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View Full Version : Xbox 720 and PS4 This Year!

02-21-2013, 04:00 PM
So, apparently the both Xbox 720 and the PS4 will go on sale sometime this year. Most probably near Christmas time just like any other release.

This would be my first time switching consoles while playing online so this is all new to me. I don't know what to expect. But, I do know that I will take advantage of the competitive pricing between Sony and Microsoft. Especially during Christmas time!

I really hope we can play most games that we have now. I have to admit I am excited about the release but not so much about paying for another console.

I do know one thing though.. I have had my Xbox 360 since it was first released and I am proud to say I have given it all hell since I have left it on for more than a week straight at some point.... Dropped it tons of times and even smacked it... and still no RROD!

Anyway.. just sharing what I think. :)

02-21-2013, 04:02 PM
Link to 720 announcement?

02-21-2013, 04:07 PM
Sony already confirmed it but I mean come on.. Microsoft will not be to far behind them. They gotta keep the competition.

02-21-2013, 04:31 PM
If they both come out at the same time then I will be getting both as soon as they come out

Nicholas Sapien
02-21-2013, 04:42 PM
*looks at wallet*

02-21-2013, 05:40 PM
Im getting the 720 first if they are released around the sametime... however i will own both at one point. I love what Sony is doing for the PS4, I was extreamly impressed with the conference yesterday.

The 720 hasn't been fully confirmed yet, but it will be before E3 without a doubt. The rumors are saying the 720 will be released Holiday this year as well... But when in the Holiday Season? Unknown. Some are saying within a month of each other.

PS4 is rumored to cost around $430... however earlier in the year it was rumored to be $350 - $400. <--- same with the 720.

Only time will tell, I wouldnt be suprised if we hear Microsoft making some sort of announcment before the end of this current month. Probably a full announcment by mid-March.

02-22-2013, 03:12 AM
Prices are insanely high. I would not be surprised if the games went up in value either. The cheapest 720 will probably be around $299.. and I bet it will have the worst hard drive.

Maybe?... :o


02-22-2013, 03:48 AM
Touchpad on the PS4 Controller? Dafuq?


02-22-2013, 09:43 AM
A while ago people were saying that a new 720 is supposed to cost less than a new 360

02-22-2013, 11:08 AM
Touchpad on the PS4 Controller? Dafuq?


Yeah, I know. That is very cool. Probably will be used for the apps more than the actual games.

I am still debating on getting both consoles. Then I think about buying one game twice... What is the point? :(

02-22-2013, 11:22 AM
*looks at wallet*

02-22-2013, 11:47 AM
Yeah, I know. That is very cool. Probably will be used for the apps more than the actual games.

I am still debating on getting both consoles. Then I think about buying one game twice... What is the point? :(

Console exclusive games

02-22-2013, 01:03 PM
Console exclusive games

^ Killzone 4 looks great

02-22-2013, 01:13 PM
Yes. Yes it does :)

02-22-2013, 01:40 PM
A while ago people were saying that a new 720 is supposed to cost less than a new 360

Well MS seems to be practically scrambling for money nowadays, so it's possible that they'd try selling the consoles are waaay under manufacturing costs and then make up the money in their cut from game sales. Cheaper console = more people who own it = more games bought for it.

02-22-2013, 01:54 PM
It's rumored to just be called Xbox, which is lame and makes discussion require more clarification since we've already had an Xbox. Seriously, I'll be pissed if it isn't called the 720....

02-22-2013, 02:21 PM
Well MS seems to be practically scrambling for money nowadays, so it's possible that they'd try selling the consoles are waaay under manufacturing costs and then make up the money in their cut from game sales. Cheaper console = more people who own it = more games bought for it.

...Not sure how they are scrambling for money when the 360 was the top selling console in the world since December of last year

But I see where you are going with that... chances are though the 720 (or whatever it will be called) will be about $400, and the games will still be around $60... maybe up to $70.

Iv made my decision and im buying both... 720 first, then PS4... unless theres a long gap between each release, then PS4 might be first

02-22-2013, 02:21 PM
It's rumored to just be called Xbox, which is lame and makes discussion require more clarification since we've already had an Xbox. Seriously, I'll be pissed if it isn't called the 720....

