View Full Version : Biggest Badass moment ever?

01-12-2013, 10:34 PM
Have you ever had a moment where you felt like an complete badass with a master's degree in badassery?

If so, please give your story below! If you haven't, I advise you to go do something that stinks of badassey!

(This is my story. It is either a moment of badassery, or a moment of complete fail...that is up to you, the reader, to decide!)

I was 14, and I went to the local YMCA with a few of my buds to play basketball. After hours of playing basketball we decided to chill in the weights room. When I first stepped into that room full of ripped body builders, I felt awkward. Maybe it was because they all looked like Brock Lesner, I don't know. We went to the area with treadmills (that was my first mistake). I turned on one and started running. After 15-30 mins of running, I became bored. As I pressed the power button, I stopped moving my legs but the machine didn't stop. Instead of turning off, the treadmill turned to full speed. I was brought down to the ground face first. I just stared at the ceiling, got back up, and proceeded to go downstairs to play more basketball. The moment I stepped into the gym, my friends stopped what they are doing and ran over to me. They were asking if I'm okay. I didn't know what they were talking about until I looked down at my white t-shirt. It was red. Running to the closest bathroom, I stared into the mirror and noticed that I had a huge gash above my left eye. Didn't even feel the pain until I noticed it.

Well, I went to the hospital to get it stitched up. Every 2 mins, a fountain of blood would pump out of the gash. Lying down on the hospital bed and having that blood get into your eye was very annoying. The doctor came in and told me not to worry, and he said something about how he hasn't done anything like this. When he injected the liquid used to numb my face, it went through my skin and right into my eye. My vision was extremely impaired, and I could see was what appeared to be black and white holes.

After stitching up my eye, the doctor apologized for the liquid running into my eye. He told me that I could of lost my eye if the gash was half an inch lower than what it was. Feeling relieved and happy that the fountains of blood stopped gushing, I happily walked out of the hospital with a grin of a true champion. Nature, life, or whatever the hell you want to call it tried to take away my left eye twice within a day, but I succeeded. I celebrated my righteous victory by making my way over to the local Dairy Queen to get a well deserved blizzard. Victory never tasted so sweet.

After re-reading that over, it sounds like a complete fail. Oh well, I won that day.
Sorry for the lengthy post, and I hope you got a laugh out of my misery.

01-12-2013, 10:56 PM
Hmmm take your pick what story you want...

1. ATV Onto Highway
2. Head On Collision
3. Knife Pulled On Me In Bathroom
4. Knife Pulled On Me At The Bar

01-12-2013, 11:01 PM
Hmmm take your pick what story you want...

1. ATV Onto Highway
2. Head On Collision
3. Knife Pulled On Me In Bathroom
4. Knife Pulled On Me At The Bar

Sweet baby jesus. Let's see...
ATV onto highway sounds enertaining, but so does the other three. Head on collision and still alive to tell the story.
Hmm, I'm really wondering what went down in that damn bathroom.

What's behind door number three?

Mr Funktastiiic
01-12-2013, 11:27 PM
My most recent badass moment was when i was at a club with my mates and a group of nob cheeses try and start on us and all im trying to do is get my mates in the cab because they was all drunk, i finally got my last friend in the car when this dick head started to try and climb onto the cab?! im like wtf so i run to the front drag him down and start walking/running to get in the car so we can leave when this dickheads friend grabs me pushes me against the car starts shouting at me and i smack him right in the nose (haha) blood starts pouring out, hes on the floor out cold and all his friends are frozen... i walk like a boss into the cab and speed off haha first time i knocked someone out with one hit... ahhhh fun times

01-12-2013, 11:39 PM
Sweet baby jesus. Let's see...
ATV onto highway sounds enertaining, but so does the other three. Head on collision and still alive to tell the story.
Hmm, I'm really wondering what went down in that damn bathroom.

What's behind door number three?

Alright, here goes...

My friend had her 20th birthday about a year ago, so naturally we all went out to the club for drinks. Now I'm, more a bar type person, but it's her birthday and she prefers clubs so alas a club it is. Now, I work late, so I'm meeting them there after my shift. The advantage? I'm good friends with the barman, one of the waitresses, and both the doorman as I provided their hand to hand training earlier in the year.

The negative parts of this club, are there are A LOT of Indians who go there. Now, in Canada, our "Indian" is not like a Native Indian in the U.S. They are Indian like from INDIA kind of Indian. Not necessarily a bad thing per say, but picture them as the "Mexicans of Canada" if you will. All of these details are important don't worry...

So, I arrive at the club later into the evening, doorman recognizes me, we have a quick catch up and he waltzes me into the door. So naturally at this point, bypassing a large line and paying no cover, I'm already feeling pretty boss. So I get inside, see my friends, by a cold beer, and sit down. I notice the waitress I know, Carmen, isn't her usual bubbly self. So I go over to investigate.

Turns out her boyfriend had just dumped her and had been spreading rumors about what kind of whore she is, how she sleeps with anyone, etc. So I give her a hug, tell her to let me know if she needs anything, and invite her over to join us after shift if she wanted a drink. She thanks me, goes back to work. I polish off my beer, and head to the washroom. (Note: Washroom is Canadian for Bathroom)

As I stand there, doing my business at the urinal, some belligerently drunk Indian guy stumbles in. The usual "Fuck I'm drunk" laughing "How's your night" conversation ensues. This is normal in Canadian bars by the way. Piss-talk is very normal. Anyways, he starts asking if I knew the "Whore waitress in the red dress." Guess who that is? Yea, Carmen. So I tell him to lay off her, she's going through a rough patch, etc. I wasn't rude, nor aggressive, just stern. Remember now, I've only had ONE beer to his god knows how much. What does this guy do? He PUSHES me while I'm taking a piss.

I'm going to stop you here and give you a super brief history on my training. Taekwondo for 8 years, Kickboxing/Judo for 6, Boxing for 4, and Krav Maga for 3. I'm currently jumping through hoops to join the Canadian forces, and have signed on with our Special Forces. I don't like to brag, but I can handle myself very well. Now back to the washroom.

