Conversation Between Fuzzy and SuRroundeD By 1

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey Fuzzy, no big deal or anything, but on the Ranks roster for REDD when you listen my name, you didn't capitalize the last D haha, it's SuRroundeD not SuRrounded.
  2. Yo Fuzzy . . . I'm bad at doing internetz stuff, but uh . . . how do I add awards to my sig? Actually, my first question is how do I figure out which awards apply to me?
  3. I'm disappointed in you Fuzzy! No meme with Admiral Akbar? Tsk tsk tsk your losing it man.

    Don't worry, I already gave Blackhawk his reply.
  4. Don't listen to Blackhawk, its a trap!
  5. Hey fuzzy, it's my brothers birthday today and I'll be away. I might make a game or two if it's still going on at 8 but it's highly unlikely.

    Thanks man, and I should be more active after school ends in three weeks, that's what was keeping me down last week was school work.
  6. Don't listen to a single think Ireland says . . . He lies
  7. Yo Fuzzy, is that practice battlenight still going on today? Your not online so I can't tell . . .
  8. Hey Fuzzy, I'm just here to ask about ranks. I was a 1stSgt and Ireland Wolf (VKing NothingV) wanted me to make sure that he was still a Warrant Officer. Thanks
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
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