Conversation Between One Diamond and VerbotenDonkey

6 Visitor Messages

  1. You're more than welcome to join myself and Juggs in REDWATCH. But you'll have to decide cause it looks like you're already BLUE bud xD
  2. What am I suppose to say? "Yeah he'll be in both Factions." xD Join REDD and then it's a deal.

    I'll add you when I get on tonight. Doing college work now.
  3. What am I suppose to say? "Yeah he'll be in both Factions." xD Join REDD and then it's a deal.

    I'll add you when I get on tonight. Doing college work now.
  4. You probably know that nothing will happen, right? xD
  5. Or you can enlist in both Factions. That's something else too.
  6. You've failed me One D.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
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