View Full Version : WELCOME TO FC RADIO

01-15-2013, 10:04 PM

Welcome to FC Radio! Your source of FC entertainment! Please Join us in bringing you the latest FC News and march onto battle with some rocking tunes provided by our DJ's!

FC Radio is a internet based radio station made by FC members for FC members!
If you are interested in becoming an FC Radio DJ then check out our DJ APPLICATION (http://fcwars.net/forums/showthread.php?8956-DJ-APPLICATIONS&p=106185#post106185)secti on!

How to tune in

To tune into the radio station go to our Radio Page ( http://fire.wavestreamer.com:951 9/index.html?sid=1) and click listen. If prompt to do so select "Open With" and select your choice of media player(does not work with windows media player)

:new: Take FC Radio on the go! You can download Winamp to your Android or Iphone! Go to your mobile app store and search for Winamp. Once installed go to the home page and select shoutcast. In the Search For Station just type in FC Radio! Now you can be in tune with music and FC news!


The radio keeps skipping: Just press stop on your media player and then press play. It could be connection difficulties but eventually the radio should come through clear.

The radio just stopped playing: The DJ who is streaming lost connection with the server and must reconnect. Sometimes the programs we use crash and must be reset. This normally takes a few moments so be patient. Press play to refresh when the DJ reconnects if there is no sound.

Note: We are still working out the bugs as best we can.