• FC:Rec4.11 Attack Plans (04/13/14)


    REDD Attacks Ragnarok (8v8 Sym)

    Sorry for the late attack plans.

    Capital Battles work a bit differently from normal Battles. Instead of needing a specific number of wins, the gametypes are grouped into "sets" and to win the Battle your army needs to win 4 out of the 7 gametype sets.

    Here's a summary:
    4.3 A Capital Battle will be best 4 of 7 gametype sets (best of 3 games each):
    Set 1: Conflict
    Set 2: Extraction
    Set 3: Asset
    Set 4: Liberation
    Set 5: Occupation
    Set 6: Lockdown
    Set 7: Ricochet
    4.4 Each set of gametypes is worth a single point. Once a faction wins 2 of the 3 games within the set, they get the point for that set. Once an army claims 4 of the 7 possible points, they are declared the victors of the Capital Battle.
    4.5 If any sets have tied games, the set will go to the faction with the most wins within that set. If neither army has more wins than the other, the set is considered a tied set, and if need be the result of the High Command Battle will determine the winner of that set.
    4.6 If a Faction is able to capture the opposing Capital, then that Faction is declared victorious and the war ends.

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    The Battle will begin on Sunday, April 13th, 2014, at 6:00 PM EST. Be there.
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