I stumble back a bit, pissing all over the guy in the process (Which I might add gave me even greater satisfaction.) The standard "What the fuck" and "Fuck you" commotion starts and I decide I need to teach this jackass a lesson. I grab him, he grabs me, we start the wrestling kinda match. Next thing I know, I have a real sharp pain in my hand. So I push him back against the wall and take a step back. My hand is SQUIRTING blood against the wall, and the fucker has a knife in his hand.

Now, I'm one beer down, he's hammered. I'm trained, he's too drunk for it to matter if he had any. Now, in my head, a fight is a fight. I'll take you man to man, drop you, shake your hand, and buy you a beer. Just how I was raised. You pull a weapon on me however, now it's neutralize the target, and the gentlemen part goes out the window. In my training, there are no rules.

So he decides to go on the drunken offensive, stumbling in a half lunge half sprint kind of motion trying to slash me. Bad idea. I take a few steps backwards, deliver one of the HARDEST front kicks I've ever dished out right into this guy's groin. Once he doubles over, I grab the back of his little turban/hair thingy and put his face promptly through the bathroom mirror and leave him semi-conscious in the sink. Hand still pumping blood by this point.

By this time, the doorman has come in, and is freaking out. I tell him about the knife, they throw the guy out the club and ask if I want to press charges. Seeing as the guy is picking mirror out of his face and most likely will be pissing blood for a week, I felt like being nice and declined. So I head to the bar for a drink, I feel I earned it. Barman freaks out, sure enough, there is a LINE trail of blood on the ground. Not drops, a LINE it's bleeding so fast.

Barman passes me a bottle of Jack, I pour it on the hand to cleanse it, then wrap is in a bar towel. Manager comes out, talks to me, and informs me that by keeping it on the "Down Low" and avoiding the police, I'm drinking on the house for the night. So, hand wrapped in a bloody towel, and with scotch in hand, I proceed to rejoin my friends table. The whole night was great, every girl in the club was all "What happened to your hand sweetie?" and I simply reeled in the one I felt would be the most fun in bed.

Nice scar left, good story, and she was pretty good too. Scotch was nice as well. One story down, 3 to go ;)

01-12-2013, 11:40 PM
My biggest bad ass moment was getting in a fight 1v3 over a dora the explorer doll in Walmarts parking lot ( ._.)

01-12-2013, 11:52 PM
My biggest bad ass moment was getting in a fight 1v3 over a dora the explorer doll in Walmarts parking lot ( ._.)

Gentlemen, we have a winner.

01-12-2013, 11:54 PM
Just a few minutes ago, I was in a 2v1 vs Guzzie and Maxdoggy.

I only went -13. :cool:

01-12-2013, 11:57 PM
I'm not even going to try and post a story now that Cody just literally wrecked the shit out of the competition. :P

Myth: It was Extraction on Abandon. Guzzie didn't have a sniper. Lmao.

01-13-2013, 12:00 AM
Myth: It was Extraction on Abandon. Guzzie didn't have a sniper. Lmao.

Are you saying he can't do anything without power weapons?

01-13-2013, 12:05 AM
My explaining is very bad! You have been warned!

Id say my biggest bad ass moment was when i was put up against 3 blackbelts and my sensie in full contact sparring at my dojo.....and the kicker in this is ive fought them all before and they are all the top in the class. But what was ironic of this is im guessing i was in pretty much full Adrenalin/beast mode where nothing hurts all your blows are devastating your in complete fight or your screwed mode. In my class im known for my side kicks because i can kick a bag filled with sand to the top over with one kick. i dont know how to explain how i won but it was all just a blur really and i cant remember it but after i was completely drenched in sweat and blood running down the side of my face from what i don't remember XD i felt boss from this bc im now my sensies favorite person to fight with adn everyone that was there is extremely hesitant to fight me but im normally the playful fighter that doesnt really hurt people more like uses there momentum against them. idk why but it only happened that one time maybe it was the incredible hulk coming out of me? idk

01-13-2013, 12:08 AM
During Season 11, I beat two geared frost mages at once on my warrior. (no one here has a clue)

I live a boring and dull life.

01-13-2013, 12:22 AM
Are you saying he can't do anything without power weapons?

I'm saying if he had a sniper your K/D would have been MUCH worse. :P

01-13-2013, 12:26 AM
I'm saying if he had a sniper your K/D would have been MUCH worse. :P

Well I can say that if I had rockets and overshields my K/D would have been better. Hypothetical situations mean nothing.

01-13-2013, 12:31 AM
My most recent badass moment was when i was at a club with my mates and a group of nob cheeses try and start on us and all im trying to do is get my mates in the cab because they was all drunk, i finally got my last friend in the car when this dick head started to try and climb onto the cab?! im like wtf so i run to the front drag him down and start walking/running to get in the car so we can leave when this dickheads friend grabs me pushes me against the car starts shouting at me and i smack him right in the nose (haha) blood starts pouring out, hes on the floor out cold and all his friends are frozen... i walk like a boss into the cab and speed off haha first time i knocked someone out with one hit... ahhhh fun times

Nice. I shall now refer to you as Muhammad Ali.

- - - Updated - - -

Alright, here goes...

My friend had her 20th birthday about a year ago, so naturally we all went out to the club for drinks. Now I'm, more a bar type person, but it's her birthday and she prefers clubs so alas a club it is. Now, I work late, so I'm meeting them there after my shift. The advantage? I'm good friends with the barman, one of the waitresses, and both the doorman as I provided their hand to hand training earlier in the year.

The negative parts of this club, are there are A LOT of Indians who go there. Now, in Canada, our "Indian" is not like a Native Indian in the U.S. They are Indian like from INDIA kind of Indian. Not necessarily a bad thing per say, but picture them as the "Mexicans of Canada" if you will. All of these details are important don't worry...

So, I arrive at the club later into the evening, doorman recognizes me, we have a quick catch up and he waltzes me into the door. So naturally at this point, bypassing a large line and paying no cover, I'm already feeling pretty boss. So I get inside, see my friends, by a cold beer, and sit down. I notice the waitress I know, Carmen, isn't her usual bubbly self. So I go over to investigate.

