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View Full Version : Halo 4/Waypoint Problems?

11-12-2012, 06:48 PM
Is anyone else having issues connecting to the Halo 4 servers? I know I got on today and it said I can't connect to the Halo 4 servers. I could not see or play the new episode of Spartan Ops and could not join friend's parties. I could, however, go into Wargames matchmaking and play with randoms. Later, I went on Halo Waypoint to see that my armor, nor rank or past 30 games I had played were updated. In addition to this, it also says all of my achievements in all the other Halos are locked and I no longer have any of my awards or my career milestone set to my number of achievements seeing as I have a lot of them... Anyways, just letting people know. I'm sure it's probably a problem they're having, but it is pretty annoying not being able to play with my friends.

11-20-2012, 09:01 AM
I haven't had that specific problem with the servers, but REDWATCH (my unit) has had a lot of issues joining with one another for practice because of the servers. We've found the best way to fix it is to either reset your router or recheck your xbox live connection, that seems to reset yours and lets us join together. I think Sanguinespartan had that exact same issue yesterday. Maybe you could PM him and see what he did?