Conversation Between Mythonian and VerbotenDonkey

69 Visitor Messages

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  1. Just curious, does my yahoomail work? Because I'm currently logged into Google through that. Or are they totally separate?
  2. Okay. I'll need your email/GoogleDocs Account in order to give you permission to edit the Statbook.
  3. Oh, cool beans. Guess it's somewhere in the subtabs, I haven't had a good look at the Googledoc yet

    Either way, I can probably start this Sunday if you need some help.
  4. Stats aren't updated by person, but by game played. For example, I might assign someone "Oct-09, Viery Plaza, games 1-5" or something, and they do the stats for everybody in that game.

    There is a log of every game completed and who did them.
  5. Oh, well if I can do it all throughout the week then it's fine xD I thought it had to be done by Sunday. But is there anyway to tell if a person's stats has been updated already? Because say you updated a persons stats on Sunday, but then I go do it on Monday, is there a "lastly updated" announcement or something?
  6. It isn't something that requires you to put a lot of time into it. Even 1 hour a week is more than most of the volunteers do... xD
  7. Alright Ill consider it, not sure how active I can be with it. Ill talk to Blackhawk about it later.
  8. Blackhawk, Fuzzy, or Max can give you details about the process, but basically you're inputting the kills, assists, and deaths from the players in a few games.

    It isn't difficult, but it can be time consuming sometimes.
  9. Hey Myth, what would helping out with the Statbook include? Blackhawk got me interested, as I was before, but I can't promise I can do it every week because I'm doing some major college work. Is there any way I could just stick with a few people, or perhaps just a few games from the first map played?
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