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View Full Version : Suggestions for next war

Al Capone111
02-18-2013, 02:24 AM
So, with the conclusion of the first Halo 4 war tonight (Go Blue!) I think we all could use the off-season now to relax and just to hanging out with members of the community, be it REDD or BLUE. So lets start with that.

Now, I think we can all agree a lot of things worked during this war, a few things need tweaking, and some things should be completely revamped. So let us take and work together to make the next war even better. I would ask that if you are just going to complain, please do not post here. If you have a suggestion to better the war, please post so we may all come to a mutually beneficial outcome.

So I will break my list of suggestions down into different lists.

Battle Nights Squad Rotations:

Since many are concerned with squads being overplayed or "stacked", might I suggest that the FM of both armies create a set (in stone) order of the squads. REDD will set there order and BLUE theirs, and about 15 minutes before the battles start they post them in the statbook. Basically REDD will not know BLUE's squad order and vice versa. If it turns out that a squad is short, they can sub in players and be changed to "(SquadName) Mix". It will help squads to get set quicker and help the nights flow easier. This is just a suggestion.

Squad Mixers:

This war some squads wanted to be listed as "REDD/BLUE Mix" in order to protect their squad win/loss records. This while not a huge deal can sometimes be a pain in the ass and lead to arguments between squads. My suggestion is that if a squad in game contains at least 50% of one squad, it will NOT be labeled as "Mix". It will be labeled at what ever squad is at 50%. If the squad is evenly split 50/50, then it will be named in a similar manner to "Cyber-Phoenix" was tonight. If it is a true mix squad (as in less than 50% of the members are of the same squad) then it should be put into the statbook as "Mix".

Ordnance Drops/Loadouts:

This seems to be the hot topic the lst month or so.
I will simply post what I posted in another topic:

In Heavy:
-Leave classes fully as personal (can spawn with BS or PP, use firepower if wanted)
-Edit OD rates
-Edit OD items
-Would BS and/or PP be placed on maps that use the Heavy gametypes?

In regular:
-Everyone starts with Mag, everything else personal (no spawning with BS or PP, and Firepower would be useless on these maps)
-BS and PP on maps
-Edit OD rates
-Edit OD item

As far as rates and stuff, we should test multiple ways of doing it. I will leave that solely up to the WC and HC's.

I would like to see some more custom maps. Not just edited, but original custom maps. Maybe that's just me.


That's really all I got right now. Sorry if some of what I said is a bit confusing or for any spelling errors. It's late at night and I'm half asleep. What do you think about not only my ideas, but also what ideas can you bring to the table? Please keep this respectful and constructive. I really don't want this do become a shit-storm. That is a blanket warning from me (though it really means nothing).

Cody, I know you will likely be watching this. Just don't go to crazy unless things really start getting out of hand.

02-18-2013, 02:50 AM
My suggestion is that if a squad in game contains at least 50% of one squad, it will NOT be labeled as "Mix".

At the moment, the procedure is that it must be greater than 50% to be considered that unit. If you know of any games in which more than 50% of the team was of a single unit, then it will be changed in the Statbook, just tell me which ones were misrepresented.

02-18-2013, 03:07 AM
Cody, I know you will likely be watching this. Just don't go to crazy unless things really start getting out of hand.

So long as people don't deteriorate into babbling dim-witted buffoons like they normally do in suggestion threads, they'll be infraction free. But Capone is right, I'm ALWAYS watching.

02-18-2013, 03:32 AM
Here's a serious suggestion. No loadouts. AR/magnum or something like that. Old halo style. And no ordinance. Old halo. Completely like old halo. I understand the whole "new game" stuff. But I'm tired of all the old anti whatever threads that get locked eventually. I know not everyone will agree. But it would make it balance. No luck (except lag I guess). What do you guys think? I say we at least try it in customs.

Also: PLEASE have a long peacetime. We need time to test everything. I don't want next war's gametypes to be changing all the time. Everyone, help out the forge guys. Make sure your voice is heard BEFORE the war.