Turns out her boyfriend had just dumped her and had been spreading rumors about what kind of whore she is, how she sleeps with anyone, etc. So I give her a hug, tell her to let me know if she needs anything, and invite her over to join us after shift if she wanted a drink. She thanks me, goes back to work. I polish off my beer, and head to the washroom. (Note: Washroom is Canadian for Bathroom)

As I stand there, doing my business at the urinal, some belligerently drunk Indian guy stumbles in. The usual "Fuck I'm drunk" laughing "How's your night" conversation ensues. This is normal in Canadian bars by the way. Piss-talk is very normal. Anyways, he starts asking if I knew the "Whore waitress in the red dress." Guess who that is? Yea, Carmen. So I tell him to lay off her, she's going through a rough patch, etc. I wasn't rude, nor aggressive, just stern. Remember now, I've only had ONE beer to his god knows how much. What does this guy do? He PUSHES me while I'm taking a piss.

I'm going to stop you here and give you a super brief history on my training. Taekwondo for 8 years, Kickboxing/Judo for 6, Boxing for 4, and Krav Maga for 3. I'm currently jumping through hoops to join the Canadian forces, and have signed on with our Special Forces. I don't like to brag, but I can handle myself very well. Now back to the washroom.

I stumble back a bit, pissing all over the guy in the process (Which I might add gave me even greater satisfaction.) The standard "What the fuck" and "Fuck you" commotion starts and I decide I need to teach this jackass a lesson. I grab him, he grabs me, we start the wrestling kinda match. Next thing I know, I have a real sharp pain in my hand. So I push him back against the wall and take a step back. My hand is SQUIRTING blood against the wall, and the fucker has a knife in his hand.

Now, I'm one beer down, he's hammered. I'm trained, he's too drunk for it to matter if he had any. Now, in my head, a fight is a fight. I'll take you man to man, drop you, shake your hand, and buy you a beer. Just how I was raised. You pull a weapon on me however, now it's neutralize the target, and the gentlemen part goes out the window. In my training, there are no rules.

So he decides to go on the drunken offensive, stumbling in a half lunge half sprint kind of motion trying to slash me. Bad idea. I take a few steps backwards, deliver one of the HARDEST front kicks I've ever dished out right into this guy's groin. Once he doubles over, I grab the back of his little turban/hair thingy and put his face promptly through the bathroom mirror and leave him semi-conscious in the sink. Hand still pumping blood by this point.

By this time, the doorman has come in, and is freaking out. I tell him about the knife, they throw the guy out the club and ask if I want to press charges. Seeing as the guy is picking mirror out of his face and most likely will be pissing blood for a week, I felt like being nice and declined. So I head to the bar for a drink, I feel I earned it. Barman freaks out, sure enough, there is a LINE trail of blood on the ground. Not drops, a LINE it's bleeding so fast.

Barman passes me a bottle of Jack, I pour it on the hand to cleanse it, then wrap is in a bar towel. Manager comes out, talks to me, and informs me that by keeping it on the "Down Low" and avoiding the police, I'm drinking on the house for the night. So, hand wrapped in a bloody towel, and with scotch in hand, I proceed to rejoin my friends table. The whole night was great, every girl in the club was all "What happened to your hand sweetie?" and I simply reeled in the one I felt would be the most fun in bed.

Nice scar left, good story, and she was pretty good too. Scotch was nice as well. One story down, 3 to go ;)

That sounds so badass. You deserve a medal. How about the head on collision?

- - - Updated - - -

My biggest bad ass moment was getting in a fight 1v3 over a dora the explorer doll in Walmarts parking lot ( ._.)

You just won the internet.

01-13-2013, 12:32 AM
Well I can say that if I had rockets and overshields my K/D would have been better. Hypothetical situations mean nothing.

This is the Internet: Where anything and everything is possible. :penguinslide:

01-13-2013, 12:33 AM
My explaining is very bad! You have been warned!

Id say my biggest bad ass moment was when i was put up against 3 blackbelts and my sensie in full contact sparring at my dojo.....and the kicker in this is ive fought them all before and they are all the top in the class. But what was ironic of this is im guessing i was in pretty much full Adrenalin/beast mode where nothing hurts all your blows are devastating your in complete fight or your screwed mode. In my class im known for my side kicks because i can kick a bag filled with sand to the top over with one kick. i dont know how to explain how i won but it was all just a blur really and i cant remember it but after i was completely drenched in sweat and blood running down the side of my face from what i don't remember XD i felt boss from this bc im now my sensies favorite person to fight with adn everyone that was there is extremely hesitant to fight me but im normally the playful fighter that doesnt really hurt people more like uses there momentum against them. idk why but it only happened that one time maybe it was the incredible hulk coming out of me? idk

Sounds like you went H.A.M
Maybe you blacked out? Either way, you deserve a blacker belt.

01-13-2013, 12:34 AM
This is the Internet: Where anything and everything is possible. :penguinslide:

Like making a comeback and winning 2v1 in the finals? I'm looking forward to it.

01-13-2013, 12:34 AM
During Season 11, I beat two geared frost mages at once on my warrior. (no one here has a clue)

I live a boring and dull life.

I live in Kentucky. Where finding a penny on the ground can make the news. Trust me, its extremely boring here.

01-13-2013, 02:15 AM
Nice scar left, good story, and she was pretty good too. Scotch was nice as well. One story down, 3 to go ;)


If you're sharing the others, then I vote for the head-on collision. :turtle:

01-13-2013, 02:47 AM

If you're sharing the others, then I vote for the head-on collision. :turtle:


01-13-2013, 03:16 AM
During Season 11, I beat two geared frost mages at once on my warrior. (no one here has a clue)

I live a boring and dull life.

I KNOW! :D I think...

That sounds so badass. You deserve a medal. How about the head on collision?

If you're sharing the others, then I vote for the head-on collision. :turtle:

I'll share until I'm out of stories :P Here goes...

Rodeo in my home town of Cloverdale. Call it our Mardi Gras. In our small country town, EVERYONE goes to rodeo. Fair games and competition in the day, great live bands and cook outs in the evening, and of course, THE Long Horn Saloon at night where everyone legal goes, drinks beer, listens to loud country, hooks up, fights, gets messy, and every other stereotypical thing you see in country music videos. Girls in dukes? Check. Cold beer? Check. Fights, steel guitars, cigars and all the rest. It is BY FAR the best time of the year. Many high school seniors (Some Juniors) sneak in. There is always time off high school, big football games, you name it.

