• No more "Babies"

    1. Any person(s) under the age of 15 will not be allowed to join in the Forerunner Conflict community. A person must be 15 years of age or older in order to qualify for the registration process.

    You read that? Its now official. So what does this mean? SIMPLE:

    • ALL RECRUITS from now until the end of FC must be at least the AGE of 15 in order to join our community.
    • BUT.. What if I am currently younger then 15? GULP Well you are lucky, this will not affect you. If you are younger then 15, you are allowed to remain in our community, since this rule was not enforced upon you joining

    Pretty easy to understand. All recruiters make sure you ask their DATE OF BIRTH, and not their age.. and just do some simple math to see how old they are, if you have any doubt on their age.

    This article was originally published in forum thread: No more "Babies" started by RaZ Vicious View original post
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