Conversation Between VerbotenDonkey and Puba

62 Visitor Messages

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  1. Same here . I am really sick . Well good night sir.
  2. Yes I did, I just have a migraine right now.
  3. Did you get my report sir?
  4. Fire away.
  5. could you clear your inbox? thanks
  6. Ok thank you
  7. UNLUCKY NUMB13ER. Give him reasons you see them fit for the position, then he'll give his views, etc up the chain of command.
  8. I apologize . Who should I contact for promotions? Them two are fire team leaders and I was told that Sargent was the rank to give them
  9. I noticed you promoted two soldiers to Sergeant. As a Master Sergeant, you do not have such abilities. If you wish for their promotions, please contact your direct superiors with a list of promotions as well as reasons for such promotions. Thank you, and best of luck to Fox Legion in the upcoming War.
  10. Is KrazyTaco with you guys? Just wondering, dividing Squads up.
Showing Visitor Messages 51 to 60 of 62
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