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View Full Version : Official FC Battle Feedback Thread

RaZ Vader
01-10-2011, 05:04 PM
This thread is for any feedback soldiers may have about loadouts, maps or anything else that they may have a concern about on battle days. Post here, and try not to duplicate what others are saying. BE RESPECTFUL and your voices will be heard

Nicholas Sapien
01-10-2011, 05:21 PM
Redd Should recruit more cause I heard complaints that red was using same players
some fought same squad two or three times?
<_<:tank: GG though will get you guys next time

Al Capone111
01-10-2011, 05:32 PM
Mostly some level editing that needs to be done (spawns, weapon/AA placement, and those damn man-cannons on SB)

01-10-2011, 05:42 PM
Cpt. Nick just listed one of my thoughts. No offense to Redd or anything, but when we joined last war the same thing happened to Blue. I would suggest to Redd maybe trying to recruit a clan in as how FoR was. There are plenty of them on Bungie.net and just need to reach out to them.

As for starting loadouts. My opinion is the starting weapons need to be standardized meaning there shouldn't be two AR/Magnum and one DMR/AR classes. You do have to choose between mobility and firepower but most end up simply going for the DMR/AR. Why? Because you have an effective mid to long range weapon. Face the truth, you can simply eliminate enemies and still get to where you're going without the mobility issue. I'll use two matches from last night as example.

The first will be FoR vs Zulu (GG guys). We made good run for the weapons and got them using the Sprint and Evade Classes. However once we were back at base we realized that most of Zulu had DMRs. Each base has a limited number so my current hypothesis is they spawned with the Hologram Class (which I'll use video and then post my result). Because they had DMRs and the majority of FoR had power weapon and a Magnum, etc we were spawn camped. It wasn't until Zulu made their detonation of the bomb was FoR able to come back. The majority of them seemed to be in our base and had trouble making their way back. This coupled with a rocket that killed EVERYBODY except me.... ensured victory. But what if Zulu had not swarmed our base entirely and sat back? They had the firepower to do so.

Next was my FoR Squad against Andiminion and his squad (GG as well). So on Sword Base there was plenty of good old CQC and whatnot. However near the end, Red secured the hill which made it impossible for us to get it back. Now currently I'm of the opinion they had top control (which most Red spawns allow) and DMRs with other weapons. It may just be the fact assymetrical maps never work out for one team and simply we were set in a horrible spot.

The tl;dr version. There needs to be the same starting weapons for ALL classes. It defeats the point of having AR/Magnum with mobility plus while being camped by someone with DMR/Hologram and will kill you beofre you get the chance to move. In addition this may slow gameplay down on more open maps because no one will choose the AR/Magnum Sprint class out of the fact moving faster doesen't kill faster. The fact remains just because you add a few more DMRs on the map doesen't it solved the spawn camping problem.

01-10-2011, 05:48 PM
If Blue want's me too I'll bring OcR into the wars. But then there will be more complaining.

01-10-2011, 05:56 PM
Yehsus we all know you wont do that.
The loadout need to be fixed;
Why have evade spawn with 1 nade and sprint spawn with 2? that makes no sense.
DMR + Decoy is not the best choice either.

S-word base is...confusing. I'm fine with the lift that takes you to the high vent (attic) but aside from that the other ones take away any challenge the map offers.

01-10-2011, 05:59 PM
They nade thing should be fixed but other than that it is fine. Since evade and sprint are better AAs then hologram and the DMR is better than the magnum.

RaZ Vader
01-10-2011, 06:43 PM
Keep up the suggestions everyone. good points all around so far.

01-10-2011, 06:55 PM
there should be two DMR classes...maybe with sprint or evade as AA

RaZ Vader
01-10-2011, 06:59 PM
there should be two DMR classes...maybe with sprint or evade as AA

I like this

01-10-2011, 07:06 PM
Cpt. Nick just listed one of my thoughts. No offense to Redd or anything, but when we joined last war the same thing happened to Blue. I would suggest to Redd maybe trying to recruit a clan in as how FoR was. There are plenty of them on Bungie.net and just need to reach out to them.

