We refuse to pay off our Debt. We start Wars that only drain our pockets. We have greedy Banks that take advantage of people.

The list goes on and on.

10-18-2012, 01:28 PM

He doesnt control the Economy or much anything else. He is mainly a public figure, with little power. Congress has way more power then him.

Like i once read:

"Bush is out of the white house, lets now blame the black guy"

Obama spent $7 Trillion (billion?) in his 4 years. $5 Trillion was to pay for Military expences that Bush didn't pay for. He promised to hunt down and find Osama... and he did. Promised helthcare for the poor/less fortunate... and he did.

Im not saying Obama is the best choice for president... But i dont think Romney is any better. Id vote Ron Paul (he is pro Marijuana ;) ), but what he wants to do basically is rewrite the Constitution. Im not up for that.

People just need to stop playing this blame game on Obama when it truelly is Congress that needs to be blamed

10-18-2012, 01:30 PM
We have no exports. All of our companies are over seas. We refuse to pay off our Debt. We start Wars that only drain our pockets. We have greedy Banks that take advantage of people.

The list goes on and on.


- - - Updated - - -

He doesnt control the Economy or much anything else. He is mainly a public figure, with little power. Congress has way moe power then him.

Like i once read:

"Bush is out of the white house, lets now blame the black guy"

Obama spent $7 Trillion (billion?) in his 4 years. $5 Trillion was to pay for Military expences that Bush didn't pay for. He promised to hunt down and find Osama... and he did. Promised helthcare for the poor/less fortunate... and he did.

Im not saying Obama is the best choice for president... But i dont think Romney is any better. Id vote Ron Paul (he is pro Marijuana ;) ), but what he wants to do basically is rewrite the Constitution. Im not up for that.

People just need to stop playing this blame game on Obama when it truelly is Congress that needs to be blamed

I be joking....I love Obama! And how dare you say blame the black guy! I am half black so I half can't be racsist lol

Rokkman X
10-18-2012, 01:37 PM
He doesnt control the Economy or much anything else. He is mainly a public figure, with little power. Congress has way more power then him.

Like i once read:

"Bush is out of the white house, lets now blame the black guy"

Obama spent $7 Trillion (billion?) in his 4 years. $5 Trillion was to pay for Military expences that Bush didn't pay for. He promised to hunt down and find Osama... and he did. Promised helthcare for the poor/less fortunate... and he did.

Im not saying Obama is the best choice for president... But i dont think Romney is any better. Id vote Ron Paul (he is pro Marijuana ;) ), but what he wants to do basically is rewrite the Constitution. Im not up for that.

People just need to stop playing this blame game on Obama when it truelly is Congress that needs to be blamed

As if Obama hasn't used an executive order to pass a law that gets rid of the rest of what was left of the 4th Amendment after the patriot act was extended. ALL big government politicians are assholes and traitors.

10-18-2012, 01:40 PM
i would definitely go with the lesser of 2 evils right now, and that is Obama, he was handed a shitty situation by bush and did what he could

10-18-2012, 01:42 PM
Can't we just bring back BILL???

10-18-2012, 01:44 PM
Resurrect Regan

10-18-2012, 01:44 PM
i would definitely go with the lesser of 2 evils right now, and that is Obama, he was handed a shitty situation by bush and did what he could

I personally think he needs a new oppertunity... he spent to much time trying to fix previous issues

10-18-2012, 01:46 PM
Both of them suck. Voting Lincoln on my ballet.

10-18-2012, 01:48 PM
I personally think he needs a new oppertunity... he spent to much time trying to fix previous issues
He honestly does, like i said he was just handed a shitty situation

Both of them suck. Voting Lincoln on my ballet.

Rokkman X
10-18-2012, 01:54 PM
He doesn't. Talking about a new assault weapons ban to get the vote of the Brady Bunch? Seriously? The first one did nothing to stop gun violence. Why think it will a second time? My only hope (lol Obama joke remember that crock of shit?) is that he lives up to his track record by saying he'll do it, then doesn't.

10-18-2012, 01:58 PM
Most of you read articles and listen to politics. So, you know absolutely nothing about what really goes on. You're just as blind as 90% of America. Romney= Politician, Obama= President that hasn't been assassinated only because he's black. Yeah it sounds as corny as it gets but that's why it's stated so much, so that you think it's a joke.