I've heard that they will be going the way of Apple as well (just calling it the "new iPad"). If they called it 720, that would require that the continue doubling up each time, eventually reaching levels of Xbox 1440 and weird numbers like that. I'm not sure they would want to, especially considering at all of the more recent events they just have "Xbox" on their signage instead of "Xbox 360".

02-22-2013, 02:35 PM
Hey, so I was looking up to see if Microsoft has said anything about the 720 or even their reactions to the PS4... then I saw this...

Xbox 720 Announcement in April? (http://www.gamespot.com/news/xbox-720-announcement-in-april-6404333)

Kinda figured Microsoft would say something or say when their announcement would be within atleast a week of the PS4 reveal. Seems i'm right ^.^

02-22-2013, 02:45 PM
I've heard that they will be going the way of Apple as well (just calling it the "new iPad"). If they called it 720, that would require that the continue doubling up each time, eventually reaching levels of Xbox 1440 and weird numbers like that. I'm not sure they would want to, especially considering at all of the more recent events they just have "Xbox" on their signage instead of "Xbox 360".

I don't care what they name the one after this upcoming one. I just really want a 720. And a handheld called the 180.

02-22-2013, 02:52 PM
We all knew it was gonna happen lol

02-22-2013, 02:59 PM


02-22-2013, 03:11 PM
...Not sure how they are scrambling for money when the 360 was the top selling console in the world since December of last year

Oh the xbox itself is doing fine, but Microsoft as a whole seems (to me) to not be doing so well. The pc market is going down because of Apple, their Surface tablet sold less than expected, they recently raised the price of Win8 from $50 to $130 because they weren't making enough money off of it and they announced that Office 2013 would have a yearly subscription plan. Not to mention that the latest xbox dashboard update turned it into ad-city and the fact that they require XBL Gold (a subscription service) even when accessing apps like Netflix(another subscription service). And the fact that Halo dropped to $40 in about a month implies that even that was/is underperforming compared to their sales estimates for the game.

I don't know any "official" numbers, but it seems to me that Microsoft's only cash cow right now is the xbox.

02-22-2013, 03:20 PM

In the description:
Update: Since I've made this video (last night) Sony has assured us that games will still be "around $60".

02-22-2013, 03:23 PM
In the description:

I dont read descriptions much lol

02-22-2013, 03:24 PM
Oh the xbox itself is doing fine, but Microsoft as a whole seems (to me) to not be doing so well. The pc market is going down because of Apple, their Surface tablet sold less than expected, they recently raised the price of Win8 from $50 to $130 because they weren't making enough money off of it and they announced that Office 2013 would have a yearly subscription plan. Not to mention that the latest xbox dashboard update turned it into ad-city and the fact that they require XBL Gold (a subscription service) even when accessing apps like Netflix(another subscription service). And the fact that Halo dropped to $40 in about a month implies that even that was/is underperforming compared to their sales estimates for the game.

I don't know any "official" numbers, but it seems to me that Microsoft's only cash cow right now is the xbox.

Sony as a company is doing much worse than Microsoft. Most branches of Sony have been running deficits for awhile now. Compared to them, Microsoft is still fine. If we're going to worry about any of them, Sony is in need of money moreso than Microsoft or Nintendo (which is also not doing too well, I believe).

02-22-2013, 03:45 PM
Well MS seems to be practically scrambling for money nowadays, so it's possible that they'd try selling the consoles are waaay under manufacturing costs and then make up the money in their cut from game sales. Cheaper console = more people who own it = more games bought for it.

The worst part of having to pay that much for consoles is that they probably spend less than $50 making a console. Its ridiculous.



There is no way that they will raise the game prices for that much. If anything it will go up $5 to $15 in the next year. There is just so much demand and its rising every day.

02-22-2013, 04:01 PM
Prices on PS4 games will not go up. READ!

http://kotaku.com/5986208/if-ps4-games-only-cost-60-theyre-actually-cheaper-than-ps3-games?utm_campaign=Social flow_Kotaku_Twitter&utm_source=Kotaku_Twitter&utm_medium=Socialflow

02-22-2013, 04:09 PM
Prices on PS4 games will not go up. READ!

http://kotaku.com/5986208/if-ps4-games-only-cost-60-theyre-actually-cheaper-than-ps3-games?utm_campaign=Social flow_Kotaku_Twitter&utm_source=Kotaku_Twitter&utm_medium=Socialflow

^ already confirmed max :P

02-22-2013, 04:14 PM
Economics at its best.