The tl;dr version. There needs to be the same starting weapons for ALL classes. It defeats the point of having AR/Magnum with mobility plus while being camped by someone with DMR/Hologram and will kill you beofre you get the chance to move. In addition this may slow gameplay down on more open maps because no one will choose the AR/Magnum Sprint class out of the fact moving faster doesen't kill faster. The fact remains just because you add a few more DMRs on the map doesn't it solved the spawn camping problem.

I agree with diesel93 and Nick on Red needing to recruit more players. I suggest that you guys make one post at least every week on bungie.net or at least send messages on xbox live whenever you play halo:reach. There are also some of Blue who weren't even able to participate on the battle last night, we have to do something about that. I know that there are exhibition matches but I don't think that's even enough with the fact that it doesn't affect the war or the battle night in anyway. Point is why even have exhibition matches when its a lost cause, we can just schedule our own private battle with them that does not do anything at all.

Also I don't like that there is a dmr on the loadout and one grenade on the loadout with evade. I think it would be a lot better of there was just an ar and pistol on all classes and just place dmr's around the map and just pick it up ourselves (even though i love dmr). I Its just not fair that some of us forcibly pick the first loadout simply because that is the only one that has two grenades, then get picked off from far without the capability with defending ourselves with a br. The evade loadout with one grenade just seems unnecessary.

01-10-2011, 07:08 PM
We need more people here in REDD. Ima go raid Bnet for members.

01-10-2011, 07:17 PM
That is what everyone should do. Im glad to see someone step up. :)

01-10-2011, 07:20 PM
I agree with Aftershock on having another DMR/AR class having Sprint or Evade.

Nicholas Sapien
01-10-2011, 07:27 PM
I agree with diesel93 and Nick on Red needing to recruit more players. I suggest that you guys make one post at least every week on bungie.net or at least send messages on xbox live whenever you play halo:reach. There are also some of Blue who weren't even able to participate on the battle last night, we have to do something about that. I know that there are exhibition matches but I don't think that's even enough with the fact that it doesn't affect the war or the battle night in anyway. Point is why even have exhibition matches when its a lost cause, we can just schedule our own private battle with them that does not do anything at all.

Also I don't like that there is a dmr on the loadout and one grenade on the loadout with evade. I think it would be a lot better of there was just an ar and pistol on all classes and just place dmr's around the map and just pick it up ourselves (even though i love dmr). I Its just not fair that some of us forcibly pick the first loadout simply because that is the only one that has two grenades, then get picked off from far without the capability with defending ourselves with a br. The evade loadout with one grenade just seems unnecessary.

you can recruit on bungie????
I have justed recruited on xbox live only.
thanks for the new source anyways

01-10-2011, 07:47 PM
That is what everyone should do. Im glad to see someone step up. :)
To be honest, I might get 1 or 2 people. I've tried recruiting from Bnet, and it's hard. I'll start spamming the classifieds though and try my luck.

01-10-2011, 07:58 PM
I run b.net, if I send 4 messages 4 people will join wut.

Nicholas Sapien
01-10-2011, 08:00 PM
I tried Bungie :(
Xbox live is the only good way to go
and this is what I wrote

We are a war simulation community that fights for control over halo reach maps every sunday at 7:00 pm EST against ourselves (Red vs. Blue armies).Choose Your side or favorite color(thats what I did :).We have our own Rank Structure, Set of rules(there meant for people not to be harmed on or off the website),Units, and most of all we just want to have fun.If you need any help just contact me on Xbox Live and I'll be happy to help. Here is my gamertag: XxCptNICK94xX

Blue Major XxCptNICK94xX
Commanding Officer of the 13th Airborne

01-10-2011, 08:09 PM
Almost nobody on b.net will even read you message sadly because of the amount of group invite spam. Then any other chance is destroyed since you didn't hyperlink and they are all lazy.

