Conversation Between UNLUCKY NUM13ER and VerbotenDonkey

52 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey UNLUCKY, I can't make the meeting tonight. Grandfather is getting out of Cataract surgery and I'm visiting him tonight. I haven't forgotten about our homework though :P
  2. Thought it was tomorrow?
  3. Skype HC meeting?
  4. haha you're probably right however I think people will catch on
  5. Hahaha I laughed so hard when I saw it, I was surprised. Only the three of us will get it xD
  6. I Know right?! Took Cody a while but TOTALLY worth it.
  8. Haha I should've guessed, it looks good.
  9. Dr K.
  10. Who did your sig?
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 52
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