View Full Version : Feeling emotional.

11-03-2012, 12:41 PM
Hey guys, I don't usually post speeches, but I wanted to take a second to tell you all how proud I am of this community and how excited I am for our future. In these last few days leading up to Halo 4, I've been thinking about how insanely deep-rooted my love for Halo and appreciation for this community is. This website is like a home to me, and it's members are like family.


I've fought through countless wars for Red. I've never fought for Blue (I consider the brief stint I had there to be playing for FC) and thus I've been with my bloody brothers for 5 years. That's more than a quarter of my life.
Those five years have meant more to me then I can describe in words. Halo and FC have, and always will be a treasured keepsake to me, and I know that alot of you feel the same way.

When I think about my first days as a private in the Empire, I feel a wave of nostalgia and yearning wash over me.
Everybody misses their glory days. That's something special we've engineered here as a community that creates an everlasting anchor in our hearts, and inspires us to open our doors to more and more recruits and grace them with the same blessing that we received in our first moments here.

It's with those memories in our minds and passion in our hearts that we forge onward, into the stars.

We are on the dawn of a new age for the Halo Franchise. Halo 4, 5, and 6 (And 7, because they have to make it) are going to be legendary. Think about it. We're about to start a whole new trilogy...

That means Halo 4 is going to be the Halo: Combat Evolved of this generation. Halo: CE was one of the most beloved and sacred games of all time, in one of the most memorable and classic series of all time.
Now, it's Halo 4's turn. It's 343 Industries turn.

It's our turn.

Let's make FC bigger and better then it has ever been. I have faith in our community and our leaders.
There are great things that lie ahead of us. Let's go make them happen.

11-03-2012, 12:55 PM

11-03-2012, 01:12 PM
Yea Tunnel Snakes!

11-03-2012, 01:26 PM

11-03-2012, 03:22 PM
haha well said Dalton, the thing is the "Glory Years" is different for everyone. For all the vets it's going to be Halo 2, but for the newer members all they know is the Reach wars so for us those will always be the glory years. Let's make the Halo 4 wars great for all the new members we bring in.

11-03-2012, 03:27 PM
haha well said Dalton, the thing is the "Glory Years" is different for everyone. For all the vets it's going to be Halo 2, but for the newer members all they know is the Reach wars so for us those will always be the glory years. Let's make the Halo 4 wars great for all the new members we bring in.

11-03-2012, 04:03 PM
haha well said Dalton, the thing is the "Glory Years" is different for everyone. For all the vets it's going to be Halo 2, but for the newer members all they know is the Reach wars so for us those will always be the glory years. Let's make the Halo 4 wars great for all the new members we bring in.

Y-You didn't mention Halo 3 .... :(

11-03-2012, 04:08 PM
Y-You didn't mention Halo 3 .... :(
That's what got me emotional.

11-03-2012, 04:09 PM
Y-You didn't mention Halo 3 .... :(

11-03-2012, 04:34 PM
Learn The Lore. Live The Lore. Love The Lore.
