Conversation Between Syfe and Navarro0507

65 Visitor Messages

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  1. Good Morning,

    You might want to edit certain posts you've made recently, with the proper closing; Lieutenant.

    We'll talk later.

    Thanks, bud.

    P.S. Check the R.E.D.D. CoC...
  2. Rog... Well talk later as per what projects you want me to tackle...

    P.S. I got your back
  3. I saw.

    Good stuff.

    Thanks, bud.

    P.S. Now you got some rank on your collar.
  4. Done sir.
  5. Whenever you get a chance, make a formal introduction and announcement; in the Kilo Company Barracks.

    We have ourselves a new Company Executive Officer.

    It's time to make some moves...

    First off, your Boot Camp is

    Second, kill the FNG mode; LT.

    Thirdly, don't kill 'em all on day one; brother.

    Lastly, you're the best candidate for the job. Period.

    Thanks, bud.

    P.S. We'll talk "rank" tonight.

    P.S.S. I
    still got you covered.
  6. WHAT?!? A pleseant suprise... it's an honor working with you brother... Much appreciated! See you later...
  7. Your rank and status have been updated within the R.E.D.D. faction.

    You're hereby promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant.

    You've been designated as Company Executive Officer.

    Congratulations and welcome to Kilo Company!

    P.S. We'll cover details later on.
  8. A new chapter has been added... Let me know what you think so far brother...
  9. You know for a fact I'll be watching that replay...

    Good Shit!
  10. Yo brother... I added that double assassination we got in that one match on to the fileshare... I figured you might like to relive my first matchmaking assassination, followed by yo assassinating the poor unfortunate that attempted to flank
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 65
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