Conversation Between Anarchy and Salvanous

42 Visitor Messages

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  1. y u leave us on halo? D:
  2. I'm giving Lloyd a field promotion to Sergeant. That grants him access to all officer meetings, and makes him qualified to do anything an NCO normally does. I'll inform him as well. We will discuss his final rank tomorrow.
  3. Kuhblam confirmed it over the last officer meeting.
  4. When was clear promoted to 1st Lt?
  5. bigclay11 is also listed on both yours and totes' roster. Any insight on that?
  6. Thanks, I knew abut that and though I had fixed that yesterday. ><

    Of course I was running on dead batteries Thursday And somewhat today.
  7. Sataxus was promoted to CPL on the promotions list. Changed it for you.
  8. Fixed the roster, was never told about Wolf, and to my knowledge no one needs to be added in, though you can correct me if you see an absence in the roster. I need sleep..... talk to you tomorrow sometime...
  9. I noticed you updated your roster. However, it's not correctly updated. Best think about it more. Some of those privates played this Sunday and need to be PFC, Wolfpack went REDD, and some other promotions aren't added in. We need to be precise now, we don't have rank images so these rosters need to be well thought out and thoroughly updated.
  10. also don't worry, I did PM all of the new members telling them they were in Ascension so they know.
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