02-18-2013, 04:07 AM
Here's a serious suggestion. No loadouts. AR/magnum or something like that. Old halo style. And no ordinance. Old halo. Completely like old halo. I understand the whole "new game" stuff. But I'm tired of all the old anti whatever threads that get locked eventually. I know not everyone will agree. But it would make it balance. No luck (except lag I guess). What do you guys think? I say we at least try it in customs.

Also: PLEASE have a long peacetime. We need time to test everything. I don't want next war's gametypes to be changing all the time. Everyone, help out the forge guys. Make sure your voice is heard BEFORE the war.

Ar/ magnum terrible idea . The Ar is a boring and low skill gap weapon , don't get me wrong its a good weapon just the skill gap will be decrease. No rewards for head shots and team shooting.

The game setting are fine as it is and believe we should be looking at going back with what ever secondary we want since the boltshot 1 hit kill range is getting reduced by 40 percent. FC setting are fine as it is , all we need is to get rid of insta spawn.

02-18-2013, 04:11 AM
I like those ideas... but the REDD Mix teams are REDD Mix.

02-18-2013, 04:36 AM
Here's a serious suggestion. No loadouts. AR/magnum or something like that. Old halo style. And no ordinance. Old halo. Completely like old halo. I understand the whole "new game" stuff. But I'm tired of all the old anti whatever threads that get locked eventually. I know not everyone will agree. But it would make it balance. No luck (except lag I guess). What do you guys think? I say we at least try it in customs.

Also: PLEASE have a long peacetime. We need time to test everything. I don't want next war's gametypes to be changing all the time. Everyone, help out the forge guys. Make sure your voice is heard BEFORE the war.
Really the only luck-based mechanic we have left is personal ordnance, and that has way too much community support to take out (unfortunately).

As far as stripping the game down goes, that would simply be giving us one of the biggest problems MLG faced when they ran Halo: that the "out-of-the-box" game settings were completely different that their "skill-centered" settings. While (radically) changing the game wouldn't be too rough of a transition for those currently in FC, future recruits would have an even harsher period of acclimation than they do already with our map/gametype changes. Sure, many would still stick around but at the same time there would likely be a lot that leave because the game would play so differently than the default version. To attract as many people as possible we need the transition from Matchmaking settings to Battle-night settings to be as smooth as possible.

Oh, and the settings only changed so often because H4 is still a relatively new game. And this weeks settings were (I believe) the same as last week's so we've pretty much figured things out I think. Personally I hope the peacetime isn't any longer than 3 weeks or so, although it likely will be.

The game setting are fine as it is and believe we should be looking at going back with what ever secondary we want since the boltshot 1 hit kill range is getting reduced by 40 percent. FC setting are fine as it is , all we need is to get rid of insta spawn.
Honestly, I'm expecting another Boltshot poll within 6 hours of the Title Update. And while I do believe the range nerf will make the BS significantly more tolerable, I feel as though the range wasn't the reason most voted to remove it. It was the sheer fact that you can spawn with a 1sk weapon, at least for me. Unfortunately that is an issue that will never be fixed by 343 because it's part of the fundamental nature of the weapon, and changing that would be like flat-out admitting that "We fucked up". Which after the Crimson DLC "Two week trial" bs, we know Microsoft will never let happen.

That being said, I do think we should "look at" the possibility, despite the fact that I hate that weapon, just to try to allow for that smooth transition that I was just talking about.

EDIT: And btw, another part of the TU will be allowing us to disable instaspawn in custom games, so hopefully we'll make that happen :D

Jam Cliché
02-18-2013, 11:27 AM
The game setting are fine as it is and believe we should be looking at going back with what ever secondary we want since the boltshot 1 hit kill range is getting reduced by 40 percent. FC setting are fine as it is , all we need is to get rid of insta spawn.
This. As much as I would hotly defend the changes introduced by using magnum-only in small games, 343i is finally nerfing the Boltshot, and I think cutting its range down as far as they are is appropriate.