Where's Eric?!

Al Capone111
10-18-2012, 02:06 PM
What is wrong with the economy:

-Cost of living goes up really fast, while wages go up slowly if at all (I haven't gotten a raise in over a year)
-People getting credit cards and maxing them out with no way to pay it off
-The governments "pork barrel" spending
-Social security, in that we live to long on it. Used to be get it a 65 (if you lived that long) and you ended up dying a few years late. Today you get it a 65 and live on it for 20+ years in some cases.
-The whole "political party" bullshit. George Washington warned up not to use political parties, as the create the illusion on free choice
-People suing for stupid shit. This is the only country where I could go to Jug's place, jump off the roof and sue him. And win
-The 1% not paying a fair share of taxes. I'm glad they are making multi-millions of dollars. Good for them. But you don't need $200million a year to live on. You can live without one of your 6 houses and 8 BMW's (collector's excluded)
-Illegal immigrants. Who pays for there medical when the pregnant Mexicans cross the border and give birth to a child? We do. And the child is automatically a American citizen. Bullshit.
-The car companies mass producing cars when only about 50% of them will actually be sold at retail price. New cars aren't in as high of a demand lately

That about sums it up.

10-18-2012, 02:19 PM
Why is we talking politics? These conversations always end poorly lol

10-18-2012, 03:03 PM
Washington State Minimum Wage is $9.04... but going up to nearly $10 in 2013, and maybe over $10 mid next year... We are highest minimum wage in the US and are still going up :)

10-18-2012, 03:09 PM
It's us damn free loading 47%ers. How dare I want to get an education and those damn vets getting benefits.

10-18-2012, 03:22 PM
Washington State Minimum Wage is $9.04... but going up to nearly $10 in 2013, and maybe over $10 mid next year... We are highest minimum wage in the US and are still going up :)

Minimum wage increases are about the equivalent of firing one worker, and giving his pay to a few others as a raise. Not a lot to be proud of.

Prof Blastoise
10-18-2012, 03:41 PM
We have so many problems that it is probably not fixable for a few decades... And voting for Obama or Romney will not help at all. You can either vote for Obama who is basically spending a trillion dollars a year of money we don't have. Or you can vote for Romney and all the progress Obama made (which is very little) will go down the drain. Also if you vote for Romney he will basically fuck up the economy and the environment. So as Conservative as I am, I think we should go with Obama on this one. He has the best policies for the future, but we are still going to be in a shit load of debt. It's a lose lose situation.

- - - Updated - - -

Can't we just bring back BILL???

I second that. BILL FOR EMPEROR!

10-18-2012, 03:47 PM
I have always said that no single president will get us out of his mess, just like no single president is responsible for the situation we are in now. This has been building up for the past 30 years and my guess it will take another 10-15 years before we are in the clear. We need to create building blocks and I feel Obama will do this better then Romney.

10-18-2012, 04:02 PM
Obama won't do anything to improve the economy. Romney won't either. Those of you who say otherwise don't understand the economy.

At this point, most of what MedeDust said earlier, and also a reevaluation of our tax system needs to be done.

Here's a quick lesson on taxes...

Taxes are meant to provide the government revenue.
Tax revenue and tax rates follow a curve that look like this:http://finxknowledgeatcbsdu.file s.wordpress.com/2008/07/lc-21.gif
That means, higher taxes do not always increase revenue! At this point in time, we are at Point B in that graph in every part of our tax system. Increasing taxes on anyone (even the rich) will actually decrease how much money the country gets (this may seem counterintuitive, but it makes sense when you think about socioeconomic mobility and such).
In order to fix this economy, the only thing the government should be doing is fixing the tax system.
The way to fix the tax system is to reach the Equilibrium Point.

Obama's not doing it correctly and wants to raise taxes on the rich to "make them pay their fair share," when actually reducing taxes on them (what Romney originally wanted, but now doesn't talk about because people are stupid and think that it's bad for some stupid reason) will increase government revenue.

