Conversation Between Blackhawk570 and UNLUCKY NUM13ER

89 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ok I actually have a lil free time on my hands. I'm going to assume you didn't already do tempest and begin working on those myself. Skype me if you already did.
  2. Hey I'm sorry to do this but I wasn't able to get to the assignments last night and I'm going to be really busy over the next few days. I'm not sure if I can do them. I will try if I can but I can't make any promises. If you do get around to them though please let me know asap so that I don't do them as well.
  3. Yea I can do them. Im at work now but I can do then tonight when I get home.
  4. Hey UNLUCKY Max was away last week and he was not able to get his games done for the statbook for 6/10/12. I am going to be doing games 7-10 on Breakpoint and I was wondering if you could do games 1-2 on Tempest. Depending on when you get this I will be already starting 7-10 on breakpoint and might move to games 1-2 on Tempest, but I will let you know if I do
  5. Happy fricken birthday! Good luck in the FM race
  6. I have no problem switching to BLUE (one day), but not until I get REDD it's first victory on Reach.
  7. Want to come Blue?
  8. Got it, assignment complete.
  9. Try it again later. Sometimes waypoint acts up on one of the games. If it still doesnt work talk to Myth.
  10. Hey so uh I can't access the Combat stats page for one of the games I was assigned.....any ideas of what i can do?
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 89
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