Every year, I haul out the old tent, canopy, BBQ, keg setup, coolers, and all the other goodies. Me, and my closer friend always camp out in my yard and "Pre-game" before we hit Longhorn. Now, many interesting things happen in my yard. Cigars, girls, beer pong, card games, and of course, well, we have "sections" in our tents for a bit of *ahem* privacy. Needless to say, "Fort Rowdy" at the "Colonel's" has become a tradition all on it's own for Rodeo weekend. That's where the after party always makes its way to around 4AM when Longhorn closes. (Yes I'm the Colonel and Fort Rowdy is my yard. Long story, ask me sometime :P)

So on this particular weekend in 2010, I was designated the "driver" for the night. Now, with Rodeo stretching from Thursday to Monday, we all take a shift driving. By that, we mean stop drinking 2 hours before we leave for Longhorn, and then get hammered back at my place when the nights over. So, I'm not too worried knowing I'll have a good time later on. However, this night, friends had to be at the airport in the morning, so I opted to not drink at all and get them there the next day. So, at a brisk 4:30am I started dropping all my drunk buddies off at their homes. With no strafe party that night, I headed home to bed and was coming up the hill literally 2 blocks from my house. Thankfully, I was alone in my car.

As I was coming up the hill, a pair of headlights came flying over the hill right at me. I jerked the wheel to the left and managed to bring my car over to the other lane but it was too late. My passenger-side bumper hit the drunk drivers passenger side bumper and our two cars span around and ended up sideways a whopping two blocks from my house, about a 2 minute drive. I was driving a Jetta, he was driving a Tracker. Needless to say, I was a bit annoyed.

After pulling my hand out of the middle console and cutting off my manged seat belt with my knife, I opened my door and checked the scene. The Tracker was slightly burning and I could hear a man wheezing inside. So, after checking I had no injuries, I checked on him. As an ex first-aid attendant, it's kind of my job, even if he did just almost kill me. The fireman said airbags saved me, sadly, this man had none. After tearing off my shirt sleeve and having a witness help hold the mans intestine still, me and another witness helped pull the drunk from the car just before EMS got there and the fire in the Tracker engine started.

Once they did, they took over, strapped me to a board, and threw me into the ambulance. After that it was precautionary xrays, some stitches, and back home I went. And in case you're wondering, you're damn right I was pounding down beer and whiskey the next night at Rodeo. Luckily, thanks to quick reaction and German Engineering (RIP Jetta) I'm now here today. And now, for photos from the police report...

This is looking in the direction I was driving (Towards my home) so as you can see, I'm now in the wrong lane, facing the wrong way after impact. I was in the blue Jetta, he was in the yellow Tracker. My dad and I are hugging on the left. That Dodge jacket is now one of my prized possessions and I wear it every rodeo.

Another angle.

Close up of the tracker.

Typical trunk load during Rodeo ;)

Look at the smoke from the Tracker's fire.

Another view of the Tracker.

2 Down, and added one more to the list if you can find it in here ;)

01-13-2013, 04:07 AM
Damn dude youv had your fair share of crap man. you've got a extreme amount of luck riding shotgun with you.

01-13-2013, 04:10 AM
Damn dude youv had your fair share of crap man. you've got a extreme amount of luck riding shotgun with you.

We make our own luck. ;)

01-13-2013, 04:16 AM
We make our own luck. ;)

That or you got a damn good over shield. No more bad mojo for you! good mojo for now on eh?

Lil Nawty Lucia
01-13-2013, 05:53 AM
I am bad at stories, since most of mine are things I would like to keep in the past.

But I have this picture of me being a bad ass does that count?

https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/228146_480909605275594_75 4178655_n.jpg

In case you cant tell I am playing a game of speed ball with crappy bunkers. I am propping the A-5 against the back of my pistol hand (dual-wielding) It was a Monty Python Theme day, so I put some chain mail on my mask and a Hakama (Japanese Skirt used in Kendo). I tore that skirt to shreds, it is a shame too I had to import it.

Normally I just use the pistol, so most of the people there think I am bad ass just for that, but here is the kicker. Since then I upgraded and have 2 pistols one can convert into a sniper.

Although for a story of another game I played, there was a guy that Bunker in a Helicopter in the center of the field. He didnt have any support that could hit me so I ran up and slid in front of him shoved both guns in his Chest and Shouted "Surrender". 3 of the longest seconds I ever waited and he goes "ok". I also curved a paint ball to smack some on the top of the head, he was behind a shield and at the complete opposite end of the field.

And for the Last paintball story was when my gun was acting up. I dont remember why, but I couldn't shoot I may have been out of air or paint. There was this tiny little kid right next to me at our base and I was having him guard the "Street". There was this jerk at the other end that was just spraying at him. The kid himself had like a $2 grand gun, which he kept trying to give to me since mine wasn't working. I finally give in, I take it aim down the Street, aim up a tiny bit. And when I fired I swear it was a perfect angle and a perfect burst and it came right down on him. It was Very Satisfying, I spent the rest of the game running around without a gun, because I am Boss.

01-13-2013, 07:19 AM
I love all these stories. I don't have a bad ass moment but I was pretty happy with my self on this one day when I was like 15. I just wanted to state that i was about 5'6 and 110 pounds at the time. So i'm walking with some friends after school, 2 girls and another shorter but stocky guy, and these two guys from another school decide to come behind me and pull me backwards from my book bag. I live in brooklyn and for some reason because i went to a catholic school they didn't like me. not sure if that happens everywhere else but to me multiple times.
They started with pressing me with the "yo whats good, little man" bullshit, which most of the time they just want to scare you into giving your money. In my case I just tried to avoid talking and just looked at them quickly and tried to walk away. They didn't like that, so they started to swing at me and try tripping me the other usual bullshit most people like me deal with.
btw there isn't a triumphant KO in this story and the other guy who was my friend, who before this would tell me how he's a tough fighter never helps and is more scared than I am at this point.