02-22-2013, 04:22 PM
^ already confirmed max :P

It appeared to me that Abrupt didn't understand, so I reposted.

02-22-2013, 04:28 PM
What do you mean? My post referred to the article you linked us to.

02-28-2013, 05:58 PM
Video gaming pricing for dummies, so you guys understand and don't immediately cuddle your wallets for your final moment with them:

The next generation of consoles is expected to be /much/ cheaper than the current generation. Why?

The worst part of having to pay that much for consoles is that they probably spend less than $50 making a console. Its ridiculous.

Well, first, most companies take a loss on consoles. The PS3 initially marketed at $600, and it cost $800 to make (mostly because of blu-ray, but w/e). That being said, it definitely costs them a lot more to make the console than they sell it. There are two main reasons behind the expense:

1. You're basically paying for a custom computer. Consoles up till now have had customized parts designed and used for it, based off computer parts. So you really can't compare the price of a console to a TV or phone, but you have to compare their prices to PCs. And you really can't even compare it to PCs, because the parts are customized and made to fit, so you'd be better off comparing the prices to laptops, which are even more expensive. No PC costs $50 to build.

2. Again, parts are customized. These are large companies in technology, and they can get customized parts for their systems but it still isn't cheap. Plus, companies realize these consoles can't be improved halfway through it's life cycle, so they beef it up with the best tech they can put in it, so it lasts without becoming outdated. You may think the 360 is shit now in terms of specs, but I guarantee it runs better than your computer you got in 2004 running off the first version of windows XP.

But Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo still sell the consoles at a cheaper price, because they know once you buy the console you'll buy the games, and they get a fair bit of that $60 you spend on a game, that's where the money is truly made.

For example, your Xbox 360 runs off a Triple-Core processor, which may seem sub-par now, but it's really not bad considering back in 2005 we were all fapping over dual cores, and here 8 years later the processor is still nearly as good as a standard quad core. That's a lot when you think about how much technology advances in 8 years, the first iPhone only came out 6 years ago.

Also, the value of technology decreases at a rapid pace. A top of the line computer from 4 years ago is probably middle-lower market now, the same goes for these consoles. That's why PS3s and 360s can be picked up for like $250 now, and to be honest on the current generation, I'd suspect Microsoft and Sony are raking in a lot off new console sales since the price of technology goes down so quickly. So if you bought the original release PS3 for $600, you made $200. If you buy one now for $200, you're probably giving Sony a profit.

Back to the next-gen topic. the PS4 and Xbox 720 are rumored to be cheaper than their predecessors. How can that be?

Well, the PS3 used very customized and high end parts originally, such as a Blu-ray, and as such it was a lot more expensive than the Wii and 360. The xbox was cheaper than the PS3, and a big part of that was that it was structured more off of an actual computer than a customized piece of hardware. It actually used a PC triple core, a graphics card, and RAM. Basic computer parts are cheaper, much cheaper, than the customized crap Sony used. Microsoft used that and thats why the Xbox's are so much cheaper (one of the big reasons).

With this next generation of systems, Sony and Microsoft both supposedly plan to use generally basic PC parts to make the console, and as I said, that's much cheaper. That makes the Xbox 720 about the same as the 360 released at, possibly a little cheaper to keep its edge considering Microsoft is used to being the cheaper console. It makes the PS4 a lot cheaper because it's using cheaper parts.
The other thing that makes these cheaper is the fact that technology itself is so much cheaper than back in 2005. 8-9 years is a long time for a new console to come out, and all that time has deflated the price of technology, so Microsoft and Sony can up the power of a next gen console by the same proportion as they did from the last generation to the current, but spend less because the time between generations has been longer, allowing prices to come down on that level of technology. A triple core in 2005 was more expensive than a SIX core is now. My dad built a PC with a six-core for under $450, so Microsoft could easily double the processing power of the 720 compared to the 360, quadruple the memory, both RAM and GPU, and still come out with a console that releases as cheaper than the 360.

Game Prices:
Game prices will most likely also go down for some simple reasons that don't require walls of text:

1. The demand for console gaming has gone down.
2. Technological increases have made it possible to make better games with less people, so reduced labor cost.
3. A lot of games will start being DLC only, or start having online codes you need to play, forcing you to buy a new game against a used one. This point is the general ousting of used games, as the only person who makes money on used games are the retailers (Gamestop). DLC/Access Coded games mean everyone has to buy a new copy from the source.

