View Full Version : A Proper Thank You

RaZ Vader
03-13-2013, 11:33 AM
Thank You...


Robot Friend, we met in the days of Halo 3. I will never forget when you first started to rise through the army ranks. I remember talking to you about how we need help at our new web site that was created by our very own Metkil. SPOILER ALERT! (He didn't trust you) but I soon got you 2 together and now you are a dynamic duo that helps maintain and update our home here at Forerunner Conflict.

Not only do you maintain the web site, but you are one of the War Directors and help maintain the statbook, the youtube channel, and help write our Rules and Regulations. Am I missing anything else? You are a great asset and when/if you call it quits and can't do all of this anymore, you will be missed greatly by many :cyborg:

I told you you would become as known for your achievements.. remember that halo 3 conversation? You are my replacement if anyone could ever.. lol We were on some snow map... i don't remember the name. haha

Old Halo 2 Vet! A Guy that no one knew about, I never knew that you would become the next "MicroJupiter" and help maintain this Beautiful web site alongside Mythonian. You do so much. You handle our donations, help secure the site if a "hacking" ever occurs.

Plus, you provide insight to our organization, and update our twitter feed, and maintain our twitch.tv account. We grow everyday because of proper web site maintenance that you provide.


Look! Virtually every graphic or image you see on the web site is because your Graphic Making skills are just plain awesome.

You worked tirelessly making banners, group images, awards, and the War Map! Did I miss anything? :mededust:

Without you, this would not look as epic as it does. So your the best. We :heart2: our Mededust. No Homo.
To Our Current and Past High Command Members:

(I could list your names, but there are just so many. You know who you are)

You work so hard to help maintain your Faction to be battle ready every Sunday. You promote, demote, and deal with hard decisions everyday. You work with the Field Marshal, even though some days you cannot take it and feel like quitting.

Without you, the whole community would just crumble at its feet. Your hard work is noticed.
To the Field Marshals, past and present:

You have or have had one of the most difficult job title within our community. EVERYTHING is your fault. Good or Bad. You have to make sure everyone is doing what they are suppose to be doing. Although you do a lot of paper-work, you are rewarded when you see your faction prevail and do the best that they can.

Without you, the faction will be clueless and disorganized. You are a main piece in our quest on halo world domination.
Ghosthammer, Maxdoggy, Munkie, Juggernaut, KillerGunny, VerbotenDonkey and EriRi1138 (+Loco where ever your may be..and anyone else I missed)

Long time friends, and old grizzled vets of Forerunner Conflict. Behold! Our Sacrifices from Halo 2 and 3 have not gone unrewarded. Look how FC has grown over the years. Have you ever imagined that it would become this big and successful?

I (raz) always had this dream. It has finally arrived. We made it. We and YOU have all worked hard in the past to provide the foundation for our community. If you were not around, the "R.E.D.D. and B.L.U.E." may never have existed.

You are all still here in some way, Still improving our community!

We have been long time friends for awhile. We have seen and experienced it all. From you "re-vault" against me in Galactic Wars, to the idea of forming your team up to create the Red vs Blue Retaliation Wars, through tough personal times. We are brothers.

Long-distance brothers, but we are. We have helped each-other through difficult times. Especially me. Their have been times where I almost lost it, but you helped me get through it.

We Founded Forerunner Conflict alongside Tyranny90, MicroJupiter and others. We are what is left of the First to be here.. We miss our old Friends, but we have made new ones...

To the Forerunner Conflict Members:

You are here and are having Fun. You fight and become leaders of a Unit, or just a regular Soldier. Obviously, we would not be here if it wasn't for you. We want to improve our community. Please do not let your voice be unheard.

This is a thank you for kicking ass and being active and help our community reach new heights! :vader2:

Preston "Raz" Christman

03-13-2013, 11:37 AM
You're Welcome

03-13-2013, 11:43 AM
I made some Forums icons, platoon banners, propaganda posters, and some widgets.

I feel the love though. Not from Blackhawk though.

RaZ Vader
03-13-2013, 11:45 AM
I made some Forums icons, platoon banners, propaganda posters, and some widgets.

I feel the love though. Not from Blackhawk though.

Those too.. lol thanks for adding more to your list.

03-13-2013, 12:01 PM

Does this mean that you are leaving for the umpteenth time, though? :P

RaZ Vader
03-13-2013, 12:05 PM
No, lol I just don't think I say thanks enough.

03-13-2013, 12:11 PM
I made some Forums icons, platoon banners, propaganda posters, and some widgets.

I feel the love though. Not from Blackhawk though.


03-13-2013, 12:22 PM
And thank you, Raz. You and the rest of the Founders and older generation.

You guys started this community and kept it alive long enough to give us the opportunity to enjoy it. Us of the recent generations (I can't call myself part of the new generation anymore after being here for over 3 years... >.>) are merely trying to build upon the foundation you established.

I'm pretty sure we can all agree that Forerunner Conflict is awesome. ;)

03-13-2013, 12:30 PM
And thank you, Raz. You and the rest of the Founders and older generation.

You guys started this community and kept it alive long enough to give us the opportunity to enjoy it. Us of the recent generations (I can't call myself part of the new generation anymore after being here for over 3 years... >.>) are merely trying to build upon the foundation you established.

I'm pretty sure we can all agree that Maxdoggy is awesome. ;)

Good speech, Myth. I knew i liked you!

03-13-2013, 12:38 PM
And thank you, Raz. You and the rest of the Founders and older generation.

You guys started this community and kept it alive long enough to give us the opportunity to enjoy it. Us of the recent generations (I can't call myself part of the new generation anymore after being here for over 3 years... >.>) are merely trying to build upon the foundation you established.

