View Full Version : Chiefs age in forward unto dawn!!!

11-03-2012, 12:26 AM
Ok so i did some digging and i found out that in Forward Unto Dawn that the chiefs age is infact 15 years of age. wtf right? XD

11-03-2012, 12:35 AM
Ok so i did some digging and i found out that in Forward Unto Dawn that the chiefs age is infact 15 years of age. wtf right? XD

You have to understand, they went through augmentation at an early age, before which they were akin to Olympic athletes in strength, speed, physic, etc. Also, being abducted so young, their maturity or "robotic" person is drilled into them. They only know to be one way, an efficient solider on the battle field.

This is why many, I especially, love seeing the more human side of the Spartans. What would they be like if they were regular soldiers? Would they go for drinks like us? Want families? It's a whole new side of a Spartan never looked into as they were bred for and into war, from the Insurrection to the Human-Covenant wars. That's why I'm really looking forward to Halo 4, to really discover the Chief, even deeper than the books explored.

11-03-2012, 12:54 AM
*kinda spoilers*

If you read the books, the Spartans were abducted at the ripe old ages of 6-7 years. John (The Master Chief) was born in 2511, was abducted in 2517, and got his body augmented in 2525 at 14 years of age. 2525 was also the same year that Humans first came in contact with the Covenant on planet Harvest. So yes, Forward Unto Dawn takes place in 2525 and the Master Chief is around 14-15 years of age. In the main part of the HALO series that takes place in 2552-53, by this time he's 41-42 years of age.

11-03-2012, 01:02 AM
A 15 year old MC could get so much bitches....

11-03-2012, 01:07 AM
*kinda spoilers*

If you read the books, the Spartans were abducted at the ripe old ages of 6-7 years. John (The Master Chief) was born in 2511, was abducted in 2517, and got his body augmented in 2525 at 14 years of age. 2525 was also the same year that Humans first came in contact with the Covenant on planet Harvest. So yes, Forward Unto Dawn takes place in 2525 and the Master Chief is around 14-15 years of age. In the main part of the HALO series that takes place in 2552-53, by this time he's 41-42 years of age.

It should also be noted, that extended periods of time in Cryo can dramatically slow the aging process. Halo 4 Master Chief is 46, and for a soldier pushing 50, he's still got it in him.

11-03-2012, 01:14 AM
yea i was going to note that. like im sure at his age hes been in cryo numerous times so while hes rocking the body of a 38 year old he could be 62 XD. but as coda pointed out to me via texts and i notesd too but SPOILER" kelly and fred are wearing armour that didnt exist in the time period that they were in. al spartan II had the same armour exept for jorge because well he had time and the reasorces to do that.