You all may hate those things, but in general, it does lead to a cheaper game. The $60 price tag recoups losses on used game trades they get nothing for. I'd rather pay $30 for Halo 5, which I can never sell or give to anyone than pay $60 and trade it back 3 years later for $10. You win, the producers and developers win, Gamestop gets the damn justice they deserve for ripping us off on sold games.

Minor necro-post but I wanted to rant.

02-28-2013, 06:18 PM
Video gaming pricing for dummies, so you guys understand and don't immediately cuddle your wallets for your final moment with them:


Minor necro-post but I wanted to rant.

You're very optimistic about how "Access-Coded" games will affect the market. If games truly do get significantly cheaper I'll be happy to have a system like that, but being the cynic that I am I feel as though MS and Sony will keep the prices high to make as much profit as possible. (And considering games downloaded from XBLA cost as much as their on-disc counterparts it's not like it's out of character to rip us off.)

Good, informative post as a whole though :)

Jam Cliché
02-28-2013, 06:22 PM
3. A lot of games will start being DLC only, or start having online codes you need to play, forcing you to buy a new game against a used one. This point is the general ousting of used games, as the only person who makes money on used games are the retailers (Gamestop). DLC/Access Coded games mean everyone has to buy a new copy from the source.

You all may hate those things, but in general, it does lead to a cheaper game. The $60 price tag recoups losses on used game trades they get nothing for. I'd rather pay $30 for Halo 5, which I can never sell or give to anyone than pay $60 and trade it back 3 years later for $10. You win, the producers and developers win, Gamestop gets the damn justice they deserve for ripping us off on sold games.

A fresh perspective on the used game limiting aspect, but I suspect it won't work, and so does a majority of the gaming community. It' a nice business model, and I am always for cutting out the middle man, but the problem is that such a thing will drastically the reduce the amount of retail locations for purchasing a console and games. We may think that it is easy to learn about upcoming gaming releases, but not for everyone. The fact is that those retailers are largely responsible for how well marketed a game gets to be. I have classmates who have only just begun to learn about Destiny.

If we switch to restricting used game sales, the gaming retailers could refuse to carry that manufacturer's console. This won't hurt the retailers, because each manufacturer rivals the other. No one company wants to be the first to say they intend to try the restriction of used games, because the others then need only say they don't intend to, leading to more retail support for them and a press and market nightmare for the pioneering manufacturer.

If everyone adopted the used game restriction strategy, and the basic model used by Steam (where one must have internet connection at least initially to buy a game or unlock an access code), yes, we would have some awesome, cheap games. But we are ruled by other ambitions, and so we hang onto the middle man, drive up prices on games and consoles due to heavy expenditures on marketing, and hope that by next generation, people will warm up to the idea.

02-28-2013, 06:50 PM
The facade that these companies will "rip us off" is absurd. By rules of inflation, games should be $70 by now, but they aren't. People wont pay $60 for a DLC game, they just wont, people don't get the same sense of worth without a physical copy. Game makers can't just raise prices and be rich, the economics of it don't work that way. People will stop buying, and their customer base will drop to only the hardcore fans, which isn't enough for anyone to live on.

Cheaper games by cutting out retailers /will/ make things cheaper one way or the other. That much is guaranteed. Not only would they not have to recoup used game sales, since their new games will usually only sell for a few months before dropping off the face of the planet, but they also wouldn't have to pay for production of the physical copy, and to top it off they wouldn't have to give gamestop a chunk of money for selling the item.

If MS/Sony cut out gamestop, there's really nothing gamestop can do, especially if they lower game prices. They wont need the retailer to do anything at all besides sell the console, and if they refuse, walmart, target, and tons of other places will still happily sell the console, and at the least Microsoft/Sony could start shipping consoles to individuals. Gamestop will be forced to sell consoles to reap what little cash gains they can get.

But if the online sale of mainstream games ends up still being $60, Gamestop could very well leverage against it, but that wouldn't make sense in terms of business or logic for Microsoft/Sony when they can sell a game through DLC for $40 and make more of a profit than selling it for $60 through Gamestop.