The only reason I can get people from there is because I met most of my XBL friends from there and they will actually read my message.

01-10-2011, 08:31 PM
1. Recruitment has always been a problem. Always.
2. I thought the maps were tested?
3. The Loadouts suck. Should be:
-Sniper+Rockets+Jetpack+4G +4PG :P

4. Pavilion is not a good map at all. No flow to, horrible cover and you get stuck almost everywhere. Its a real hard map to play support player on. <_< wich really should not be the case on any map.

01-10-2011, 08:59 PM
-BRNot sure if that was meant as a joke or not...

01-10-2011, 09:19 PM
1. Recruitment has always been a problem. Always.
2. I thought the maps were tested?
3. The Loadouts suck. Should be:
-Sniper+Rockets+Jetpack+4G +4PG :P

4. Pavilion is not a good map at all. No flow to, horrible cover and you get stuck almost everywhere. Its a real hard map to play support player on. <_< wich really should not be the case on any map.

I'd suggest DMR/AR for Sprint and Evade, DMR/Magnum for Hologram or something like that.

01-10-2011, 10:16 PM
4. Pavilion is not a good map at all. No flow to, horrible cover and you get stuck almost everywhere. Its a real hard map to play support player on. <_< wich really should not be the case on any map.

you stole my words <.<
but I still think we abused the map pretty well lol

01-10-2011, 10:23 PM
agreed. i just hope the other custom maps arent as bad as pavilion was

Al Capone111
01-10-2011, 10:40 PM
Do WE actually have a Bungie.net page? Someone should get on that.

Ex Zen Mute
01-10-2011, 10:49 PM
I am quite disappointed on AA placement on maps.
And the edit's done to default maps.

Sowrdbase - WTF? The map was a CF to begin with and now it is a bigger CF. Adding all the lifts? There is no point for a jetpack anymore.
Also, placing DS on a map like that, wow, it makes no sense. DS on swordbase is worse than AL.
I kept running into the situation where I would range someone to one shot and then, DS. How do you counter a bubble that lasts longer then AL and recharges health? Especially at range. Seems like DS is to much of a crutch power up.

Pavilion - ... Who the hell play tested this? Dynamic feeling spawns for objective? Why do I want to spawn at the other base when the bomb is being armed at my base?

I honestly think we should just go back to default Reach. Maybe DMR/AR reach. This CF is just.... horrid feeling.


Also, th fact of not having AL as a starting AA. It was place on the maps. Treated like an OS. I did not once see anyone use AL how people complained about it. Heck, I didn't even see anyone use it at all. I mainly saw DS.

Speaking of DS... I was having some thoughs on why we placed it.
DS is mainly a spawning AA in 3rd wave invasion and objective games (sans Hill). Why do we need DS in slayer?
Also, with hill, DS will be used horribly. Grab, use it next to hill, sit in DS/hill and gain an unfair time advantage.

Fiery Grave
01-11-2011, 12:18 AM
I don't get the point of people anting sprint with their DMR's spawn (well i get it I just feel they shouldn't be asking) you spawn with hologram because its an AA that doesn't mesh well with the DMR's style so when picking the DMR your sacrificing the better AA's for a better weapon...

or maybe you think it would be better to just take DMR spawn out completely.... because we are not catering these matches to a few individuals preference in load outs

I also want to ask if our forge division understands how re spawn areas work? and to please get rid of pavilion

01-11-2011, 12:46 AM
These wars are about fun, DMR + HG is not fun its disapointing and annoying.

Yes when i put BR it was a joke because i like the BR allot better.

01-11-2011, 01:26 AM
I don't get the point of people anting sprint with their DMR's spawn (well i get it I just feel they shouldn't be asking) you spawn with hologram because its an AA that doesn't mesh well with the DMR's style so when picking the DMR your sacrificing the better AA's for a better weapon...

