Conversation Between Fuzzy and Yehsus

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Regardless, your lawn will be urinated on.
  2. You shall NEVER get Admin! muhahaha
  3. You definitely should, they seemed to be fairly respectable and decently skilled players, it could help in terms of balancing. But REDD would still kick your butt nonetheless...
  4. Oh Jeeze theres alot to tell. Thinking about bringing them into FC for Halo 4 just so we can all gossip......and dominate REDD :P
  5. Yea, it was a interesting coincidence. We asked if they knew you and they told us some juicy secrets about you! :P
  6. I heard you ran into Northwest and some OcR people recently :P
  7. Good war and great games.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
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