View Full Version : Halo 4 Launch Night Livestream

11-02-2012, 04:40 PM
I will be streaming the entire night after I receive the game from Gamestop. I will only be streaming multiplayer footage, as I don't like to stream campaign footage. If you would like to receive an invite, I will be having a first-come-first-served policy on the stream. I will send an invite to those who post their gamertag in this topic first, and then the invites will be fair game afterward. The stream video will likely go up on my Youtube Channel and possibly FC's Youtube channel.

Just post your gamertag on here and I'll send you an invite.

11-02-2012, 04:49 PM

should be ready to play by 12:20 at the latest, gotta get stuff downloaded and all set up on the new console

11-02-2012, 04:51 PM
Not to criticize or anything but many people are doing streams but in reality everybody will be to busy on day 1 of Halo 4 playing the game/campaign themselves and will be to drawn to the game to watch any of these streams. I would love to watch anyone's stream in FC but the first week of Halo 4 I know that I wouldn't.

11-02-2012, 06:08 PM

I'll hopefully be on by 12:15ish. I'll probably only play for like an hour though, because I have class Tuesday morning.

After all my classes I'll be on from around 5pm until I go to bed.

11-02-2012, 07:53 PM
Not to criticize or anything but many people are doing streams but in reality everybody will be to busy on day 1 of Halo 4 playing the game/campaign themselves and will be to drawn to the game to watch any of these streams. I would love to watch anyone's stream in FC but the first week of Halo 4 I know that I wouldn't.

I'm going to do the campaign in my own time. I just thought it would be something cool for us to do as a community. Don't want to participate due to campaign play? That's fine.

Everyone else who wants to play multiplayer can participate. I'll be on probably closer to 12:30ish. I live in a college town.

11-03-2012, 04:40 PM
sounds good, should definitely give me enough time to get my new box all set up and everything for like 3-4 games DLC downloaded

11-05-2012, 09:18 AM
sounds good, should definitely give me enough time to get my new box all set up and everything for like 3-4 games DLC downloaded

That's fine. I've got about five people wanting in so far, so we'll have a bit more room for you when you log in.