Tbh I actually agree with Fiery Grave for once. The HQ did a good job of balancing out the Loadouts where you have the choice of a good weapon or AA. Sure I would rather have a loadout that is sprint/DMR but it works out well this way.

Mi Boys Dinner
01-11-2011, 02:21 AM
These wars were about fun, a long time ago.

Ps:I miss you Joel. ):
Same feelings about Pav. as Ash. Who truely crafted this work? Because it seems like whoever did didn't even see what would happen with spawns. Try every way you can of to see how spawns will work. Different bases, etc. Also, if not already, test it with the amount of players it's supposed to be set on.

SB is also a fail. Not as much as Pav., but still. Those extra man-cannons are not needed and why are jetpacks even in there? And are shotgun and sword spawns in radically different places? >.>

Get shit together.

Also, wtf with your bomb varient? I really don't like the whole, "Cool story bro, I'm going to blow up at 29 and dumb kids like Dinner can't really add 29 and 29 together during a game".

01-11-2011, 02:34 AM
I am quite disappointed on AA placement on maps.
And the edit's done to default maps.

Sowrdbase - WTF? The map was a CF to begin with and now it is a bigger CF. Adding all the lifts? There is no point for a jetpack anymore.
Also, placing DS on a map like that, wow, it makes no sense. DS on swordbase is worse than AL.
I kept running into the situation where I would range someone to one shot and then, DS. How do you counter a bubble that lasts longer then AL and recharges health? Especially at range. Seems like DS is to much of a crutch power up.

Pavilion - ... Who the hell play tested this? Dynamic feeling spawns for objective? Why do I want to spawn at the other base when the bomb is being armed at my base?

I honestly think we should just go back to default Reach. Maybe DMR/AR reach. This CF is just.... horrid feeling.


Also, th fact of not having AL as a starting AA. It was place on the maps. Treated like an OS. I did not once see anyone use AL how people complained about it. Heck, I didn't even see anyone use it at all. I mainly saw DS.

Speaking of DS... I was having some thoughs on why we placed it.
DS is mainly a spawning AA in 3rd wave invasion and objective games (sans Hill). Why do we need DS in slayer?
Also, with hill, DS will be used horribly. Grab, use it next to hill, sit in DS/hill and gain an unfair time advantage.


01-11-2011, 03:32 AM

The Pavilion spawn system has been fixed. The issue was a messed up spawn zone. The original creator had a spawn zone under the map that was hidden. It went over the bottom of the map, and prioritized spawns there.

We had correct spawn zones that would have worked perfectly, but the added spawn zone screwed it up. I found it earlier and fixed it. It still needs to be tested, but the issue should be resolved. It wont be used for this Sunday, though, since you can't attack the same map twice in a row.

In terms of the openness of the map, I personally agree with you that additional cover should be added. I'll take a look at Pavilion and come up with some possible cover additions.

Sword Base

There was never meant to be two dropshields on the map. I don't remember placing two of them, but whatever. I've already removed the one outside of Research.

About the mancannons: red side spawns on the level above the blue spawns. From red spawn, you have 4 options: (1) up the stairs to Break Room, (2) across the middle bridge toward Research, (3) across the long bridge, and (4) dropping down into bottom mid.

From blue spawn, they had 3 options: (1) to the side toward the default sword spawn, (2) across the low bridge to gold lift, and (3) dropping down to bottom mid. The lift there gave them a 4th option to jump to Research and contest the middle bridge, which is especially important in Flag Frenzy and Capture Point, more so than other gametypes.

However, I concede that the lift near Grenade Launcher spawn is unnecessary.

About the shotgun and sword: since both of them spawned on blue side, we decided to move the sword to Operations (under red spawn), and moved the shotgun up one level to Storage.