On top of that, Instaspawning is also being fixed, thankfully, and we will be able to take advantage of that revision.

02-18-2013, 11:46 AM
If we can get everything to run so that people aren't complaining every day, then I'm fine with it. It's not my decision. I want everyone to be happy =P not half the community hating everything.

Lets get lots of testing done!

Jam Cliché
02-18-2013, 11:56 AM
If we can get everything to run so that people aren't complaining every day, then I'm fine with it. It's not my decision. I want everyone to be happy =P not half the community hating everything.

Lets get lots of testing done!
I think we should radically change our map scheme. We have the power to change stuff, even on classic maps like Valhalla and Lockout. I say we talk a long hard look at all the maps we have used and start considering more radical changes to them.

02-18-2013, 04:38 PM
EDIT: And btw, another part of the TU will be allowing us to disable instaspawn in custom games, so hopefully we'll make that happen :D

Currently we can use a variant of the AGL New Jersey settings in which they edited the new team doubles gametype which has a delayed spawn. It can be edited to conform with current Conflict settings. This is redundant, however, as it's peace time and the TU is due before I anticipate the war starting again.

02-18-2013, 04:49 PM
Additionally, I'd like to see AAs removed from starting loadouts and either acquired from drops on the map, or through ordnance. This would help the flow of some maps, especially the remakes of older maps that weren't designed with balance toward jetpacks etc. Part of what defined the better players on the older maps were their knowledge of jumps and using those to their advantage whilst in the heat of a battle.

Also, either, increasing minimap range and showing allies only, or decreasing minimap range and showing enemies + allies. Part of the reason people find the bolt shot incredibly overpowered is because you can literally set your shot up, and start your BS charge before the enemy has even rounded a corner.

Implementing a score limit in some gametypes (Conflict, Extraction, Oddball), as well as the 15min time limit, would make for some closer games, and also deter from destroying morale of teams that may be getting crushed 200-30 or so in Conflict type games.

Also a nitpicky suggestion; In conflict I'd like to see the kill score go from 10 to 1, purely because it makes a quick glance at the score a bit easier to take in on the fly.

These are all just suggestions, I know some people may disagree with some, or all, of them. From my experience playing all sorts of variations of gametypes these are the things which I have noticed add a bit more depth to the game.

02-18-2013, 04:56 PM
The way we have Blue Split up is Battalions>Companies>Squads

If most of the people in the mix are a part of the same company they should be called that company.

If most of the people are just scattered we should just call it the battalion name instead.

I believe REDD has done this with Phoenix Fire.

02-18-2013, 05:23 PM
...increasing minimap range and showing allies only...

That is the single biggest change that I have always wanted in FC. (Not necessarily the show-allies part, but the no-enemies part.)

I know many dislike no-radar games, often because of their MLG ties, but in my opinion it was always the single most effective thing that MLG did that promoted teamwork over individual skill. Not being able to rely on your radar means that you're forced to rely on your teammate's callouts which is something that can change a chill, no-contest type of match to an edge-of-your-seat one.

That being said, I highly doubt we'll ever remove radar for FC gametypes :(

(inb4 "Go play MLG, then" comments)

02-18-2013, 05:24 PM
We only consider a unit a mix if 50% or less of the members are in the same unit. If it's a mix of guys from the same Platoon (let's say some from VbD & some from Rogue) we put the Platoon's name. If it's a mix from 2 platoons within the same battalion we put the battalion name (this happens most often with Resistance). And if it's just a big clusterfuck of people from multiple battalions (REDWATCH, Phoenix Fire, or Resistance) all together then we list it as REDD Mix.

02-18-2013, 05:27 PM
That is the single biggest change that I have always wanted in FC. (Not necessarily the show-allies part, but the no-enemies part.)

The only reason I say show allies is for the "On my X" callouts that were popular in older Halo games, as there is no "X" per-se on-screen, there is on the minimap, which would make this callout more viable.

