Conversation Between Salvanous and Blackhawk570

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. Wed, Fri, Sat. All at 9:00 PM EST
  2. Hey sal what times are your practices and on which days?
  3. He is BLUE, there was just a bit of lag.

    Is Zeke2567 in Blue because in the game above it says he is on the REDD team, but Blue team is down a guy and I was thinking maybe he lagged out or something that caused him to be on REDD.
  5. I can help you next week. Right now I am in finals and I won't take any more work than I already have, but I will be able to help after this week is over.

    Just send me a PM reminding me about it next week so I don't forget.
  6. Are you interested in the statbook again? We are kind of down on members.
  7. yo-yos are toys man
  8. Don't worry about Fuzzy because he can only play once a Month EDIT: Fixed James
  9. Can you please check to make sure the contributors page is correct, just want to make sure. Found an error with James 05 SII, if you can take a look at it if I am still on or sometime and tell me what is up that would be good, I input his stats but they don't add up. And can't find Fuzzy's profile to allocate his points.
  10. trying to find you on STATbook to talk, I'll stick around REDD Stats.
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