For income taxes, a tax rate of about 10-15% is near the equilibrium point. Most high-income earners pay a much higher rate, and therefore the government loses revenue (this is part of the reason we have such high deficits!)...

@Everyone, politicians will never fix our country. They always ruin it more and more. Stop voting for politicians already. Seriously.

You want to know why almost everyone who runs for government is a politician? Because people are stupid and keep voting for politicians. If people started voting for people who are actually qualified for the position (seriously, think about what it truly takes to lead a country for once), then we wouldn't have issues with politicians in the first place...


(and that doesn't even begin to talk about business taxes, sales taxes, etc...)

10-18-2012, 04:06 PM
Mythonian for President anyone?

10-18-2012, 04:10 PM
Mythonian for President anyone?

It wouldn't work because people are stupid and only care about themselves and vote for whoever they think will give them stuff instead of thinking about the country...

And as a quick example of how much revenue we're already missing out on, here's a comparison with other countries (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c6/Tax_Revenue_as_Share_of_G DP_for_OECD_Countries_in_ 2009.jpg).

We could nearly double the revenue if we could fix our tax system. If that happened, the deficit would disappear.

Al Capone111
10-18-2012, 04:15 PM
It wouldn't work because people are stupid and only care about themselves and vote for whoever they think will give them stuff instead of thinking about the country...

Im not voting FOR Obama, I'm voting against Romney

10-18-2012, 04:18 PM
Im not voting FOR Obama, I'm voting against Romney

that's a good way to put it.

Mythonian for president!

10-18-2012, 04:20 PM
See Mythonian knows what's up.

10-18-2012, 04:31 PM
Myth and I need to run for President and such. It'll be pro.

10-18-2012, 04:33 PM
Im not voting FOR Obama, I'm voting against Romney

That's not any better, really...

Neither politician is worse than the other. You guys attacking Romney as an excuse to vote for Obama aren't any different than those attacking Obama as an excuse to vote for Romney.

So how about this...

We are voting to elect a president.
What does a president do? They act as the executive of the government, are influential in diplomacy, veto bills, and act as commander in chief of the armed forces.
What makes someone qualified to hold that position:

Executive - this is the part of the position similar to businesses. Politicians are not qualified for this part. Businessmen are most qualified.
Diplomacy - Negociating with other countries, setting up treaties, etc. Politicians are somewhat qualified because they can talk well, but pretty much anyone can do this without much difficulty.
Veto bills - No one is really qualified for this, since the bills vary so widely. Some are economic, therefore businessmen are best. Some are social, therefore no one is best. Some are military, therefore military people are best.
Commander in Chief - Obviously someone who came from a military background are best.

Are any of the candidates qualified sufficiently?

Obama is not qualified for anything except maybe Diplomacy, which is iffy.
Romney is not qualified for anything except maybe executive/diplomacy (since he has a business background and is now a politician).

Who should we vote for?

Neither of them are good for the job.


Massive government reform.

Possibility of solution happening:

0% likely until people stop being stupid.

10-18-2012, 04:35 PM
Or we can vote for Herman Cain or Mythonian/Maxdoggy in 2044. :P

10-18-2012, 04:36 PM
Oct. 30th Myth. Oct 30th.

10-18-2012, 04:39 PM
Oct. 30th Myth. Oct 30th.

Assassin's Creed III? Ignite the revolution??!?

10-18-2012, 04:39 PM
Or we can vote for Herman Cain or Mythonian/Maxdoggy in 2044. :P
Herman Cain is more qualified than either individual currently in the running, but even he isn't perfectly qualified.

Personally, if there was someone with both a business and military background, I think they'd be best.

Oct. 30th Myth. Oct 30th.

I'll mark it on my calendar.

10-18-2012, 04:55 PM
Or we can vote for Herman Cain.

I was honestly all set up to vote for Hermain Cain. I think it's bullshit that he got cut. Everyone has something in their past, we were all ignorant once. He was the best candidate of them all, in my opinion, Spoke his mind true and doesn't flip flop his opinions to gain votes. I need someone I can trust.

10-18-2012, 05:06 PM
I'm voting for chuck norris

Al Capone111
10-18-2012, 05:17 PM
I voting against Romney because he wants to cut planned parenthood and make 'plan-b' and the pill illegal

Choca Cola
10-18-2012, 05:18 PM
0% likely until people stop being stupid.

