Conversation Between ChillSquishster and bazongaman502

7 Visitor Messages

  1. mhm... like how i also predicted that Vince was going to force a Money in the bank winner to cash their contract in??? lol

    love the kiss goodbye by punk though lol

  2. I think what we wanted came true last night on RAW. Vince fired and HHH taking over? I think with him in charge it could defiantely start the attitude era again
  3. sucks he got fired, he was the funniest one of them all
  4. lmao! I watched that video and was laughing so hard the entire time. I remember seeing that too

  5. HAHA!!!
  6. predictions for Money in the Bank are posted
  7. check this out if you missed RAW on 6/27/2011
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
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