At first one guy tried to throw me into the other guys swing but i managed to duck in time. I ended up bumping into one of the girls and immediately turn around to ask if she was ok. Right after one of the guys pull my backpack again but this time i let it come off of my shoulders.

I then turn to them and just continue taking their punches and they managed to trip me. I stood up right away and was pretty furious now. Since i've never fought before,(still haven't) I ended up making one of these guys flinch by pretending to punch. I was shocked by this and even though I knew I had the clear shot to clap him in his jaw I just couldn't do it. (I have always been too passive)

Now I'll be honest I felt like mother fucking Jesus because I just let them keep hitting me. The other kids from their school couldn't take it anymore and ended up coming in instead of cheering on the outside anymore.

I was proud of my self for so many reasons. I didn't have any bruises, but did have a cut in my cheeks from biting them, I made those guys more angry because I walked away with no words just a smile on my face, I smiled because I ended up changing the people around me without fighting and I ended up gaining some respect for it. Those guys never bothered me again and the kids that where there made sure of it. I absolutely hate bullying and i'm proud to say I was stronger mentally, and I feel in away I did stand up to these guys. and of course glad I didn't just get KOed.

01-13-2013, 11:13 AM
I KNOW! :D I think...

I'll share until I'm out of stories :P Here goes...

Rodeo in my home town of Cloverdale. Call it our Mardi Gras. In our small country town, EVERYONE goes to rodeo. Fair games and competition in the day, great live bands and cook outs in the evening, and of course, THE Long Horn Saloon at night where everyone legal goes, drinks beer, listens to loud country, hooks up, fights, gets messy, and every other stereotypical thing you see in country music videos. Girls in dukes? Check. Cold beer? Check. Fights, steel guitars, cigars and all the rest. It is BY FAR the best time of the year. Many high school seniors (Some Juniors) sneak in. There is always time off high school, big football games, you name it.

Every year, I haul out the old tent, canopy, BBQ, keg setup, coolers, and all the other goodies. Me, and my closer friend always camp out in my yard and "Pre-game" before we hit Longhorn. Now, many interesting things happen in my yard. Cigars, girls, beer pong, card games, and of course, well, we have "sections" in our tents for a bit of *ahem* privacy. Needless to say, "Fort Rowdy" at the "Colonel's" has become a tradition all on it's own for Rodeo weekend. That's where the after party always makes its way to around 4AM when Longhorn closes. (Yes I'm the Colonel and Fort Rowdy is my yard. Long story, ask me sometime :P)

So on this particular weekend in 2010, I was designated the "driver" for the night. Now, with Rodeo stretching from Thursday to Monday, we all take a shift driving. By that, we mean stop drinking 2 hours before we leave for Longhorn, and then get hammered back at my place when the nights over. So, I'm not too worried knowing I'll have a good time later on. However, this night, friends had to be at the airport in the morning, so I opted to not drink at all and get them there the next day. So, at a brisk 4:30am I started dropping all my drunk buddies off at their homes. With no strafe party that night, I headed home to bed and was coming up the hill literally 2 blocks from my house. Thankfully, I was alone in my car.

As I was coming up the hill, a pair of headlights came flying over the hill right at me. I jerked the wheel to the left and managed to bring my car over to the other lane but it was too late. My passenger-side bumper hit the drunk drivers passenger side bumper and our two cars span around and ended up sideways a whopping two blocks from my house, about a 2 minute drive. I was driving a Jetta, he was driving a Tracker. Needless to say, I was a bit annoyed.

After pulling my hand out of the middle console and cutting off my manged seat belt with my knife, I opened my door and checked the scene. The Tracker was slightly burning and I could hear a man wheezing inside. So, after checking I had no injuries, I checked on him. As an ex first-aid attendant, it's kind of my job, even if he did just almost kill me. The fireman said airbags saved me, sadly, this man had none. After tearing off my shirt sleeve and having a witness help hold the mans intestine still, me and another witness helped pull the drunk from the car just before EMS got there and the fire in the Tracker engine started.

Once they did, they took over, strapped me to a board, and threw me into the ambulance. After that it was precautionary xrays, some stitches, and back home I went. And in case you're wondering, you're damn right I was pounding down beer and whiskey the next night at Rodeo. Luckily, thanks to quick reaction and German Engineering (RIP Jetta) I'm now here today. And now, for photos from the police report...

This is looking in the direction I was driving (Towards my home) so as you can see, I'm now in the wrong lane, facing the wrong way after impact. I was in the blue Jetta, he was in the yellow Tracker. My dad and I are hugging on the left. That Dodge jacket is now one of my prized possessions and I wear it every rodeo.

Another angle.

Close up of the tracker.

Typical trunk load during Rodeo ;)

Look at the smoke from the Tracker's fire.

Another view of the Tracker.

2 Down, and added one more to the list if you can find it in here ;)

Damn, you get stabbed then you save a man who almost killed you...freaking badass.
Alright then, how about the bar incident?

- - - Updated - - -

I am bad at stories, since most of mine are things I would like to keep in the past.

But I have this picture of me being a bad ass does that count?

https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/228146_480909605275594_75 4178655_n.jpg

In case you cant tell I am playing a game of speed ball with crappy bunkers. I am propping the A-5 against the back of my pistol hand (dual-wielding) It was a Monty Python Theme day, so I put some chain mail on my mask and a Hakama (Japanese Skirt used in Kendo). I tore that skirt to shreds, it is a shame too I had to import it.

Normally I just use the pistol, so most of the people there think I am bad ass just for that, but here is the kicker. Since then I upgraded and have 2 pistols one can convert into a sniper.

Although for a story of another game I played, there was a guy that Bunker in a Helicopter in the center of the field. He didnt have any support that could hit me so I ran up and slid in front of him shoved both guns in his Chest and Shouted "Surrender". 3 of the longest seconds I ever waited and he goes "ok". I also curved a paint ball to smack some on the top of the head, he was behind a shield and at the complete opposite end of the field.