02-18-2013, 05:27 PM
That is the single biggest change that I have always wanted in FC. (Not necessarily the show-allies part, but the no-enemies part.)

I know many dislike no-radar games, often because of their MLG ties, but in my opinion it was always the single most effective thing that MLG did that promoted teamwork over individual skill. Not being able to rely on your radar means that you're forced to rely on your teammate's callouts which is something that can change a chill, no-contest type of match to an edge-of-your-seat one.

That being said, I highly doubt we'll ever remove radar for FC gametypes :(

(inb4 "Go play MLG, then" comments)

Go play MLG, then

no, but, allies only radar suuuuucks. It throws you off badly, i'd rather have no radar.

02-18-2013, 05:35 PM
classifying mixes really isn't a big deal, or should not be. The rotation system is what should be improved/fixed. Pour your energy onto that, then worry about the small things.

02-18-2013, 05:49 PM
The only reason I say show allies is for the "On my X" callouts that were popular in older Halo games, as there is no "X" per-se on-screen, there is on the minimap, which would make this callout more viable.
I know that's why MLG was testing it, but like this guy said:

no, but, allies only radar suuuuucks. It throws you off badly, i'd rather have no radar.

The first time I used ally-only radar screwed me up big time. I know once you play a few games of it, it's fine but that goes right back to the "smoothing-the-transition" issue I talked about up above. If there were no radar at all it would immediately communicate that you cant see enemies, as opposed to new recruits having to figure it out or be told before the match.

02-18-2013, 05:57 PM
classifying mixes really isn't a big deal, or should not be. The rotation system is what should be improved/fixed. Pour your energy onto that, then worry about the small things.

This. There were way too many dirty moves done in this last war. By BOTH sides.

02-18-2013, 06:11 PM
I'd like peacetime to be spent forging ALL the maps on our warmap. That way, maps are fully done and ready to be practiced ahead of time

02-18-2013, 06:20 PM
This. There were way too many dirty moves done in this last war. By BOTH sides.

Bow chika bow wow?


Okay. -_-

02-18-2013, 06:27 PM
I'd like peacetime to be spent forging ALL the maps on our warmap. That way, maps are fully done and ready to be practiced ahead of time

If someone can put me together a list of changes that need to be made, than I can do them all, but the slow and difficult part is finding the problems.

You need to get enough people together, play various objectives on the map, see what problems come up, and fix those problems. Then do more testing and fix the discovered problems. And then repeat again, since there are probably another dozen things that you haven't found yet.

So yeah...

02-18-2013, 06:30 PM
If someone can put me together a list of changes that need to be made, than I can do them all, but the slow and difficult part is finding the problems.

Indeed it is. With a list of problems all the maps could be fixed in a day or two, but we unfortunately do not have one of those. :P

02-18-2013, 06:51 PM
Im talking more about FM picks the maps and the forge depart. testes and completes the maps and games BEFORE the actual start of the war.

i.e. FM says we might go after this map in 2 weeks, someone could get the map and practice AHEAD of time.

RaZ Vader
02-18-2013, 06:59 PM
All good suggestions. Keep it up

02-18-2013, 07:33 PM
Should preach more on military discipline and respect towards certain ranks n such.


Calling attention on deck when officers come into meetings.
Giving more responsibilities to NCO's (corporal-sergeant)
Having people adress rank n name in simulated games n such.

Unless y'all are doing that already. I wouldn't know.

Al Capone111
02-18-2013, 08:24 PM
Should preach more on military discipline and respect towards certain ranks n such.


Calling attention on deck when officers come into meetings.
Giving more responsibilities to NCO's (corporal-sergeant)
Having people adress rank n name in simulated games n such.

Unless y'all are doing that already. I wouldn't know.

1. It's called being quite unless addressed. Typically the higher up host the lobbies others join in.
2. We've tried that before. And sometimes it leads to things getting crossed and mixed up.
3. Takes to long to do in game.