Sorry Myth but even common sense is so hard to come by these days it should be classified as a superpower :/

10-18-2012, 05:24 PM
Or we can vote for Herman Cain or Mythonian/Maxdoggy in 2044. :P

I'm voting for chuck norris




nuff said

10-18-2012, 05:24 PM
Lincoln definitely owned in that, but even he wasn't a very good president, to be brutally honest.

I voting against Romney because he wants to cut planned parenthood and make 'plan-b' and the pill illegal

In terms of running a country, that really doesn't mean much...

And anyway, the president doesn't have authority to do that in the first place, that's Congress. Although even then the Supreme Court might get involved...

And even then, it's more of a power given to the states, isn't it? lol

Sorry Myth but even common sense is so hard to come by these days it should be classified as a superpower :/

It's a shame...

10-18-2012, 05:43 PM
humans are complete idiots. This is why we need a robot to run everything instead

10-18-2012, 05:50 PM
unfortunately i don't know a single american person thats voting because they think the person will do a good job. in almost every single case, it's just a lesser of two evils thing. it's quite sad really. and it isn't much better over here.

SuRroundeD By 1
10-18-2012, 06:26 PM
To be honest, I'd be completely fine with voting for Mythonian in an actual election . . . on that topic, what do you plan on being Myth?

10-18-2012, 06:29 PM
To be honest, I'd be completely fine with voting for Mythonian in an actual election . . . on that topic, what do you plan on being Myth?

If you mean in terms of politics, I don't plan on ever getting involved in that section.

Chemical Engineer is what I'm aiming toward at the moment.

SuRroundeD By 1
10-18-2012, 06:34 PM
If you mean in terms of politics, I don't plan on ever getting involved in that section.

Chemical Engineer is what I'm aiming toward at the moment.

That's what I meant haha.

Then, at this point, do you feel as if America even has a chance of coming out of this situation? You obviously have the plan to do it, but do you think that we, the people, have a chance of changing our mindsets and how we vote? Is there a chance that people will begin to see that we have a huge problem and will actually try to find a way to fix it (instead of just believing the speakers of their political party)?

10-18-2012, 06:40 PM
Congress is the problem. Myth is right, the president is bullshit and we worry too much about them.

Most of the laws we abide by are set by our state and local government. So we SHOULD concern ourselves with them.

But, alas, people are stupid and like the drama that comes in a presidential election.


I live in Kansas, so we will choose Romney. Now I know that voting for anybody else won't help them get elected, but I am going to vote for the libertarian candidate Gary Johnson to show my discontent with the current governmental system.

I think two party is okay, maybe even a good thing; but not when you have figureheads and lazy/corrupt bickering "representatives" who just want control for the sake of control.

Presidents aren't at fault for a vast majority of the things they get blamed for (Gas prices, especially). The government defecit isn't even really why the economy sucks. I'm not educated enough on the subject to tell you what the real fiscal problems are, aside from the housing crash and not raising taxes when we increased our spending (over the last decade or so) while fighting a war. I'm willing to bet though that the trillion dollars of debt/deficit we have every year isn't even a blip on the radar compared to the amount of money that gets pumped around over the U.S. marketplace.

10-18-2012, 06:51 PM
I think two party is okay, maybe even a good thing; but not when you have figureheads and lazy/corrupt bickering "representatives" who just want control for the sake of control.

Parties don't help anything except promote the lazy/corrupt aspects.

Simply having no parties at all would make things better (harder for people to be lazy/corrupt), but that couldn't exist in a human society because we always try to group people into categories and such. And because of that, people ally themselves with others and stop thinking rationally and instead become corrupt, content to hold power.

I'm not educated enough on the subject to tell you what the real fiscal problems are, aside from the housing crash and not raising taxes when we increased our spending (over the last decade or so) while fighting a war. As I said before, lowering taxes is actually what would give us more revenue, since we're past the equilibrium point.

Another example of how is the business taxes. In Iceland, for instance, they reduced their business taxes down to like 12%, and their revenue like tripled or something (because instead of businesses outsourcing stuff, they started coming back to Iceland). And they think the equilibrium point is even lower.