And for the Last paintball story was when my gun was acting up. I dont remember why, but I couldn't shoot I may have been out of air or paint. There was this tiny little kid right next to me at our base and I was having him guard the "Street". There was this jerk at the other end that was just spraying at him. The kid himself had like a $2 grand gun, which he kept trying to give to me since mine wasn't working. I finally give in, I take it aim down the Street, aim up a tiny bit. And when I fired I swear it was a perfect angle and a perfect burst and it came right down on him. It was Very Satisfying, I spent the rest of the game running around without a gun, because I am Boss.

You pull a wanted move during paintball!? Badass.

01-13-2013, 11:15 AM
I love all these stories. I don't have a bad ass moment but I was pretty happy with my self on this one day when I was like 15. I just wanted to state that i was about 5'6 and 110 pounds at the time. So i'm walking with some friends after school, 2 girls and another shorter but stocky guy, and these two guys from another school decide to come behind me and pull me backwards from my book bag. I live in brooklyn and for some reason because i went to a catholic school they didn't like me. not sure if that happens everywhere else but to me multiple times.
They started with pressing me with the "yo whats good, little man" bullshit, which most of the time they just want to scare you into giving your money. In my case I just tried to avoid talking and just looked at them quickly and tried to walk away. They didn't like that, so they started to swing at me and try tripping me the other usual bullshit most people like me deal with.
btw there isn't a triumphant KO in this story and the other guy who was my friend, who before this would tell me how he's a tough fighter never helps and is more scared than I am at this point.

At first one guy tried to throw me into the other guys swing but i managed to duck in time. I ended up bumping into one of the girls and immediately turn around to ask if she was ok. Right after one of the guys pull my backpack again but this time i let it come off of my shoulders.

I then turn to them and just continue taking their punches and they managed to trip me. I stood up right away and was pretty furious now. Since i've never fought before,(still haven't) I ended up making one of these guys flinch by pretending to punch. I was shocked by this and even though I knew I had the clear shot to clap him in his jaw I just couldn't do it. (I have always been too passive)

Now I'll be honest I felt like mother fucking Jesus because I just let them keep hitting me. The other kids from their school couldn't take it anymore and ended up coming in instead of cheering on the outside anymore.

I was proud of my self for so many reasons. I didn't have any bruises, but did have a cut in my cheeks from biting them, I made those guys more angry because I walked away with no words just a smile on my face, I smiled because I ended up changing the people around me without fighting and I ended up gaining some respect for it. Those guys never bothered me again and the kids that where there made sure of it. I absolutely hate bullying and i'm proud to say I was stronger mentally, and I feel in away I did stand up to these guys. and of course glad I didn't just get KOed.

We need more people like you. Winning fights without throwing any punches. Freaking champion-Badass

01-13-2013, 12:25 PM
Damn, you get stabbed then you save a man who almost killed you...freaking badass.
Alright then, how about the bar incident?

Rather recent actually, last Firday night.

So normal night. At the bar, having a few drinks, nothing crazy. I'm about two deep or so, and a couple girls a friend and I had been talking to turned onto the topic of career. Of course the minute I mention military a barrage of questions come flying my way and of course, people take it as an open ticket to express their views on the world and events which they don't know half a shit about. Always keeps me entertained, but these girls were being nice so I wasn't going to be too much of a dick.

Some dude overheard us talking and started expressing major symptoms of LPS (Little Penis Syndrome) and begins to act "tough" and basically become a belligerent fucktard. Well, being he jumped up little shit that I am, I called him on it, argument ensues, barman tells us to cool it, I go back to my drink and chatting with the girls. Problem over, or so I thought.

Later that night, same buddy gets into it with my buddy Garth. Now Garth isn't big, but he's been deployed with our CSOR for years and is a lot more dangerous than I am. They start fighting and fucktard's buddy jumps into the fray. Same deal, pushing shoving, odd punch, nothing major. Not until he whips out his switch blade and starts slashing away at my left arm. I'm bleeding like a stuck pig and now I hear Garth yelling that he's got the other guy under control. So it's time to put this sorry idiot out of his misery.

Quick block and counter, grabbed and broke the wrist, disarmed, elbow to the face, knife into his shoulder, sharp kick to the chest which sends the guy stumbling backwards, tripping over a stool and out the pub's front window onto the sidewalk right as the police pull into the lot. No avoiding them this time, so statements are taken, buddy with the knife is arrested, Garth and I get told to keep out of trouble. I decided against the stitches and just had the hospital clean the cuts. Overall they're mostly shallow, but the big ones on my bicep and inside forearm are still healing. I had a good laugh walking into the ER and having the nurses laugh at the idiot with his own the knife in his shoulder.

That leaves two stories left :P

01-13-2013, 12:39 PM
Rather recent actually, last Firday night.

So normal night. At the bar, having a few drinks, nothing crazy. I'm about two deep or so, and a couple girls a friend and I had been talking to turned onto the topic of career. Of course the minute I mention military a barrage of questions come flying my way and of course, people take it as an open ticket to express their views on the world and events which they don't know half a shit about. Always keeps me entertained, but these girls were being nice so I wasn't going to be too much of a dick.

Some dude overheard us talking and started expressing major symptoms of LPS (Little Penis Syndrome) and begins to act "tough" and basically become a belligerent fucktard. Well, being he jumped up little shit that I am, I called him on it, argument ensues, barman tells us to cool it, I go back to my drink and chatting with the girls. Problem over, or so I thought.

Later that night, same buddy gets into it with my buddy Garth. Now Garth isn't big, but he's been deployed with our CSOR for years and is a lot more dangerous than I am. They start fighting and fucktard's buddy jumps into the fray. Same deal, pushing shoving, odd punch, nothing major. Not until he whips out his switch blade and starts slashing away at my left arm. I'm bleeding like a stuck pig and now I hear Garth yelling that he's got the other guy under control. So it's time to put this sorry idiot out of his misery.

Quick block and counter, grabbed and broke the wrist, disarmed, elbow to the face, knife into his shoulder, sharp kick to the chest which sends the guy stumbling backwards, tripping over a stool and out the pub's front window onto the sidewalk right as the police pull into the lot. No avoiding them this time, so statements are taken, buddy with the knife is arrested, Garth and I get told to keep out of trouble. I decided against the stitches and just had the hospital clean the cuts. Overall they're mostly shallow, but the big ones on my bicep and inside forearm are still healing. I had a good laugh walking into the ER and having the nurses laugh at the idiot with his own the knife in his shoulder.

