View Full Version : Taxes: Obama or Romney

11-01-2012, 08:30 AM
Here it is! Enjoy!


11-01-2012, 10:11 AM
The whole "cut taxes and borrow money" plan from the Reagen Years put this country in the debt it is today. During the Clinton and Obama years, the national deficit was cut (more so from Clinton because of the glass steagall act [look it up], less so from Obama due to healthcare...). I'm a registered Republican, but I'm either voting 3rd party this year or Democratic....have not decided yet.

Or I'm going to sit home and destroy children in Halo 4.

Rokkman X
11-01-2012, 10:55 AM
Or I'm going to sit home and destroy children in Halo 4.

11-01-2012, 10:58 AM
I will not get into this! You can't make me! AC3 calls me!

11-01-2012, 11:17 AM
H4 will be calling on election day

11-01-2012, 11:18 AM
The whole "cut taxes and borrow money" plan from the Reagen Years put this country in the debt it is today. During the Clinton and Obama years, the national deficit was cut (more so from Clinton because of the glass steagall act [look it up], less so from Obama due to healthcare...). I'm a registered Republican, but I'm either voting 3rd party this year or Democratic....have not decided yet.

Or I'm going to sit home and destroy children in Halo 4.

Hmmm... I'm curious where you got your information that Obama has cut the deficit at all. In reality, he's increased it.

To illustrate this:

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/90/Revenue_and_Expense_to_GD P_Chart_1993_-_2008.png
(as it says, data comes directly from the Congressional Budget Office.)

You can look at the graph itself, and it seems pretty obvious he's doubled it since Bush.

Or, you can look at the averages below that. Bush had an average deficit of 2%GDP, while Obama has raised it to 8.7%GDP.

I agree that Clinton cut the deficit (which is actually very easy to do, and I explained how in my first post in this thread), but Obama did the opposite.

The best way, as I explained in my first post, to remove the deficit is to both reduce spending and increase revenue simultaneously. This is exactly what Clinton did, as you can see by the graph. However, Obama did the reverse and increased spending while cutting revenue, thereby rapidly increasing the deficit.

11-01-2012, 11:22 AM
Your voice is rather attractive though.

11-01-2012, 11:26 AM
Use your social networks and spread the intelligent words of Mythonian!!! Lmao.

11-01-2012, 12:06 PM
Hmmm... I'm curious where you got your information that Obama has cut the deficit at all. In reality, he's increased it.

To illustrate this:

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/90/Revenue_and_Expense_to_GD P_Chart_1993_-_2008.png
(as it says, data comes directly from the Congressional Budget Office.)

You can look at the graph itself, and it seems pretty obvious he's doubled it since Bush.

Or, you can look at the averages below that. Bush had an average deficit of 2%GDP, while Obama has raised it to 8.7%GDP.

I agree that Clinton cut the deficit (which is actually very easy to do, and I explained how in my first post in this thread), but Obama did the opposite.

The best way, as I explained in my first post, to remove the deficit is to both reduce spending and increase revenue simultaneously. This is exactly what Clinton did, as you can see by the graph. However, Obama did the reverse and increased spending while cutting revenue, thereby rapidly increasing the deficit.

The last time I checked out any data was before the whole health care issue years ago, in which it showed he was doing work. My fault for not staying current. I stay away from politics for obvious reasons.

You want to fist fight me Myth? Come at me bro.

11-01-2012, 12:23 PM
The last time I checked out any data was before the whole health care issue years ago, in which it showed he was doing work. My fault for not staying current. I stay away from politics for obvious reasons.

You want to fist fight me Myth? Come at me bro.
Tisk, tisk...

Coming at you, bro!