Conversation Between VerbotenDonkey and UNLUCKY NUM13ER

52 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ill talk to him.
  2. So I processed InvisibleSnit from BLUE to REDD, would you like to take him into REDWATCH with ReiBear? Or should I send him to AB?
  3. LOLOL sorry I'll fix that now, im not as good with the admin as myth or others XD. I'll fix it, and I've spoken with Zonga about doing overwatch for REDWATCH he seems fine with doing it. If you could talk with him and let him know how you'd like things done I'm sure he'd have a better idea of what to do.
  4. So does me having two user groups mean I can keep my old job and do the Brigs work too? :o
  5. Alright well if now works I'm free, other than that any day before 7pm EST I should be available.
  6. 10-4. Skype works best for me too.
  7. Hey Donkey, I would like to speak with you about your future plans for FC as soon as possible. Preferably before the RRC on monday. Skype would be preferred but xbox is ok too.
  8. Absolutely xD That's the one that I wanted all along! xDD
  9. Did you want the game where you guys lost by 1 point? O.o
  10. it's alright, we'll see how many people show up to the meeting, I know garg is doing a project with Panic on skype so he won't be there either. I really only have 1 thing to discuss anyways.
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