• Army Stimulus Package

    Army Credit Give-A-WAY
    Although the Economy sucks in most areas of the world, we at Forerunner Conflict are doing pretty damn good. So, I feel that it is time to have the armies of R.E.D.D. and B.L.U.E. get the chance to earn an additional 1,500 Army cR! That is right.. not vCash, but ARMY CREDITS that can be used to purchase army perks on the battlefield. So how do you obtain these
    credits? EASY. It is a simple step by step process. * REMINDER* 1,500 Army Credits for the Armies Bank! NOT Per Person.

    1st: Go to Xbox.com or Sign on Xbox Live
    2nd: Message the gamertag RazVICI0US (with a Zero as the O)
    3rd: The Message must say: I WANT TEH CREDITS

    That is it, oh wait.. there is a catch.. I must receive 40 Messages from 40 different members of Forerunner Conflict that are in an ARMY! So Field Marshals, I suggest you spread the word to your foot soldiers to send me that message within 24 Hours, or NO Army will receive the Stimulus Package. BOTH Armies will receive this package if I get 40 Messages from 40 different people in 24 Hours. Happy Messaging! And Good Luck to both Armies!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Army Stimulus Package started by RaZ Vicious View original post
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