Conversation Between UNLUCKY NUM13ER and Mythonian

64 Visitor Messages

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  1. just a reminder if we need more war bonds feel free to take 3,500 vCash from my bank account
  2. Given.
  3. Thanks! Can I get my bronze vcash hog ribbon now?
  4. *cough*

    Not yet. xD

    I forgot about it and was instead putting together that stuff about Halo 4... lol

    I should have time tonight, though... -.-

    If I don't do it tonight, bug me about it until I get it done.
  5. Hey not trying to be a pain or anything...........but are you ever gonna get around to giving out the vcash from the Top 10?
  6. Are we doing a HC meeting today?
  7. Okay, sounds good.
  8. Field Marshall,
    I took Captain Panic through the Boot Camp map and showed him how to run them on his own. I've given him the green light to run his own camps from now on.
  9. Yup. All vCash will be given out sometime tonight.
  10. Hey Myth the top 10 looks great, it's nice to see some Firesnake Vets making some of the lists .
    Anyways I noticed I made a whopping 10k vCash for helping with the stats(wow). When you get around to handing that out do you think I could get a bronze vCash ribbon as well?
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 64
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