Conversation Between Mythonian and Nocte

39 Visitor Messages

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  1. Can you put up the vBookies?
  2. As long as you have 13 maps and at least 1 map touching their Capital, you are allowed to make an assault. (as long as you have enough troops, etc.)
  3. So out of the 13 maps you need to capture before assaulting the capital. Three of them do not have to be the surrounding maps.
  4. Very well, thank you once again.
  5. I'll stop as soon as Mededust finishes his map. Until then, I will be posting that one publicly as a placeholder.
  6. Ya just gotta make me feel like a dick don't ya... Ya it looks better, but I'll still keep the one up top. Yours will still be on the bottom, where you posted it though. I like the look of the blank map better. The only reason why I'm denying this is because I don't want you to make a new map like that every week >.> Because if I do it I'll look retarded...
  7. Is that better? (I forgot to remove the background before uploading)

    Yes, Mededust is making one, but I don't know when he'll be finished.
  8. I greatly appreciate the war-map you sent me with all of my troop placements, but the older one looks so much more cleaner. However I will keep yours where it is incase we have anyone who can't place mental images and numbers ^.^ Oh and will Mede be making a new war-map?
  9. Go to and check your messages.
  10. I can't I'm not home.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 39
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