We, on the other hand, have the highest tax rates for businesses on the planet (except maybe Japan, but I think they recently lowered theirs). Rates in the high thirties is just insane. The government would have so much more money if they'd start looking for the equilibrium point.

But they won't look for it, because if people saw them lowering taxes on the rich or whatever, they other party would go ape-shit on them and none of them would get re-elected. (that's effectively the definition of corruption).

I'm willing to bet though that the trillion dollars of debt/deficit we have every year isn't even a blip on the radar compared to the amount of money that gets pumped around over the U.S. marketplace.

True, but it adds up and having all that debt on one entity makes bankruptcy a serious concern.


That's what I meant haha.

Then, at this point, do you feel as if America even has a chance of coming out of this situation? You obviously have the plan to do it, but do you think that we, the people, have a chance of changing our mindsets and how we vote? Is there a chance that people will begin to see that we have a huge problem and will actually try to find a way to fix it (instead of just believing the speakers of their political party)?


People are too close-minded nowadays to be able to do that. What it would require is if a politician undergoes a stroke or something and suddenly realizes that reality works the way it does. But that's too idealist to rely on, and will likely not happen.

Even if somehow a revolution happens, the people who step up to lead the new government wouldn't be any better, in all likelihood.

Objectively, probably the best solution would be for either another World War to happen, which might have a chance of knocking some sense into people, or some other global catastrophe. Although even then it's unlikely.

Basically, I see no reasonable way to solve the problem without major suffering. It'd be a cinch if people were open-minded, though.

10-18-2012, 07:35 PM
We should start a revolution. Myth and his group of nerds (us) vs the government (people with giant guns)

Who will win?

SuRroundeD By 1
10-18-2012, 07:37 PM
Parties don't help anything except promote the lazy/corrupt aspects.

Simply having no parties at all would make things better (harder for people to be lazy/corrupt), but that couldn't exist in a human society because we always try to group people into categories and such. And because of that, people ally themselves with others and stop thinking rationally and instead become corrupt, content to hold power.

As I said before, lowering taxes is actually what would give us more revenue, since we're past the equilibrium point.

Another example of how is the business taxes. In Iceland, for instance, they reduced their business taxes down to like 12%, and their revenue like tripled or something (because instead of businesses outsourcing stuff, they started coming back to Iceland). And they think the equilibrium point is even lower.

We, on the other hand, have the highest tax rates for businesses on the planet (except maybe Japan, but I think they recently lowered theirs). Rates in the high thirties is just insane. The government would have so much more money if they'd start looking for the equilibrium point.

But they won't look for it, because if people saw them lowering taxes on the rich or whatever, they other party would go ape-shit on them and none of them would get re-elected. (that's effectively the definition of corruption).

True, but it adds up and having all that debt on one entity makes bankruptcy a serious concern.



People are too close-minded nowadays to be able to do that. What it would require is if a politician undergoes a stroke or something and suddenly realizes that reality works the way it does. But that's too idealist to rely on, and will likely not happen.

Even if somehow a revolution happens, the people who step up to lead the new government wouldn't be any better, in all likelihood.

Objectively, probably the best solution would be for either another World War to happen, which might have a chance of knocking some sense into people, or some other global catastrophe. Although even then it's unlikely.

Basically, I see no reasonable way to solve the problem without major suffering. It'd be a cinch if people were open-minded, though.

We'll have you make a video where you explain all the technical aspects of our economy in a way people will understand and be interested in, and I'll dedicate my life to spreading the message T_T or . . . maybe not . . .

10-18-2012, 07:40 PM
Well we would have the people on our side, we would be able to blend in perfectly with that. Guns are easy to get anywhere. With Mythonian and Metkil we can easily set up a whole new communication server only for us, unbreakable by any outside force.


Rokkman X
10-18-2012, 08:11 PM
There's been a lot of talk on the web about a society in the military called the Oathkeepers. Their idea's revolve around loyalty to the constitution of the United States and by association to the people. We would have strong allies with them. Everyone would be responsible for their own armament and personal standard equipment though. I know a thing or two about guns and would make a few suggestions if super cereal but I doubt this so I wont.

