• Battle Results (09/18/11) #08

    Both armies had a decent turnout, and things went rather smoothly. Not the best we've had, but definitely not the worst. Hope everybody had fun!

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    FC:Rev Titan Park v2

    Game 01: Violent by Design vs 2nd Assault - Conflict = REDD Win : 209-79
    Game 02: 21st Degree vs Nightmare - Hill 30 = BLUE Win: 367-301
    Game 03: 105th ODSTs vs Scarecrow - Capture the Flag = BLUE Win : 14-0
    Game 04: Foxtrot vs Ice - Conflict = BLUE Win: 144-126
    Game 05: 2nd Assault vs REDD Mix - Sabotage = BLUE Win: 3 -0
    Game 06: 21st Degree vs Violent by Design - Conflict = BLUE Win : 135-128
    Game 07: Nightmare vs Foxtrot - Hill 30 = REDD Win: 402-312
    Game 08: 105th ODSTs vs Ice - Capture the Flag = BLUE Win: 6-1
    Game 09: BLUE Mix vs Scarecrow - Oddbomb = BLUE Win: 439- 191
    Game 10: 21st Degree vs REDD Mix - Hill 30 = BLUE Win: 820-12

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    FC:Rev Zealot v1

    Game 01: Violent by Design vs Foxtrot - Conflict = REDD Win : 144-58
    Game 02: Nightmare vs 2nd Assault - Conflict = REDD Win: 137-98
    Game 03: 21st Degree vs Nightmare - Conflict = BLUE Win: 131-84
    Game 04: Violent by Design vs Zulu - Capture the Flag = REDD Win : 4-3
    Game 05: 105th ODSTs vs Ice - Conflict = BLUE Win: 142-97
    Game 06: 105th ODSTs vs Dreadrogues - Conflict = BLUE Win: 130-65
    Game 07: REDD Mix vs BLUE Mix - Conquest 3-Plot = REDD Win: 1357-640
    Game 08: 2nd Assualt vs Scarecrow - Sabotage = Tie: 3-3
    Game 09: 21st Degree vs Nightmare - Conflict = BLUE Win: 100-83
    Game 10: BLUE Mix vs REDD Mix - Conflict = BLUE Win: 119-76
    Game 11: Violent by Design vs 105th ODSTs - Conflict = REDD Win : 171-87
    Game 12: Zulu vs Dreadrogues - Conflict = BLUE Win: 138-66
    Game 13: 105th ODSTs vs Scarecrow - Conflict = BLUE Win: 140-91
    {Match Ends}
    Game 14: Nightmare vs BLUE Mix - Capture the Flag = REDD Win : 8-4
    Game 15: 21st Degree vs REDD Mix - Conflict = BLUE Win: 150-80

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    21st Degree: 6-0
    105th ODSTs: 5-1
    Violent by Design: 4-1
    Nightmare: 3-3
    BLUE Mix: 2-2
    Zulu: 1-1
    Foxtrot: 1-2
    2nd Assault: 1-2-1
    REDD Mix: 1-4
    Scarecrow: 0-3-1
    Ice: 0-3
    Dreadrogues: 0-2

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    REDD defense at Titan Park fails. BLUE assault is successful.
    Titan Park rebels! The territory is now neutral!
    BLUE defense at Zealot is successful. REDD assault is repelled.

    BLUE assault of 70 troops on Titan Park suffers 60% casualties. 30 troops remain.
    REDD defense of 240 troops on Titan Park suffers 25% casualties. 180 troops remain.
    REDD assault of 280 troops on Zealot suffers 50% casualties. 140 troops remain.
    BLUE defense of 100 troops on Zealot suffers 20% casualties. 80 troops remain.

    BLUE controls 14 maps 140 troops are placed on Jackal Creek.
    REDD controls 9 maps. 90 troops are placed on Hemorrhage.

    30 BLUE troops retreat from Titan Park to Cardinal.
    180 REDD troops retreat from Titan Park to Spire.
    80 BLUE troops consolidate Zealot.
    140 REDD troops retreat from Zealot to Viery Plaza.

    BLUE earns 9,400 cR for a total of 17,250 cR.
    REDD earns 6,540 cR for a total of 18,120 cR.

    Check the Statbook for more details !

    Good game to everyone, and KEEP IT CLEAN!

    Attacks must be submitted before 11:59 PM EST Tuesday!
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