View Full Version : Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters

02-06-2013, 05:44 PM
Most of us have heard this old German fairytale about the two siblings who were abandoned in a dark forest and stumbled across a house made of candy where a old witched tried to eat them but instead met her end by the children whom pushed her into the oven meant to cook them right? Well this is a whole new twist.

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters starts off with that old classic tale. After the incident with the witch who they had slain, the two children grew up to become well known witch hunters. After being hired by a town who had been doing their own type of witch hunting (taking women whom they assume are witches and burning them) Hansel and Gretel were hired by the towns Mayor to find the real witches whom have been taking their children.

At first I was thinking this movie was going to be stupid because it was based on a old children's story, but, to my delight, I was not dissapointed. The storyline was familiar and brought me back to my child hood but also tapped into modern time entertainment. There were a lot of great action scenes and the story wasn't as cliche as one would originally think. Although the way it ended and the twists were predictable, it still was very enjoyable to watch. The actors were very good and believable. There were a couple of scenes that made you laugh. So it was kind of a parody of the original story but a great one.

I think the most important factor to this movie was that it was in 3D. My experience with 3D movies has never been good. Every movie I had seen never fully utilized the 3D technology as most would expect. A lot of the time the previews had more 3D effects then the actual movie. To me, the 3D movies I have seen just feels like I am watching a movie in HD and not 3D. Well, not with this movie.

The 3D effects in this movie were outstanding! At some parts of the movie myself, as well as the others who attended with me, were actually trying to dodge from some of the objects that appeared to be flying at us. I was so pleased with this. For once, a movie that utilized the 3D effects so perfectly. It wasn't like those movies that try really hard to put scenes in the movie that are suppose to be coming at you such as a character pointing a weapon at the screen or the camera purposely focusing on an object so it pops out of the screen. The scenes where 3D should be used were actually used.

So in conclusion, this movie is a MUST see in the theater. :thumbsup:

02-06-2013, 07:24 PM
can we watch it.... together? :heart2: