Conversation Between MedeDust and Syfe

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah thats what I meant by forum size I cant really fix that. The admins can. For now just drag the image to the search bar for full size.
  2. Forum size?

    I was referring to actually having the Warmap, touch the boundaries of the forum page; resulting in a slightly larger default display.

    Just a thought...

    Thanks, bud.
  3. Do you mean the full size Warmap or the forum size?
  4. I'm sure you've had this question asked before:

    Would it be possible to make the Warmap slightly bigger...perhaps the width of the page itself?

    Kilo Company really likes the layout.

    Thanks, bud.
  5. That is one sweet looking Warmap you put together for us all.

    Kilo Company absolutely loves it.

    Excellent work!

    Thanks, bud.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
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