• FC Update! What Happened?

    ^ No Pun intended

    What Happened to REDD?

    What happened? Well the past 24 hours have been somewhat crazy. I will not joke around and say that I and the rest of the War-Council were surprised when most of the REDD High Command just resigned on the spot. Most of you are probably wondering why they did that. Well, I gathered some intel, and came up with the reason why.

    It goes without saying that we know that each army is different in terms of skill and organization. We understand that, and the REDD demanded some action to help. So the War-Council decided to step in and take a look. We have a somewhat of a low member base, and REDD needed a few skilled players from blue to help with the balancing issues, but it seems a bit more complicated then that.

    At any rate, the Former Field Marshal and High Command of REDD felt unhappy with our progress. We had a time limit to achieve this, and we were in the process of contacting a few BLUE soldiers to lend their support, and transfer over to REDD. However, REDD was not aware of what we were doing for them. This is a classic example of mis-communication, and mis-understanding. Because they felt nothing was getting accomplished in their eyes, they decided to resign from their rankings in order for us to make a more quick decision. So now what?

    The Future of REDD and the Battles

    After they resigned, the war-council came up with a fast solution to make sure that we continue the fight for Reach. We decided to make Mythonian the new REDD Field Marshal until they are reorganized and settled down from what has recently occurred. Currently, things are going well, in fact I am even optimistic. Myth will remain our war-director, but I am already searching for a replacement in a neutral stand point. So If you are willing to help as a neutral war-director, send me a Private Message, and I will give you a full description of the job.

    Until then, I will receive all the attack plans from both REDD and BLUE, and forward them to mythonian to post. I will have a copy of the attack plans, to insure that no bias decisions or attacks are made. Essentially, the 2 Field Marshals of each army will once again work together to set up battles nights again (like the old days)

    Battles will continue as planned. After re-collecting our thoughts and contacting people, things are looking good. Just a minor set-back, and everything is being handled.

    Thank You all for your patience, and I hope this gives you some more understanding on the situation.

    On a side note, I miss playing with the community, so don't be afraid to send me a party invite, or game invite to play some random games with you guys. I feel out of touch with the core members, and I wanna re connect with all of you. So help me make that happen.

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