View Full Version : Best Moments of 2012

01-01-2013, 03:58 PM
Well with the end of the world behind us I thought it would be a cool idea for us all to share our favorite memories of 2012 however big or small they may have been. And here's to an even better year in 2013!

In 2012 I:
Best St. Patricks day of my life. Long story short, I met a girl. :clover:
I turned 21, and I celebrated it with my twin brother and friends in a limo driving around San Francisco getting drunk.
I did my first tailgate for a sports event, could have been better but it still was a ton of fun.
Went to a sports bar 5 blocks away from AT&T park during a SF Giants World Series game. The energy in the city that night was amazing.
The SF Giants won the world series. :clap:
I got a job....which I desperately needed.
My friends and I bought a bottle of 21 year aged whiskey and drank it while playing poker. It was an epic bro night. :euro:
Oh and Halo 4 was finally released ^_^

So what were your favorite memories of the last year?

purple gamer 17
01-01-2013, 04:12 PM



01-01-2013, 04:16 PM
killing purple gamer... o wait that's not until later this year.

purple gamer 17
01-01-2013, 04:22 PM

01-01-2013, 06:03 PM
- Marijuana becomes Legal for Recreational use in Washington State (and Colorado).
- Seahawks make playoffs again
- Helping REDD win Reach
- Started a Youtube group with UNLUCKY, Metkil, and Carpe
- E3 Coverage
- Getting Married
- Got to experience Operation Panda Bear falling terribly lol
- Got a new Bong
- Survived the "End of the World"
- Ted: The Movie... EPIC

i can keep going, but ill just leave you with this:


01-01-2013, 06:42 PM
- Helping REDD win Reach
- Started a Youtube group with UNLUCKY, Metkil, and Carpe
- E3 Coverage

LOL All good stuff.

01-01-2013, 07:41 PM
I got a job as a lifeguard
I got a girlfriend
I didn't buy 100 games during the steam sales
I got a 2350 on my SAT
Halo 4 came out
It was a good year