I'm pretty sure we can all agree that Forerunner Conflict is awesome. ;)

You forgot to thank blackhawk individually

03-13-2013, 12:47 PM
YAY! <3

03-13-2013, 01:10 PM
All of you guys inspire us newbies to push ourselves, to make this community the best place for halo fans to reside. My deepest respect.

EagleOne out.

03-13-2013, 02:02 PM
Thanks Raz. We'd be nothing without you. :)

03-13-2013, 03:01 PM
thank you RaZ...

also... quit changing your damn name lol

03-13-2013, 03:33 PM
<3 Thanks Gramps!

RaZ Vader
03-13-2013, 03:37 PM
thank you RaZ...

also... quit changing your damn name lol

I changed my name? When?

03-13-2013, 03:44 PM
RaZ, I never got to know you as well as I'd like. But this community has changed my life. I have many, MANY amazing memories and I have made just as many great friends.

Thank You RaZ

RaZ Vader
03-13-2013, 03:55 PM
RaZ, I never got to know you as well as I'd like. But this community has changed my life. I have many, MANY amazing memories and I have made just as many great friends.

Thank You RaZ

You are welcome. So let's talk more. Get on Xbox live more after 11pm est week nights. That's like the only time I can get on now.

03-13-2013, 04:09 PM
I live on the west coast and I normally don't get off work until 2am EST :P Most people are asleep by the time I get home. But I'll try to catch you on a weekend or something.

03-13-2013, 04:50 PM
I would like to thank FC for ruining my damn sleeping schedules...seriously.

On a lighter note, I love this community. I would write up a lengthy detailing my love for every single member, but that is impossible, for my love for all of you cannot be described by any form of art or communication. Seriously, even though it's been a pain lately, I love all of you.

03-13-2013, 05:37 PM
Awwwwww. Damn it Raz, that was so god damn cute :heart2:

But seriously, THANK YOU and the other original founders for creating this. I've spent 6 1/2 years of my life here and I've loved every minute of it. It's been a joy to help this community grow. This community has changed alot since RvBR in Halo 2. Some may say for the better or worse, but one thing is certain: We're bigger than we've ever been right now. And that's awesome. It's always been one of my goals to see FC get some major notice from the rest of the Halo community. It certainly looks like we're getting there.

But once again, thank you Raz.

I love you in the most homo way possible. ;)

Choca Cola
03-13-2013, 06:17 PM
And thank you RaZ for all that you have done (Now that's a long list...), I don't know you that personally, but I'll put credit where credit is due.

I <3 you RaZ.

03-13-2013, 07:53 PM
How big are we? The users says 216 Active, which is dope, but that doesn't seem exceptionally high.
Either way, it's definitely as big as it has been.

I remember there being times (end of Halo 3 anyone) where it got so dead, so frustrating, and looked so grim that people honestly thought that FC was going to die. We did a lot of things, Operation: Firestorm, canceled wars, changed websites, became a gaming community, fired people, etc. In the end though, we stood the test of time. That's why I still check the forums almost every day, five years later.

Man.. that 10 year anniversary is going to be incredible.

03-13-2013, 08:01 PM
Man.. that 10 year anniversary is going to be incredible.

FC LAN, anyone?

03-13-2013, 08:19 PM
Too much love in this thread i will be sure to end this

03-13-2013, 08:24 PM
It all started with our founding forefathers. I'm grateful to have been recruited so early and entrusted with as much responsibility as you gave me that day of bootcamp.

Everyone's done a fine job here.

03-13-2013, 08:30 PM
Thank you Raz and others who helped to establish this community and make it awesome! I've made many memories here in my time here and made many new friends. It has been a fun year and a half.

RaZ Vader
03-13-2013, 08:37 PM
You are all welcome. Although active members say 216. I'm sure it is more. Not everyone checks these forums religiously but are still a part of FC.

03-13-2013, 08:38 PM
FC LAN, anyone?

ohmygod yes.
Sometime over the summer so people can afford to meet in a central location.

Paintball, beer, and so much Halo. Has to be on a sunday tho.

You are all welcome. Although active members say 216. I'm sure it is more. Not everyone checks these forums religiously but are still a part of FC.

We really oughta stress that more. This what makes FC awesome imo

RaZ Vader
03-13-2013, 08:47 PM
I agree 100%

Zeta Crossfire
03-13-2013, 08:47 PM
I've only been here a little over a month and I'm already in love with this community, it's everything I've ever wanted in a Halo community and more. Looking foreword to helping FC grow and expand anyway I can.

03-13-2013, 09:14 PM
I'm really new to this thing, as you can see as of this time I still haven't even done boot camp (I hate my biology teacher) but I would like to thank all of the vets,:vader1: especially, for creating this community. I have been a gamer the majority of my intelligent life, and I'd begun to get extremely bored with my games. Shoot this, go there, hit that button, collect X enemy trinkets, etc. and I've been wanting something to do.

Lo and behold, I find this website, and YAY I've finally got something to do besides wear a hole in my chair.

03-14-2013, 01:44 AM
And thank you, Raz. You and the rest of the Founders and older generation.

You guys started this community and kept it alive long enough to give us the opportunity to enjoy it. Us of the recent generations (I can't call myself part of the new generation anymore after being here for over 3 years... >.>) are merely trying to build upon the foundation you established.

I'm pretty sure we can all agree that Forerunner Conflict is awesome. ;)

People like me, you, and Nick don't get a generation. We're like the neglected middle children.

And we <3 you too, Raz.

EDIT: Also, I agree that we need more active forum users >.<