Nicholas Sapien
10-18-2012, 08:20 PM
Obama won't do anything to improve the economy. Romney won't either. Those of you who say otherwise don't understand the economy.

At this point, most of what MedeDust said earlier, and also a reevaluation of our tax system needs to be done.

Here's a quick lesson on taxes...

Taxes are meant to provide the government revenue.
Tax revenue and tax rates follow a curve that look like this:http://finxknowledgeatcbsdu.file s.wordpress.com/2008/07/lc-21.gif
That means, higher taxes do not always increase revenue! At this point in time, we are at Point B in that graph in every part of our tax system. Increasing taxes on anyone (even the rich) will actually decrease how much money the country gets (this may seem counterintuitive, but it makes sense when you think about socioeconomic mobility and such).
In order to fix this economy, the only thing the government should be doing is fixing the tax system.
The way to fix the tax system is to reach the Equilibrium Point.

Obama's not doing it correctly and wants to raise taxes on the rich to "make them pay their fair share," when actually reducing taxes on them (what Romney originally wanted, but now doesn't talk about because people are stupid and think that it's bad for some stupid reason) will increase government revenue.

For income taxes, a tax rate of about 10-15% is near the equilibrium point. Most high-income earners pay a much higher rate, and therefore the government loses revenue (this is part of the reason we have such high deficits!)...

@Everyone, politicians will never fix our country. They always ruin it more and more. Stop voting for politicians already. Seriously.

You want to know why almost everyone who runs for government is a politician? Because people are stupid and keep voting for politicians. If people started voting for people who are actually qualified for the position (seriously, think about what it truly takes to lead a country for once), then we wouldn't have issues with politicians in the first place...


(and that doesn't even begin to talk about business taxes, sales taxes, etc...)

Thanks for helping on my project myth
I will always vote for you :)

10-18-2012, 09:39 PM
We'll have you make a video where you explain all the technical aspects of our economy in a way people will understand and be interested in, and I'll dedicate my life to spreading the message T_T or . . . maybe not . . .

Just take an economics class. It's amazing how much more you'll know with basic micro/macro under your belt.

Politics centers around creating a well structured argument, more specifically one that convinces people to your side. Problem is we live in a world of uninformed voters who vote for who makes them the happiest, period. Logic or not. You tell them what they want to hear, and ignore everything else behind it.

Taxes are a good example, as myth described. Minimum wage has a fancy graph with it too that might blow your mind a bit. They appeal to your values, even if it goes in the wrong direction. Lets face it, we vote for who we like, then justify our choice later.

And of course, presidents make very few serious decisions (in terms of how we think they effect the economy, our lives, etc.)

SuRroundeD By 1
10-18-2012, 09:50 PM
Just take an economics class. It's amazing how much more you'll know with basic micro/macro under your belt.

Politics centers around creating a well structured argument, more specifically one that convinces people to your side. Problem is we live in a world of uninformed voters who vote for who makes them the happiest, period. Logic or not. You tell them what they want to hear, and ignore everything else behind it.

Taxes are a good example, as myth described. Minimum wage has a fancy graph with it too that might blow your mind a bit. They appeal to your values, even if it goes in the wrong direction. Lets face it, we vote for who we like, then justify our choice later.

And of course, presidents make very few serious decisions (in terms of how we think they effect the economy, our lives, etc.)

Yeah, I took an economics class Junior year, but a lot of the info has escaped me. I remember a few key points but a refresher every now and then doesn't hurt. Funny thing is I actually began debating against my parents on certain aspects of the economy.

My step mom is a huge liberal, and got mad at me when I suggested that maybe taxing the rich a whole bunch isn't going to solve all of our problems. I'm not going to get into the specifics of it, but it definitely wasn't fun getting yelled at about knowing nothing when . . . I was the one who knew something.

10-18-2012, 09:54 PM
Yeah, I took an economics class Junior year, but a lot of the info has escaped me. I remember a few key points but a refresher every now and then doesn't hurt. Funny thing is I actually began debating against my parents on certain aspects of the economy.

