Conversation Between Blackhawk570 and UNLUCKY NUM13ER

89 Visitor Messages

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  1. Look at the Statbook chat xD I have been trying to talk to you
  2. How do I add a new member to the Satbook?
  3. Ahh Myth just reposted your games from last week so you dont have anymore games to do for the month
  4. Go all the way to the left side of the doc and there are numbers. Right click on the number and add row above or below depending on which one you clicked on
  5. Hey I have a problem with 1 of my games, 2 REDD players slots for last week are full, how do I add another row to add in the stats?
  6. Yeah that is fine with me
  7. Tonight would be best, I should be home around 9 eastern. Would you like to im over statbook or xbox live party chat?
  8. When would like me to show you How to Statbook?
  9. Message Myth about your interest in the Statbook he lost your pm when the forums was hacked
Showing Visitor Messages 81 to 89 of 89
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