View Full Version : Halo 4 - Infinity Slayer (DAT Shotgun)

zZ Dr K Zz
11-08-2012, 01:38 PM
Seriously, shotgun owns so much.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X94bD0wDa_E&feature=share&list=UUMqROvsLMuu9razfo6h sfsQ

This was the quickest slayer match I've been in thus far.

Went rampant, yo.

11-08-2012, 01:54 PM
Dr K why don't we play anymore.

11-08-2012, 02:00 PM
That was pretty awesome. Nice overkill with the boltshot lol.

11-08-2012, 02:13 PM
Nice video, i might upload some soon as well

11-08-2012, 03:57 PM
I posted on the video before it was cool. :P

Again, nice stuff!

SuRroundeD By 1
11-08-2012, 06:10 PM
I wish I could capture and download gameplay XD I had this sweet Scorpion game play, 35-0 (close to that) but I don't have the equipment or money to buy said equipment haha.

11-08-2012, 06:36 PM
Nice video, i might upload some soon as well

zZ Dr K Zz
11-08-2012, 08:34 PM
Dr K why don't we play anymore.
:( I'm thinking about re-enlisting. :)

That was pretty awesome. Nice overkill with the boltshot lol.
Yeah, that overkill was unexpected :sweat:

Nice video, i might upload some soon as well
Get it done, Noble.

I posted on the video before it was cool. :P

Again, nice stuff!
You will always be cool yo.

I wish I could capture and download gameplay XD I had this sweet Scorpion game play, 35-0 (close to that) but I don't have the equipment or money to buy said equipment haha.
I know what you mean, took my like 6 years to go from standard def capture card to this HD one. It was only $130 for the card, but that doesn't factor in the $30 HDMI splitter and $12 - 25 Foot HDMI cable. It's a good investment if you want to get into video editing/montage making, but it is time consuming.

11-08-2012, 08:50 PM
Regardless, we should play.