That leaves two stories left :P

So badass.

01-13-2013, 02:00 PM
Rather recent actually, last Firday night.


That leaves two stories left :P

Damn, you lead quite the interesting life xD

I can't find the added one, so ATV on highway it is! :)

01-13-2013, 02:26 PM
The added one is about the Colonel's place and the aforementioned tent. Lol.

Also, I suggest that Cody doesn't go out any more...for the safety of everyone else in his town. Lmao.

01-13-2013, 05:13 PM
So yesterday I got to pump 2000 rounds through an M249 light machine gun... That has to be one of my most badass moments. Thing is a beast.

Non military related: Driving my girlfriends dad's 2011 Jaguar XKR-S to prom. Felt like the most badass kid rolling up in that.

01-13-2013, 06:07 PM
Damn, you lead quite the interesting life xD

I can't find the added one, so ATV on highway it is! :)

Alright second last one...

End of Junior year, summer starting, everyone was happy. At the time, I was speaking to some major colleges in Canada about football scholarships and some Div-3 teams in the U.S. A bunch of us hit up my buddies farm on the outskirts of town for a bit of a get together. No drinking, just some ATV riding and muddin. Not having a truck at the time, I opted for some ATV riding on the fields next to the highway. Now normally it's not an issue, but today was a bit different...

Hours before my friends dad he just pulled the tractor through the fields. Ruts EVERYWHERE. Anyways, her little sister wants a ride, so I volunteer to take her out as she's too young to drive one on her own. First few laps, no big deal, and then the last one comes along and I get my outside tires stuck in a groove from the tractor. Can't turn, and I'm too close to the ditch before the highway to avoid it. So I hit the brakes and yell at her to hang on, knowing full well we're hitting the ditch.

Well we didn't just hit it, we ramped up and launched up into the air right towards the highway. Glancing left at oncoming traffic, I saw the semi coming down the lane towards us and literally accepted the fact I was about to die. I hit the pavement and waited a heartbeat. Realizing I hadn't been hit yet, and hearing the truck screech around us, I grabbed my friends sister and rolled us into the ditch just as the semi smashed into the ATV. Once I pulled her back up from the ditch and checked her, I checked myself. Lovely, my right ankle is at a lovely 90 degree angle sideways. By football scholarships. So I grab my phone, call my parents, off to hospital I go.

Once inside the wheel me into emergency and start a morphine drip. Nothing. Add some more. Nothing. It wasn't until I had enough morphine in me to knock out a horse until I finally had a little relief. Turns out I metabolize morphine at a stupidly fast rate. So they switch the drugs over, I go off into lala land. Once I'm all set, I sign papers and into surgery I go with the understanding that if they can't relocate my dislocation from the outside, they'll have to cut tendons and I wont walk properly again. Yea, scary as shit signing the consent forms.

All went well, no interal surgery needed. About 6 weeks after I walked into a clinic and told the doc that if he didn't take the cast off I'd do it at home with a hack saw. He obliged me. Missed 2 preseason games, played a full season and playoffs, led the division in tackles and interceptions and was named a conference all star, all while wearing a giant brace that would make the terminator jealous of my metal support rods. Was an interesting summer to say the least.

And Max, I'm known well enough at bars now that I get a wide berth haha :P

01-13-2013, 06:28 PM
So yesterday I got to pump 2000 rounds through an M249 light machine gun... That has to be one of my most badass moments. Thing is a beast.

Non military related: Driving my girlfriends dad's 2011 Jaguar XKR-S to prom. Felt like the most badass kid rolling up in that.

I'm jelly.

- - - Updated - - -

Alright second last one...

End of Junior year, summer starting, everyone was happy. At the time, I was speaking to some major colleges in Canada about football scholarships and some Div-3 teams in the U.S. A bunch of us hit up my buddies farm on the outskirts of town for a bit of a get together. No drinking, just some ATV riding and muddin. Not having a truck at the time, I opted for some ATV riding on the fields next to the highway. Now normally it's not an issue, but today was a bit different...

Hours before my friends dad he just pulled the tractor through the fields. Ruts EVERYWHERE. Anyways, her little sister wants a ride, so I volunteer to take her out as she's too young to drive one on her own. First few laps, no big deal, and then the last one comes along and I get my outside tires stuck in a groove from the tractor. Can't turn, and I'm too close to the ditch before the highway to avoid it. So I hit the brakes and yell at her to hang on, knowing full well we're hitting the ditch.

Well we didn't just hit it, we ramped up and launched up into the air right towards the highway. Glancing left at oncoming traffic, I saw the semi coming down the lane towards us and literally accepted the fact I was about to die. I hit the pavement and waited a heartbeat. Realizing I hadn't been hit yet, and hearing the truck screech around us, I grabbed my friends sister and rolled us into the ditch just as the semi smashed into the ATV. Once I pulled her back up from the ditch and checked her, I checked myself. Lovely, my right ankle is at a lovely 90 degree angle sideways. By football scholarships. So I grab my phone, call my parents, off to hospital I go.

Once inside the wheel me into emergency and start a morphine drip. Nothing. Add some more. Nothing. It wasn't until I had enough morphine in me to knock out a horse until I finally had a little relief. Turns out I metabolize morphine at a stupidly fast rate. So they switch the drugs over, I go off into lala land. Once I'm all set, I sign papers and into surgery I go with the understanding that if they can't relocate my dislocation from the outside, they'll have to cut tendons and I wont walk properly again. Yea, scary as shit signing the consent forms.

All went well, no interal surgery needed. About 6 weeks after I walked into a clinic and told the doc that if he didn't take the cast off I'd do it at home with a hack saw. He obliged me. Missed 2 preseason games, played a full season and playoffs, led the division in tackles and interceptions and was named a conference all star, all while wearing a giant brace that would make the terminator jealous of my metal support rods. Was an interesting summer to say the least.

