Conversation Between Scarekro and OzzyIzSick

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Understood.
  2. I've been requested to appoint you XO of Second Platoon, November Company. You can get in touch with Shenmue and see if he has anything for you.
  3. Even then, I dunno what you could do. Unless you could bring in a bunch of members that have had experience leading squads to do that for me, I have nothing at the moment. But I'll keep you posted. Something may come up.
  4. Temporary in terms of, until REDD is able to stand again. However long that takes. I cant just leave while redd's on its knees
  5. Well, if your return is only temporary, I'm not sure what there is for you to do. I'm badly in need of squad COs, but that's something we'll get over time.
  6. Wad up. Tell me what you need.
  7. PFC SHAyPES, EpicVampire, and King Pwninater are actually in SCARECROW. Have been for a while. So you may wanna remove them from HADES and ARES. Haha.
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