My step mom is a huge liberal, and got mad at me when I suggested that maybe taxing the rich a whole bunch isn't going to solve all of our problems. I'm not going to get into the specifics of it, but it definitely wasn't fun getting yelled at about knowing nothing when . . . I was the one who knew something.

If you enjoyed it, I'd recommend taking a full class in college. It'll usually fit a social science requirement of sorts... Plus at the college level, what you learn will be a lot more applicable to the real world.

If a politician were to tell your mom that, do you think they'd get her vote? Of course not, so why would they tell her the truth?
(Assuming what you said was accurate)

In that lies the problem.

10-18-2012, 10:07 PM
My step mom is a huge liberal, and got mad at me when I suggested that maybe taxing the rich a whole bunch isn't going to solve all of our problems. I'm not going to get into the specifics of it, but it definitely wasn't fun getting yelled at about knowing nothing when . . . I was the one who knew something.

I know that feeling. However, don't give up! Give examples, well-constructed arguments, and leave no room for error and you can convince anyone of anything.

(seriously, I knew someone in high school that did that to random people, just make up something ridiculous and try to convince someone it was true, and they often succeeded) I may have done it once or twice as well. >.>

If you enjoyed it, I'd recommend taking a full class in college. It'll usually fit a social science requirement of sorts... Plus at the college level, what you learn will be a lot more applicable to the real world.
Usually it's a core class that pretty much everyone is required to take. Unfortunately, like 90% of people don't listen, barely pass, and promptly forget everything.

If a politician were to tell your mom that, do you think they'd get her vote? Of course not, so why would they tell her the truth?
(Assuming what you said was accurate)

In that lies the problem.
And that's why, as I said earlier, no politician is going to fix the tax system. Because if they tried, they'd never be elected again because everyone will rage about how they only care about rich people or something.

For example, in the last presidential debate Obama did that toward Romney several times, trying to make people think he only cared about the top 1% or something. Of course, Romney and Obama both only care about themselves and being elected/reelected.

You guys should realize that no politician cares about you at all. They all only care about themselves and being elected. Seriously.

(well, Theodore Roosevelt could be a counter-example, but he was one of the few actually good presidents we've had).

10-18-2012, 10:11 PM
Usually it's a core class that pretty much everyone is required to take. Unfortunately, like 90% of people don't listen, barely pass, and promptly forget everything.

I haven't seen economics as a required class anywhere except for business majors. At least, that's what it's like here. It's not really hard, but a lot of people seem to do poorly in it.

10-18-2012, 10:19 PM
I haven't seen economics as a required class anywhere except for business majors. At least, that's what it's like here. It's not really hard, but a lot of people seem to do poorly in it.

Hmm... Well, it should be required everywhere, then... I don't see why it is only required in certain areas (or maybe it's just my college).

10-18-2012, 10:20 PM
I haven't seen economics as a required class anywhere except for business majors. At least, that's what it's like here. It's not really hard, but a lot of people seem to do poorly in it.

I believe Myth was talking about High School, as that was the example Surrounded provided. It was required in my High School as well. lol.

Also, 9-9-9! :P

10-18-2012, 10:22 PM
Wasn't required in HS for me either...


10-18-2012, 10:24 PM
I believe Myth was talking about High School, as that was the example Surrounded provided. It was required in my High School as well. lol.

Also, 9-9-9! :P

Nah, I meant college. (it was still required in my high school, but I never took it due to Dual Enrollment).

Fair Tax > 9-9-9 > our current tax system.

10-18-2012, 10:51 PM
Nah, I meant college. (it was still required in my high school, but I never took it due to Dual Enrollment).

Fair Tax > 9-9-9 > our current tax system.


Also, it could be put this way:

Fair Tax > SimCity Tax Plan > Current Tax Plan.


10-18-2012, 10:53 PM

Also, it could be put this way:

Fair Tax > SimCity Tax Plan > Current Tax Plan.


Equally valid would be:

Fair Tax >= Anything > Current Tax Plan

Al Capone111
10-19-2012, 01:41 AM
I prefer the Tyler Durden plan.

10-19-2012, 01:48 AM
I prefer the Tyler Durden plan.

Well, we'd definitely get rid of the obesity epidemic that way.

Al Capone111
10-19-2012, 02:18 AM
And get some good soap out of it to