
Entries with no category

  1. Weight Loss 101

    Summer is slowly coming to a end. Now is a good time for those trying to lose weight to get with it for the winter lol Here are a few weight loss tips.

    #1 Diet
    Now, I am sure everyone is like "no shit" but, there ...
  2. This one is for you


    And boom goes the dynamite...Thought of you when I saw this video...
  3. Dafuq????

    I love how every time I leave FC and come back to check up on things everything has gone nuts! So the majority of Blue went REDD and some REDDs went BLUE and I am all like wtf? And people who were once cool are just dicks now and I am all like dafuq ...
  4. Oh How I love Blogs

    I really do! Because it is my personal blog and I feel so much more at ease typing what I want(within reason) without having to deal with the bs as I do in the open threads. I just felt like saying that and wasting the time of those who felt the need ...
  5. Microsoft done F'ed up

    So there have been tons of rumors spreading about Xbox one such as Microsoft monitoring gamers via kinect cam and not being able to have used games ect....

    Many xbox gamers have been put off on the things that have been announced with ...
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