Conversation Between Project X A02 and UNLUCKY NUM13ER

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ignore that last pm sent by me I found what I was looking for!
  2. Hey Project, can you send me the numbers of headshots for the Firesnakes who have submitted them to you? And then continue to keep asking those who havnt submitted them for their records. I need to figure out who is or isn't interested in the challenge.
  3. Not yet, I'll let you know when I do.
  4. Ever get a hold of Sgt. Catatrophe?
  5. Copy that, maybe you could try best buy or gamestop? just a thought. God Bless
  6. Change of plans on buying a new mic, I stopped by a Radio Shack on the way to work and the only mics they had were Turtle Beaches. I didn't feel like spending so much on a mic (Maybe after I file my taxes) but that's that. As long as lil Project plays with me on Sunday I should still be able to hear you. That is all take care and God Bless!
  7. Oh and bring Kielbasa up to speed on the competition too!
  8. Firesnakes, be sure to add him to your roster. Also be sure to get the number of headshots from all of the squad members who showed up yesterday and give me the numbers
  9. Hey Unlucky, what squad is TeamKabasa (I know I spelled his name wrong) on?
  10. Yea show up when you can and bring your squad. I have a METEOR meeting later on in the day but I basically want to talk strategy for the war (which was postponed till the 15th :P) and do a Platoon meet n greet, cause now we're up to 4 squads! Thats about it, Hopefully ill catch u at the Firesnake practice this wens.

    Take care Project & Gob Bless.
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