Conversation Between Oxide and Coda

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Really? That's odd. For me, I'm always imacoda. my GT is imacoda. But with FC, since I'd rather go by "Coda", i made that my FC username. But in my sig, I make sure people know my GT because there can sometimes be confusion. And imacoda is almost never taken.
  2. I wish! It's usually unavailaible.
  3. That's kind of cool. I was just wondering. I'm pretty good at chem. I don't have much experience with it. I just thought oxide was a unique name.
  4. More or less. Very first gamertag (back when H2 was released) was Decarboxylase (an enzyme). I had to create another account, went for Oxidorecutase (another enzyme). My now go-to name Oxide originally comes from there, but I have other variations for when its not available.

    Why ask? Were you thinking about something specific?
  5. Welcome to FC and REDD.
    I'm wondering where you got the idea for your name? Is there any meaning behind it?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
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