We have been discussing this a bit and will continue to do so. Decisions will be made, and then the battles will be fought. Not everyone will end up happy, obviously, and a lot of people will be forced to deal with things no matter what we choose.

We are considering everything discussed in this thread. Continue posting things. The more details you include, the better, and the more likely it will be that your issue is resolved.

Al Capone111
01-11-2011, 12:11 PM

The Pavilion spawn system has been fixed. The issue was a messed up spawn zone. The original creator had a spawn zone under the map that was hidden. It went over the bottom of the map, and prioritized spawns there.

We had correct spawn zones that would have worked perfectly, but the added spawn zone screwed it up. I found it earlier and fixed it. It still needs to be tested, but the issue should be resolved. It wont be used for this Sunday, though, since you can't attack the same map twice in a row.

In terms of the openness of the map, I personally agree with you that additional cover should be added. I'll take a look at Pavilion and come up with some possible cover additions.

Sword Base

There was never meant to be two dropshields on the map. I don't remember placing two of them, but whatever. I've already removed the one outside of Research.

About the mancannons: red side spawns on the level above the blue spawns. From red spawn, you have 4 options: (1) up the stairs to Break Room, (2) across the middle bridge toward Research, (3) across the long bridge, and (4) dropping down into bottom mid.

From blue spawn, they had 3 options: (1) to the side toward the default sword spawn, (2) across the low bridge to gold lift, and (3) dropping down to bottom mid. The lift there gave them a 4th option to jump to Research and contest the middle bridge, which is especially important in Flag Frenzy and Capture Point, more so than other gametypes.

However, I concede that the lift near Grenade Launcher spawn is unnecessary.

About the shotgun and sword: since both of them spawned on blue side, we decided to move the sword to Operations (under red spawn), and moved the shotgun up one level to Storage.

We have been discussing this a bit and will continue to do so. Decisions will be made, and then the battles will be fought. Not everyone will end up happy, obviously, and a lot of people will be forced to deal with things no matter what we choose.

We are considering everything discussed in this thread. Continue posting things. The more details you include, the better, and the more likely it will be that your issue is resolved.

Can we do a play test with the proper number of people tonight? Or this week sometime? It doesnt even need to be a full match. Just enough to see what work and what didnt. Better to fix the problems now rather than later.

01-11-2011, 12:20 PM
Yes, of course. It is just that I would like to concentrate on the maps for this Sunday instead so that there aren't any issues with these maps... (Unfortunately, attacks haven't been declared yet).

I'll be on XBL when I can be.

Al Capone111
01-11-2011, 12:31 PM
Ill be on around 5 est.

01-11-2011, 04:54 PM
Side note for Pavilion:

Obsidian was originally meant to be played. However, within the last 48 hours of the battle, some members of the High Command and War Council decided against it. Myth and co. tried their hardest to get a replacement map, but, alas, there was bound to be issues. We're sorry for problems like these and with your continued feedback, we can be one step closer to ensuring that does not happen again. (also testing with Myth and I will help!)

Ex Zen Mute
01-11-2011, 08:43 PM
When testing, call in players who know what to look for.
FoR, Zulu, Fear... to name a few. Have them play serious matches on them.

01-11-2011, 08:51 PM
When testing, call in players who know what to look for.
FoR, Zulu, Fear... to name a few. Have them play serious matches on them.

FoR has been the only group of people to accept my invites. Take mine and Mythonian's invites seriously, please, and this might not have happened in the first place. (Ash is the only exception, as you join regardless of invitations, lol.)

01-11-2011, 09:01 PM
I dont get invites.

Ex Zen Mute
01-11-2011, 09:18 PM
FoR has been the only group of people to accept my invites. Take mine and Mythonian's invites seriously, please, and this might not have happened in the first place. (Ash is the only exception, as you join regardless of invitations, lol.)

Bah, I get bored more since I wiped my friend list. I need more people to play with. So many people won't add me because they want MLG pros and nothing else.

I dont get invites.

You never answer or get offline.