And Max, I'm known well enough at bars now that I get a wide berth haha :P

Damn...your life sounds intense.

01-13-2013, 06:36 PM
Damn...your life sounds intense.

These are just the "Badass" stories. I got too many rough/sad ones that more than balance it out. Live hard, play hard, but karma always balances it out.

Zeta Crossfire
03-18-2013, 01:27 AM
God damnit ghost Hammer. You blew this thread away.

03-18-2013, 01:35 AM
My mom once let me play on the trampoline.

03-18-2013, 01:39 AM
My mom once let me play on the trampoline.


03-18-2013, 01:41 AM
I... Even... Lift.

03-18-2013, 01:45 AM
I once necro posted on a thread. Oh wait....

Since it seems this topic is back.

Tonight on BF3, I was playing on the new End Game DLC. CQ Large on the map with the windmills. Loaded my bike up with C4 and went tank bombing. I notice a few tanks converging on one point. I ride towards the MBT near the point. Jump out a few meters away and detonate my C4. MBT goes boom. 2 enemies and 1 tank down. I turn around, run over to the IFV coming in. Throw 3 C4 charges on it and run towards another IFV headed my way. I detonate that C4 and start placing C4 on the 2nd IFV. 3 charges and one clacker press later, it was dead. This was all in the course of 20 seconds. One MBT, two IFVs, and six enemies dead at the hands of my C4.

I <3 Battlefield.

Img of bike before the carnage: http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/886859_10151409156283163_ 269438518_o.jpg

03-18-2013, 01:51 AM
I once necro posted on a thread. Oh wait....

Since it seems this topic is back.

Tonight on BF3, I was playing on the new End Game DLC. CQ Large on the map with the windmills. Loaded my bike up with C4 and went tank bombing. I notice a few tanks converging on one point. I ride towards the MBT near the point. Jump out a few meters away and detonate my C4. MBT goes boom. 2 enemies and 1 tank down. I turn around, run over to the IFV coming in. Throw 3 C4 charges on it and run towards another IFV headed my way. I detonate that C4 and start placing C4 on the 2nd IFV. 3 charges and one clacker press later, it was dead. This was all in the course of 20 seconds. One MBT, two IFVs, and six enemies dead at the hands of my C4.

I <3 Battlefield.

Img of bike before the carnage: http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/886859_10151409156283163_ 269438518_o.jpg

Nice! Reminds me that I need to get that DLC...

03-18-2013, 02:04 AM
i miss xbox :(

Today I learned how to stick auto injectors into people to treat from nerve agents... Wow does not sound as cool when i type it..

03-18-2013, 03:09 AM
I just drank a whole bottle of jack and smoked a bowl of northern lights while sitting on a bilboard. Now I'm gonna get down.

03-18-2013, 07:57 AM
I once necro posted on a thread. Oh wait....

Since it seems this topic is back.

Tonight on BF3, I was playing on the new End Game DLC. CQ Large on the map with the windmills. Loaded my bike up with C4 and went tank bombing. I notice a few tanks converging on one point. I ride towards the MBT near the point. Jump out a few meters away and detonate my C4. MBT goes boom. 2 enemies and 1 tank down. I turn around, run over to the IFV coming in. Throw 3 C4 charges on it and run towards another IFV headed my way. I detonate that C4 and start placing C4 on the 2nd IFV. 3 charges and one clacker press later, it was dead. This was all in the course of 20 seconds. One MBT, two IFVs, and six enemies dead at the hands of my C4.

I <3 Battlefield.

Img of bike before the carnage: http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/886859_10151409156283163_ 269438518_o.jpg

I love me some BF3. I was carrying the flag once on the back seat of a dirtbike and two other bikes were chasing us. I had C4. I dropped C4 charges on the ground behind us and killed both dirtbikes that way. I laughed so hard because of the win.

uncledrunkie v2
03-23-2013, 12:32 PM
About 6 years ago me and my friend Mat (he was not liked in my town) anyways these two punks are walking towards us (I should give you the back story 1st, about a week before this, mat had got into a fight with these two, I stepped in to make it a fair fight) anyways these two punks are walking towards us, one of them pulls out a knife, mat pulls out a knife, the other one pulls out a knife, I look at mat and smile, I pull out both of my knifes, then look back at them, they stop look at each other then look back at us, me and mat are still walking towards them, we get about 10-15 feet away (I'm not going to sit here and pretend I'm some sort of badass, i was scared shitless but i would not show it) so we get 10 feet away, I look at them and say " are you sure you want to do this" they walk a few more steps closer to us, then turn around and walk away. I will never forget that moment ever lol

03-23-2013, 02:19 PM
About 6 years ago me and my friend Mat (he was not liked in my town) anyways these two punks are walking towards us (I should give you the back story 1st, about a week before this, mat had got into a fight with these two, I stepped in to make it a fair fight) anyways these two punks are walking towards us, one of them pulls out a knife, mat pulls out a knife, the other one pulls out a knife, I look at mat and smile, I pull out both of my knifes, then look back at them, they stop look at each other then look back at us, me and mat are still walking towards them, we get about 10-15 feet away (I'm not going to sit here and pretend I'm some sort of badass, i was scared shitless but i would not show it) so we get 10 feet away, I look at them and say " are you sure you want to do this" they walk a few more steps closer to us, then turn around and walk away. I will never forget that moment ever lol

Had a similar situation with a cousin. We were walking around a neighborhood in moreno valley (the city bordering the city we live in riverside). We were supposed to be at a birthday bu we wanted to go out and maybe do a bit of graffiti. Well we saw two guys with a girl on the otherside of the street walking out direction. We couldn't really see what they looked like cause it was dark. But I was about five eleven, already had my share of fights. My cousin was about six four, double my size and that's all I can say. The guys on the other side started yelling stuff out at us like their neighborhood and crap like that, all you need to know about us is the we werent in a gang. My cousin shook his head and started crossing the street and I followed behind. Then the girl started pulling the guys away and telling them no lets go and they took off running. The end -_-

Al Capone111
03-24-2013, 12:27 AM

04-13-2013, 11:19 AM

Dear god...I remember watching that "trailer" when I was a little kid...

Nightmares still to this day.