View Full Version : Diary of a Rebel - Entry 6

01-11-2013, 11:54 PM
I...I-I can't believe it..
We found the killer...it was the boy. We found him in an alley shooting an elderly women in the head. I couldn't believe my own eyes, I thought I was having a vision until one of my brothers pushed me out of the way from an magnum shot headed for my forehead. I can't remember anything, whether it was me being knocked out from the fall or the nightmares. All I remember is waking up with my brothers packing a young man in a bag. The boy. He must have cracked from the pressure? Maybe he had the same visions I'm having, or maybe he was just sick? That would explain the teeth necklace. This killing spree doesn't make sense. He had no motives. Does that mean that the rumors were true? Were people like me and this young man suffering from visions and they lost it? No, that couldn't be. I haven't lost my mind yet, or have I?

Am I even living in reality? Or Have I been asleep this entire time? Were those visions real? Maybe the nightmares aren't dreams, they're real. That would explain the Redd from my dream missing. But I haven't killed anyone..so that can't be the case. I don't know, I just want to nightmares to stop. I'll do anything to make them stop, anything. I'm losing my sanity as I'm writing in this book......